.. _guide_configuration: Configuration ============= Overview --------- Boto3 looks at various configuration locations until it finds configuration values. Boto3 adheres to the following lookup order when searching through sources for configuration values: * A ``Config`` object that's created and passed as the ``config`` parameter when creating a client * Environment variables * The ``~/.aws/config`` file .. note:: Configurations are not wholly atomic. This means configuration values set in your AWS config file can be singularly overwritten by setting a specific environment variable or through the use of a ``Config`` object. For details about credential configuration, see the :ref:`guide_credentials` guide. Using the Config object ----------------------- This option is for configuring client-specific configurations that affect the behavior of your specific client object only. As described earlier, there are options used here that will supersede those found in other configuration locations: * ``region_name`` (string) - The AWS Region used in instantiating the client. If used, this takes precedence over environment variable and configuration file values. But it doesn't overwrite a ``region_name`` value *explicitly* passed to individual service methods. * ``signature_version`` (string) - The signature version used when signing requests. Note that the default version is Signature Version 4. If you're using a presigned URL with an expiry of greater than 7 days, you should specify Signature Version 2. * ``s3`` (related configurations; dictionary) - Amazon S3 service-specific configurations. For more information, see the `Botocore config reference `_. * ``proxies`` (dictionary) - Each entry maps a protocol name to the proxy server Boto3 should use to communicate using that protocol. See :ref:`specify_proxies` for more information. * ``proxies_config`` (dictionary) - Additional proxy configuration settings. For more information, see :ref:`configure_proxies`. * ``retries`` (dictionary) - Client retry behavior configuration options that include retry mode and maximum retry attempts. For more information, see the :ref:`guide_retries` guide. For more information about additional options, or for a complete list of options, see the `Config reference `_. To set these configuration options, create a ``Config`` object with the options you want, and then pass them into your client. .. code-block:: python import boto3 from botocore.config import Config my_config = Config( region_name = 'us-west-2', signature_version = 'v4', retries = { 'max_attempts': 10, 'mode': 'standard' } ) client = boto3.client('kinesis', config=my_config) Using proxies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ With Boto3, you can use proxies as intermediaries between your code and AWS. Proxies can provide functions such as filtering, security, firewalls, and privacy assurance. .. _specify_proxies: Specifying proxy servers '''''''''''''''''''''''' You can specify proxy servers to be used for connections when using specific protocols. The ``proxies`` option in the ``Config`` object is a dictionary in which each entry maps a protocol to the address and port number of the proxy server for that protocol. In the following example, a proxy list is set up to use ``proxy.amazon.com``, port 6502 as the proxy for all HTTP requests by default. HTTPS requests use port 2010 on ``proxy.amazon.org`` instead. .. code-block:: python import boto3 from botocore.config import Config proxy_definitions = { 'http': 'http://proxy.amazon.com:6502', 'https': 'https://proxy.amazon.org:2010' } my_config = Config( region_name='us-east-2', signature_version='v4', proxies=proxy_definitions ) client = boto3.client('kinesis', config=my_config) Alternatively, you can use the ``HTTP_PROXY`` and ``HTTPS_PROXY`` environment variables to specify proxy servers. Proxy servers specified using the ``proxies`` option in the ``Config`` object will override proxy servers specified using environment variables. .. _configure_proxies: Configuring proxies ''''''''''''''''''' You can configure how Boto3 uses proxies by specifying the ``proxies_config`` option, which is a dictionary that specifies the values of several proxy options by name. There are three keys in this dictionary: ``proxy_ca_bundle``, ``proxy_client_cert``, and ``proxy_use_forwarding_for_https``. For more information about these keys, see the `Botocore config reference `_. .. code-block:: python import boto3 from botocore.config import Config proxy_definitions = { 'http': 'http://proxy.amazon.com:6502', 'https': 'https://proxy.amazon.org:2010' } my_config = Config( region_name='us-east-2', signature_version='v4', proxies=proxy_definitions, proxies_config={ 'proxy_client_cert': '/path/of/certificate' } ) client = boto3.client('kinesis', config=my_config) With the addition of the ``proxies_config`` option shown here, the proxy will use the specified certificate file for authentication when using the HTTPS proxy. Using client context parameters ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some services have configuration settings that are specific to their clients. These settings are called client context parameters. Please refer to the ``Client Context Parameters`` section of a service client's documentation for a list of available parameters and information on how to use them. .. _configure_client_context: Configuring client context parameters ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' You can configure client context parameters by passing a dictionary of key-value pairs to the ``client_context_params`` parameter in your ``Config``. Invalid parameter values or parameters that are not modeled by the service will be ignored. .. code-block:: python import boto3 from botocore.config import Config my_config = Config( region_name='us-east-2', client_context_params={ 'my_great_context_param': 'foo' } ) client = boto3.client('kinesis', config=my_config) Boto3 does not support setting ``client_context_params`` per request. Differing configurations will require creation of a new client. Using environment variables --------------------------- You can set configuration settings using system-wide environment variables. These configurations are global and will affect all clients created unless you override them with a ``Config`` object. .. note:: Only the configuration settings listed below can be set using environment variables. ``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` The access key for your AWS account. ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` The secret key for your AWS account. ``AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`` The session key for your AWS account. This is only needed when you are using temporary credentials. The ``AWS_SECURITY_TOKEN`` environment variable can also be used, but is only supported for backward-compatibility purposes. ``AWS_SESSION_TOKEN`` is supported by multiple AWS SDKs in addition to Boto3. ``AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`` The default AWS Region to use, for example, ``us-west-1`` or ``us-west-2``. ``AWS_PROFILE`` The default profile to use, if any. If no value is specified, Boto3 attempts to search the shared credentials file and the config file for the ``default`` profile. ``AWS_CONFIG_FILE`` The location of the config file used by Boto3. By default this value is ``~/.aws/config``. You only need to set this variable if you want to change this location. ``AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE`` The location of the shared credentials file. By default this value is ``~/.aws/credentials``. You only need to set this variable if you want to change this location. ``BOTO_CONFIG`` The location of the Boto2 credentials file. This is not set by default. You only need to set this variable if you want to use credentials stored in Boto2 format in a location other than ``/etc/boto.cfg`` or ``~/.boto``. ``AWS_CA_BUNDLE`` The path to a custom certificate bundle to use when establishing SSL/TLS connections. Boto3 includes a CA bundle that it uses by default, but you can set this environment variable to use a different CA bundle. ``AWS_METADATA_SERVICE_TIMEOUT`` The number of seconds before a connection to the instance metadata service should time out. When attempting to retrieve credentials on an Amazon EC2 instance that is configured with an IAM role, a connection to the instance metadata service will time out after 1 second by default. If you know you're running on an EC2 instance with an IAM role configured, you can increase this value if needed. ``AWS_METADATA_SERVICE_NUM_ATTEMPTS`` When attempting to retrieve credentials on an Amazon EC2 instance that has been configured with an IAM role, Boto3 will make only one attempt to retrieve credentials from the instance metadata service before giving up. If you know your code will be running on an EC2 instance, you can increase this value to make Boto3 retry multiple times before giving up. ``AWS_DATA_PATH`` A list of **additional** directories to check when loading botocore data. You typically don't need to set this value. There are two built-in search paths: ``/data/`` and ``~/.aws/models``. Setting this environment variable indicates additional directories to check first before falling back to the built-in search paths. Multiple entries should be separated with the ``os.pathsep`` character, which is ``:`` on Linux and ``;`` on Windows. ``AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS`` Sets AWS STS endpoint resolution logic. See the ``sts_regional_endpoints`` configuration file section for more information on how to use this. ``AWS_MAX_ATTEMPTS`` The total number of attempts made for a single request. For more information, see the ``max_attempts`` configuration file section. ``AWS_RETRY_MODE`` Specifies the types of retries the SDK will use. For more information, see the ``retry_mode`` configuration file section. Using a configuration file -------------------------- Boto3 will also search the ``~/.aws/config`` file when looking for configuration values. You can change the location of this file by setting the ``AWS_CONFIG_FILE`` environment variable. This file is an INI-formatted file that contains at least one section: ``[default]``. You can create multiple profiles (logical groups of configuration) by creating sections named ``[profile profile-name]``. If your profile name has spaces, you need to surround this value with quotation marks: ``[profile "my profile name"]``. The following are all the config variables supported in the ``~/.aws/config`` file. ``api_versions`` Specifies the API version to use for a particular AWS service. The ``api_versions`` settings are nested configuration values that require special formatting in the AWS configuration file. If the values are set by the AWS CLI or programmatically by an SDK, the formatting is handled automatically. If you set them by manually editing the AWS configuration file, the following is the required format. Notice the indentation of each value. :: [default] region = us-east-1 api_versions = ec2 = 2015-03-01 cloudfront = 2015-09-17 ``aws_access_key_id`` The access key to use. ``aws_secret_access_key`` The secret access key to use. ``aws_session_token`` The session token to use. This is typically needed only when using temporary credentials. Note ``aws_security_token`` is supported for backward compatibility. ``ca_bundle`` The CA bundle to use. For more information, see the previous description of the ``AWS_CA_BUNDLE`` environment variable. ``credential_process`` Specifies an external command to run to generate or retrieve authentication credentials. For more information, see `Sourcing credentials with an external process`_. ``credential_source`` To invoke an AWS service from an Amazon EC2 instance, you can use an IAM role attached to either an EC2 instance profile or an Amazon ECS container. In such a scenario, use the ``credential_source`` setting to specify where to find the credentials. The ``credential_source`` and ``source_profile`` settings are mutually exclusive. The following values are supported. ``Ec2InstanceMetadata`` Use the IAM role attached to the Amazon EC2 instance profile. ``EcsContainer`` Use the IAM role attached to the Amazon ECS container. ``Environment`` Retrieve the credentials from environment variables. ``duration_seconds`` The length of time in seconds of the role session. The value can range from 900 seconds (15 minutes) to the maximum session duration setting for the role. The default value is 3600 seconds (one hour). ``external_id`` Unique identifier to pass when making ``AssumeRole`` calls. ``metadata_service_timeout`` The number of seconds before timing out when retrieving data from the instance metadata service. For more information, see the previous documentation on ``AWS_METADATA_SERVICE_TIMEOUT``. ``metadata_service_num_attempts`` The number of attempts to make before giving up when retrieving data from the instance metadata service. For more information, see the previous documentation on ``AWS_METADATA_SERVICE_NUM_ATTEMPTS``. ``mfa_serial`` Serial number of the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a multi-factor authentication (MFA) device to use when assuming a role. ``parameter_validation`` Disable parameter validation (default is true, parameters are validated). This is a Boolean value that is either ``true`` or ``false``. Whenever you make an API call using a client, the parameters you provide are run through a set of validation checks, including (but not limited to) required parameters provided, type checking, no unknown parameters, minimum length checks, and so on. Typically, you should leave parameter validation enabled. ``region`` The default AWS Region to use, for example, ``us-west-1`` or ``us-west-2``. When specifying a Region inline during client initialization, this property is named ``region_name``. ``role_arn`` The ARN of the role you want to assume. ``role_session_name`` The role name to use when assuming a role. If this value is not provided, a session name will be automatically generated. ``web_identity_token_file`` The path to a file that contains an OAuth 2.0 access token or OpenID Connect ID token that is provided by the identity provider. The contents of this file will be loaded and passed as the ``WebIdentityToken`` argument to the ``AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity`` operation. ``s3`` Set Amazon S3-specific configuration data. Typically, these values do not need to be set. The ``s3`` settings are nested configuration values that require special formatting in the AWS configuration file. If the values are set by the AWS CLI or programmatically by an SDK, the formatting is handled automatically. If you set them manually by editing the AWS configuration file, the following is the required format. Notice the indentation of each value. :: [default] region = us-east-1 s3 = addressing_style = path signature_version = s3v4 * ``addressing_style``: The S3 addressing style. When necessary, Boto automatically switches the addressing style to an appropriate value. The following values are supported. ``auto`` (Default) Attempts to use ``virtual``, but falls back to ``path`` if necessary. ``path`` Bucket name is included in the URI path. ``virtual`` Bucket name is included in the hostname. * ``payload_signing_enabled``: Specifies whether to include an SHA-256 checksum with Amazon Signature Version 4 payloads. Valid settings are ``true`` or ``false``. For streaming uploads (``UploadPart`` and ``PutObject``) that use HTTPS and include a ``content-md5`` header, this setting is disabled by default. * ``signature_version``: The AWS signature version to use when signing requests. When necessary, Boto automatically switches the signature version to an appropriate value. The following values are recognized. ``s3v4`` (Default) Signature Version 4 ``s3`` (Deprecated) Signature Version 2 * ``use_accelerate_endpoint``: Specifies whether to use the Amazon S3 Accelerate endpoint. The bucket must be enabled to use S3 Accelerate. Valid settings are ``true`` or ``false``. Default: ``false`` Either ``use_accelerate_endpoint`` or ``use_dualstack_endpoint`` can be enabled, but not both. * ``use_dualstack_endpoint``: Specifies whether to direct all Amazon S3 requests to the dual IPv4/IPv6 endpoint for the configured Region. Valid settings are ``true`` or ``false``. Default: ``false`` Either ``use_accelerate_endpoint`` or ``use_dualstack_endpoint`` can be enabled, but not both. ``source_profile`` The profile name that contains credentials to use for the initial ``AssumeRole`` call. The ``credential_source`` and ``source_profile`` settings are mutually exclusive. ``sts_regional_endpoints`` Sets AWS STS endpoint resolution logic. This configuration can also be set using the environment variable ``AWS_STS_REGIONAL_ENDPOINTS``. By default, this configuration option is set to ``legacy``. Valid values are the following: * ``regional`` Uses the STS endpoint that corresponds to the configured Region. For example, if the client is configured to use ``us-west-2``, all calls to STS will be made to the ``sts.us-west-2.amazonaws.com`` regional endpoint instead of the global ``sts.amazonaws.com`` endpoint. * ``legacy`` Uses the global STS endpoint, ``sts.amazonaws.com``, for the following configured Regions: * ``ap-northeast-1`` * ``ap-south-1`` * ``ap-southeast-1`` * ``ap-southeast-2`` * ``aws-global`` * ``ca-central-1`` * ``eu-central-1`` * ``eu-north-1`` * ``eu-west-1`` * ``eu-west-2`` * ``eu-west-3`` * ``sa-east-1`` * ``us-east-1`` * ``us-east-2`` * ``us-west-1`` * ``us-west-2`` All other Regions will use their respective regional endpoint. ``tcp_keepalive`` Toggles the TCP Keep-Alive socket option used when creating connections. By default this value is ``false``; TCP Keepalive will not be used when creating connections. To enable TCP Keepalive with the system default configurations, set this value to ``true``. ``max_attempts`` An integer representing the maximum number of attempts that will be made for a single request, including the initial attempt. For example, setting this value to 5 will result in a request being retried up to 4 times. If not provided, the number of retries will default to whatever is modeled, which is typically 5 total attempts in the ``legacy`` retry mode, and 3 in the ``standard`` and ``adaptive`` retry modes. ``retry_mode`` A string representing the type of retries Boto3 will perform. Valid values are the following: * ``legacy`` - The preexisting retry behavior. This is the default value if no retry mode is provided. * ``standard`` - A standardized set of retry rules across the AWS SDKs. This includes a standard set of errors that are retried and support for retry quotas, which limit the number of unsuccessful retries an SDK can make. This mode will default the maximum number of attempts to 3 unless a ``max_attempts`` is explicitly provided. * ``adaptive`` - An experimental retry mode that includes all the functionality of ``standard`` mode with automatic client-side throttling. This is a provisional mode whose behavior might change. .. _IAM Roles for Amazon EC2: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/iam-roles-for-amazon-ec2.html .. _Using IAM Roles: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/IAM/latest/UserGuide/id_roles_use.html .. _Sourcing Credentials with an External Process: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/cli-configure-sourcing-external.html