--- title: "How to submit guides" categories: ["Guides","This platform"] tags: ["guides", "writing-guide","how-to-write"] description: "In this guide you'll learn about how to submit your own guides here" date: 2021-11-1 20:50:00 +0300 pin: true published: true --- # Welcome! Hey! You're probably here because you want to submit your guide to this site. And first thing I want to say: WELCOME! I'm very glad to see you there! Your work is greatly appreciated, even if this is another guide to setting up another bot. # Where can I submit? To submit your guide go to **[creating new file on this project's GitHub page](https://github.com/botcatalog/guides/new/main/_posts)** # Naming After logging in GitHub, look at the "Name your file" field ![Name Field](/assets/posts/name_field.png) Your post must have name that matches this pattern: ``YEAR-MONTH-DAY-`` (ex. ``2021-11-1-how-to-submit-guides.md``) # Post metadata You post should start with this part: ```yaml --- title: "Your post title" categories: ["Your", "post", "categories"] date: YEAR-MONTH-DAY HOUR:MINUTE:SECOND +(-)TIMEZONE tags: ["your", "post", "tags"] --- ``` Don't forget to replace placeholder with your post's actual title, categories, tags and date! Example (this post's metadata): ```yaml --- title: "How to submit guides" categories: ["Guides","This platform"] tags: ["guides", "writing-guide","how-to-write"] date: 2021-11-1 20:50:00 +0300 # +0300 - UTC+3 --- ``` # Writing content Your content is placed after your meta information. Content on this platform is written using markdown, if you're not familiar with markdown, then read [Markdown Mastering Guide](https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/) from GitHub. If you need full example, then [just look at this guide's content](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/botcatalog/guides/main/_posts/2021-11-1-how-to-submit-guides.md) # Finish > Don't forget to include link to your bot on https://top-bots.xyz (if you have one) in commit description, because your bot will **GET 25 BOOSTS FOR EVERY POST YOU WRITE!** Absolutely free! Then click on green "Purpose changes" button to submit your post Thanks for reading my guide! I wish you creativity and an interesting story!