#!/usr/bin/env perl $c = shift @ARGV; $p = shift @ARGV; if ($p == '') { print "Syntax: docker-expose CONTAINER PORT\n"; print " where CONTAINER is the name/id of a container EXPOSEing ports\n"; print " and PORT is the port to expose.\n"; print " The port will be bound to on the docker host.\n"; exit; } $name = join('_', 'expose', $p, 'on', $c); $cmd = "docker run -d --name '$name' --link $c:exposeme -p $p:$p bortels/socat -dddd TCP-LISTEN:$p,reuseaddr,fork TCP:exposeme:$p"; print $cmd . "\n"; system($cmd); print "Exposed port $p on container $c using $name\n";