# Changelog [jet](https://github.com/borkdude/jet): CLI to transform between JSON, EDN, YAML and Transit using Clojure. ## 0.7.27 (2023-08-02) - [#137](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/137): Added missing functions from clojure v1.11: `update-keys`, `update-vals`, `parse-long`, `parse-double`, `parse-boolean` and `parse-uuid` - [#148](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/148): restore default EDN `tagged-literal` data reader - [#143](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/143): Add named cases for convenience to the --keywordize / -k switch: `key-fn | :kebab-case | :snake_case | :PascalCase | :camelCase | :Camel_Snake_Case | :SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE | :HTTP-Header-Case` ## 0.6.26 (2023-07-03) - [#134](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/134): From YAML, `--keywordize []` now uses the provided `key-fn`. ## 0.5.25 (2023-04-26) - [#130](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/130): `--no-commas` option strips commas from EDN. Only works with uncolored output. ## 0.4.24 (2023-04-09) - [#127](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/127): support linux aarch64 binary ## 0.4.23 (2023-01-27) - [#123](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/123): Add `base64/encode` and `base64/decode` - Add `jet/paths` and `jet/when-pred` - Deprecate interactive mode - Deprecate `--query` in favor of `--thread-last`, `--thread-first` or `--func` ## 0.3.21 (2022-10-28) - [#74](https://github.com/borkdude/jet/issues/74): Add yaml support ([@qdzo](https://github.com/qdzo)) ## 0.2.20 (2022-06-17) - Make suitable as clj tool ## 0.2.19 (2022-06-17) - Migrate CLI to [babashka CLI](https://github.com/babashka/cli) - Introduce `jet.main/exec` which can be called as clojure CLI exec fn ## 0.2.18 (2022-06-16) - Provide macOS `aarch64` binary - Reverse `--pretty` to `--no-pretty`: pretty printing is now done by default - Introduce colored output when pretty-printing. Defaults to `--colors auto` which only prints colors when connected to terminal. Toggle manually with `--colors true` or `--colors false`. - Integrate [specter](https://github.com/redplanetlabs/specter) - Introduce `--thread-last` and `--thread-first` ## 0.1.1 - Compile linux binary as static with musl ## 0.1.0 - Allow keywordize fn to access all available conversion functions from camel-snake-kebab lib. e.g. `csk/->PascalCase` ## 0.0.15 - Add short options: `-q` for `--query`, `-c` for `--collect` ([@dotemacs](https://github.com/dotemacs)) - Add tests for option parsing ([@dotemacs](https://github.com/dotemacs)) - The `-f` / `--func` option can now read from a file ([@dotemacs](https://github.com/dotemacs)) ## 0.0.14 - Add short options: `-i` (input) for `--from`, `-o` (output) for `--to` - Add `--func` / `-f` option for executing function over input - Use `{:default tagged-literal}` as default data reader options when none is provided - Upgrade GraalVM to 21.0.0 - Upgrade sci to 0.2.4