{ "languageModel": { "types": [ { "name": "AnimationType", "values": [ { "id": null, "name": { "value": "relaxing", "synonyms": [ "smooth", "cool" ] } }, { "id": null, "name": { "value": "exciting", "synonyms": [ "happy", "party" ] } } ] } ], "intents": [ { "name": "AMAZON.CancelIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.HelpIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "AMAZON.StopIntent", "samples": [] }, { "name": "NextAnimation", "samples": [ "next animation", "another animation", "show another animation", "show next animation" ], "slots": [] }, { "name": "RunAnimation", "samples": [ "Run a {animType} animation", "Launch a {animType} animation", "Display a {animType} animation", "Run an animation", "launch an animation", "show me an animation" ], "slots": [ { "name": "animType", "type": "AnimationType", "samples": [ "I want a {animType} animation", "{animType}" ] } ] }, { "name": "SetBrightness", "samples": [ "set brightness to {brightness} percent", "set brightness to {brightness}" ], "slots": [ { "name": "brightness", "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER", "samples": [ "{brightness}", "set to {brightness}" ] } ] }, { "name": "SetColor", "samples": [ "set color to {color}" ], "slots": [ { "name": "color", "type": "AMAZON.Color", "samples": [ "Set color to {color}", "{color}" ] } ] }, { "name": "StopAnimation", "samples": [ "stop animation", "stop" ], "slots": [] }, { "name": "TurnOff", "samples": [ "turn off", "switch off" ], "slots": [] }, { "name": "TurnOn", "samples": [ "turn on" ], "slots": [] } ], "invocationName": "light strip" }, "prompts": [ { "id": "Elicit.Intent-RunAnimation.IntentSlot-animType", "variations": [ { "type": "PlainText", "value": "Do you want a relaxing or exciting animation?" } ] }, { "id": "Elicit.Intent-SetBrightness.IntentSlot-brightness", "variations": [ { "type": "PlainText", "value": "What brightness percentage do you like?" } ] }, { "id": "Elicit.Intent-SetColor.IntentSlot-color", "variations": [ { "type": "PlainText", "value": "What color?" } ] } ], "dialog": { "intents": [ { "name": "RunAnimation", "confirmationRequired": false, "prompts": {}, "slots": [ { "name": "animType", "type": "AnimationType", "elicitationRequired": true, "confirmationRequired": false, "prompts": { "elicitation": "Elicit.Intent-RunAnimation.IntentSlot-animType" } } ] }, { "name": "SetBrightness", "confirmationRequired": false, "prompts": {}, "slots": [ { "name": "brightness", "type": "AMAZON.NUMBER", "elicitationRequired": true, "confirmationRequired": false, "prompts": { "elicitation": "Elicit.Intent-SetBrightness.IntentSlot-brightness" } } ] }, { "name": "SetColor", "confirmationRequired": false, "prompts": {}, "slots": [ { "name": "color", "type": "AMAZON.Color", "elicitationRequired": true, "confirmationRequired": false, "prompts": { "elicitation": "Elicit.Intent-SetColor.IntentSlot-color" } } ] } ] } }