# DBLP for Sublime Text A plugin for SublimeText 3 for working with [DBLP][dblp], the Computer Science Bibliography. DBLP for Sublime Text can be installed directly using [Package Control][pc]. ## Features The plugin offers the following commands (available from the Command Palette). ### DBLP: Lookup It asks the user for a query and searches DBLP for papers matching it. Then a quick panel is displayed with the results. When a result is selected, a panel at the bottom shows the corresponding entry (in Markdown syntax). ### DBLP: Insert Citation Key After doing a lookup, the citation key of the selected entry is inserted in the current view. ### DBLP: Insert `\cite` Command After doing a lookup, the citation key of the selected entry is inserted in the current view, wrapped in a `\cite` macro. For use with LaTeX documents. ### DBLP: Insert Citation Entry (BibTeX) After doing a lookup, the full citation *entry* of the selected record is inserted in the current view, in BibTeX format. ### DBLP: Insert Citation Entry (Markdown) After doing a lookup, the full citation *entry* of the selected record is inserted in the current view, in Markdown format. ### DBLP: Insert Citation Entry (XML) After doing a lookup, the full citation *entry* of the selected record is inserted in the current view, in XML format. ## Shortcuts You can install a keyboard shortcut by adding variations of the following { "keys": ["ctrl+d", "ctrl+k"], "command": "dblp_search", "context": [ {"key": "selector", "operand": "text.tex.latex", "operator": "equal"} ] }, { "keys": ["ctrl+d", "ctrl+c"], "command": "dblp_insert_citation", "args": {"format": "bibtex"}, "context": [ {"key": "selector", "operand": "text.bibtex", "operator": "equal"} ] }, { "keys": ["ctrl+d", "ctrl+c"], "command": "dblp_insert_citation", "args": {"format": "xml"}, "context": [ {"key": "selector", "operand": "text.xml", "operator": "equal"} ] } to your user key bindings. ## Advanced usage The `dblp_search` offers two additional arguments: * `query_snippet`: the snippet initially filling the input panel for the search query (can be a ST snippet); * `query`: the query itself. If this argument is specified, no input is asked to the user and the search is performed straight away; * `max_hits`: the maximum number of results shown in the quick panel (default 500). The `dblp_insert_citation` offers advanced arguments: * `query_snippet`, `query` and `max_hits` as above; * `format`: the format for the citation (default `bibtex`). It could be any of: - the DBLP provided `bibtex`, `bibtex_std`, `bibtex_crossref`, `bib0`, `bib1`, `bib2`, `xml`, `rdf` - `markdown` - a custom format for which you have to set the template argument (see below). * `template`: a template string using any of the fields `key`, `cite_key`, `title`, `year`, `venue`, `authors` and `url`. This is only used if the format is not one of the DBLP supported ones. The default template is a Markdown entry: # ${title} > ${authors} ${venue} (${year}) [${key}](${url}) This plugin can be used in conjunction with [rDBLP][rdblp] to automatically maintain your bib files for your current publication. ## Acknowledgements This plugin is a fork of the [DBLP Search](https://github.com/grundprinzip/sublime-dblp) plugin for ST2, but it evolved as a complete rewrite. - - - > The DBLP service provides open bibliographic information on major computer science journals and proceedings. DBLP is a joint service of the [University of Trier][trier] and [Schloss Dagstuhl][dagstuhl]. For more information check out their [F.A.Q](http://dblp.dagstuhl.de/faq/). - - - [dblp]: http://dblp.org [rdblp]: https://github.com/grundprinzip/dblp [pc]: http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control [trier]: http://www.uni-trier.de/?L=2 [dagstuhl]: http://www.dagstuhl.de/en