import dotenv from "dotenv" import ejs from "ejs" import glob from "fast-glob" import gitCommitInfo from "git-commit-info" import { execSync } from "node:child_process" import fs from "node:fs" import path from "node:path" import readline from "node:readline" import url from "node:url" /*global process, fetch, console*/ const filename = url.fileURLToPath(import.meta.url) const dirname = path.dirname(filename) const rootDir = path.join(dirname, "..") dotenv.config({ path: path.join(rootDir, ".env"), }) const compatibility = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(path.join(rootDir, "compatibility.json"), "utf-8"), ) const warnings = [] function clearLastLine() { readline.clearLine(process.stdout, 0) readline.cursorTo(process.stdout, 0) } async function _checkUpdater() { process.stdout.write("Checking for updater updates...") const remote = await fetch( "", ).then((res) => res.text()) const local = await fs.promises.readFile(filename, "utf8") if (remote !== local) { clearLastLine() process.stdout.write("⚠️ Updater is outdated, updating...") await fs.promises.writeFile(filename, remote, "utf8") clearLastLine() console.log("✅ Updated updater") execSync(process.argv.join(" "), { cwd: rootDir, stdio: "inherit" }) process.exit(0) } else { clearLastLine() console.log("✅ Updater is up to date") } } async function _cleanTemp() { const tempPath = path.join(rootDir, "temp") if (fs.existsSync(tempPath)) { fs.rmSync(tempPath, { recursive: true, force: true }) } console.log("✅ Cleaned update files") } function _downloadTemp() { process.stdout.write("Downloading files...") execSync("git clone temp", { cwd: rootDir, stdio: "ignore", }) clearLastLine() console.log("✅ Downloaded update files") } async function _overrideNativeFiles() { process.stdout.write("Installing new files...") const files = [ "temp/src/core/*.ts", "temp/**/*.native.ts", "temp/src/index.ts", "temp/src/index.test.ts", "temp/.gitattributes", "temp/.gitignore", "temp/Dockerfile", "temp/compose.yml", "temp/compatibility.json", "temp/eslint.config.mjs", "temp/rollup.config.mjs", "temp/.template.env", "temp/tsconfig.json", "temp/scripts/*.js", "temp/templates/*", "!temp/src/core/database.ts", ] for (const pattern of files) { const matches = glob.sync(pattern, { cwd: rootDir }) for (const file of matches) { const dest = path.join(rootDir, file.replace("temp/", "")) await fs.promises.copyFile(file, dest) } } clearLastLine() console.log("✅ Updated native files") } async function _copyConfig() { const files = glob.sync("temp/src/{config.ts,types.ts}", { cwd: rootDir }) for (const file of files) { const dest = path.join(rootDir, file.replace("temp/", "")) if (!fs.existsSync(dest)) { await fs.promises.copyFile(file, dest) } } console.log("✅ Updated config files") } async function _removeDuplicates() { const files = glob.sync("src/**/*.native.ts", { cwd: rootDir }) for (const file of files) { const dest = path.join(rootDir, file.replace(".native", "")) if (fs.existsSync(dest)) { await fs.promises.unlink(file) console.log(`✅ Keeped custom '${path.relative(rootDir, file)}'`) } } } async function _updatePackageJSON() { const localPackageJSON = JSON.parse( await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(rootDir, "package.json"), "utf8"), ) const remotePackageJSON = JSON.parse( await fs.promises.readFile( path.join(rootDir, "temp", "package.json"), "utf8", ), ) localPackageJSON.main = remotePackageJSON.main localPackageJSON.type = remotePackageJSON.type localPackageJSON.version = remotePackageJSON.version localPackageJSON.engines = remotePackageJSON.engines localPackageJSON.scripts = remotePackageJSON.scripts localPackageJSON.imports = remotePackageJSON.imports for (const baseKey of ["dependencies", "devDependencies"]) { const dependencies = localPackageJSON[baseKey] const newDependencies = remotePackageJSON[baseKey] for (const key of Object.keys(newDependencies)) { if (/^(?:sqlite3|pg|mysql2)$/.test(key)) continue if ( !dependencies.hasOwnProperty(key) || dependencies[key] !== newDependencies[key] ) { console.log( `Updated '${key}' [${dependencies[key] ? `${dependencies[key]} => ${newDependencies[key]}` : newDependencies[key]}]`, ) dependencies[key] = newDependencies[key] } } } fs.writeFileSync( path.join(rootDir, "package.json"), JSON.stringify(localPackageJSON, null, 2), "utf8", ) console.log("✅ Updated package.json") } async function _updateDependencies() { process.stdout.write( `Updating dependencies with ${process.env.PACKAGE_MANAGER}...`, ) execSync( compatibility.components["install-all"][process.env.PACKAGE_MANAGER], { cwd: rootDir, stdio: "ignore" }, ) clearLastLine() console.log("\r✅ Updated dependencies") } async function _updateDatabaseFile() { const packageJSON = JSON.parse( await fs.promises.readFile(path.join(rootDir, "package.json"), "utf8"), ) const client = ["mysql2", "sqlite3", "pg"].find( (name) => name in packageJSON.dependencies, ) const template = await fs.promises.readFile( path.join("templates", `database.ejs`), "utf8", ) await fs.promises.writeFile( path.join(rootDir, "src", "core", "database.ts"), ejs.compile(template)({ client }), "utf8", ) console.log(`✅ Updated database`) } async function _gitLog() { const newVersion = gitCommitInfo({ cwd: path.join(rootDir, "temp") }) console.log( `✅ Updated bot.ts [${newVersion.shortCommit}] ${} - ${newVersion.message}`, ) } async function _showWarnings() { for (const warning of warnings) { console.warn(`⚠️ Warning '${warning}'`) } } try { await _checkUpdater() await _cleanTemp() await _downloadTemp() await _overrideNativeFiles() await _copyConfig() await _removeDuplicates() await _updatePackageJSON() await _updateDependencies() await _updateDatabaseFile() await _gitLog() await _cleanTemp() await _showWarnings() } catch (error) { await fs.promises .rm(path.join(rootDir, "temp"), { recursive: true, force: true }) .catch(console.error) throw error } console.log("✅ Updated successfully")