[][naomi] [][watchers] [][stars] [][issues] [][pulls] [][forks] [][naomi] [][sublime] [][naomi] [][naomi] [](#contributors) [][package-control] Enhanced syntax definitions for Sublime Text 3. [][naomi] ## What’s included ### Color Schemes * Candyman; ### Syntaxes * CSS 3+; * JavaScript; * [Stage 0-3 proposals](//github.com/tc39/proposals); * [Node globals](//nodejs.org/api/globals.html); * [Jest globals](//facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/api.html); * [Flow](//flow.org); * [JSX](//reactjs.org/docs/introducing-jsx.html) with complete support for [Emmet](//github.com/sergeche/emmet-sublime); * HTML 5+; * MQL4 (Updating); * Jest Snapshot; * PHP 7+ (Updating); * SCSS (Updating); ### Enhanced Go To Symbol * **Windows or Linux**: `Ctrl+R`; * **OSX**: `⌘ + R`; [][naomi] ### OSX’s curly quotes for Windows and Linux * `Alt+[` produces “. * `Alt+Shift+[` produces ”. * `Alt+]` produces ‘. * `Alt+Shift+]` produces ’. ### Other enhancements * JS/JSX comment toggle; * Pressing enter between `()`, `[]`, `""`, `''` and ``` `` ``` will have the same behavior as `{}`; ## Installation #### Manual installation Clone the repository in your Sublime Text “Packages” directory: git clone https://github.com/borela/naomi.git Naomi The “Packages” directory is located at: * **OS X**: `~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages` * **Linux**: `~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages` * **Windows**: `%APPDATA%\Sublime Text 3\Packages` #### Installing using Package Control 1. Install [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/installation). 2. Run **Package Control: Install Package** command. 3. Find and install the **Naomi** plugin. 4. Restart Sublime Text. ## Usage After installing the plugin and restarting Sublime, it will automatically use the syntaxes contained in this package. You can also set them manually through: 1. Go to the “View” menu; 2. Then “Syntax”; 3. Finally “Naomi”; Or: 1. Click at the bottom right corner where it shows the current syntax; 2. Then “Naomi”. ## Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji legend][emoji-legend]):