{ "info": [ { "hubitatName": "BPTWorld", "authorName": "Bryan Turcotte", "paypal": "https://paypal.me/bptworld", } ], "bundles": [ { "name": "Abacus Counting Machine", "version": "1.0.6", "updated": "2022-06-18", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Count how many times a Device is triggered. Displays Daily-Weekly-Monthly and Yearly counts!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Monitoring;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/AbacusCountingMachine.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-averaging-plus-average-just-about-anything-get-notifications-based-on-set-points/42388" }, { "name": "Abacus Time Traveler", "version": "1.0.4", "updated": "2022-06-18", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Track how long a Device has been active. Displays Daily-Weekly-Monthly and Yearly Timers!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Monitoring;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/AbacusTimeTraveler.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-abacus-time-traveler/8091" }, { "name": "At Home Simulator", "version": "2.0.6", "updated": "2022-06-08", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Turn lights on and off to simulate the appearance of an occupied home using YOUR normal routine.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Automation;Lighting;Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/AtHomeSimulator.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-at-home-simulator/8697" }, { "name": "Averaging Plus", "version": "1.3.3", "updated": "2022-05-31", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Average just about anything. Get notifications based on Setpoints.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/AveragingPlus.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-averaging-plus-average-just-about-anything-get-notifications-based-on-set-points/42388" }, { "name": "BI Control", "version": "2.1.4", "updated": "2023-07-28", "changes": "Added more presets", "description": "Designed to work locally with Blue Iris security software.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/BIControl.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/code-freeze-bi-control-local-blue-iris-control/5454" }, { "name": "Bundle Manager", "version": "1.4.7", "updated": "2023-11-23", "changes": "Error trapping", "description": "The place to explore Bundles. Find install and update bundles quickly and easily.", "specialInfo": "na", "requiredLib": "na", "tags": "Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/BundleManager.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/placeholder-bundle-manager-find-install-and-update-bundles-quickly-and-easily/94567/3" }, { "name": "Chromecast Helper", "version": "2.0.4", "updated": "2022-05-31", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Simple way to help keep your Goolge/Nest devices alive.", "specialInfo": "na", "requiredLib": "na", "tags": "Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/ChromecastHelper.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-chromecast-helper-simple-way-to-help-keep-your-google-nest-devices-alive/19237" }, { "name": "Device Check Plus", "version": "1.3.0", "updated": "2022-09-29", "changes": "Minor changes", "description": "Check selected devices - then warn you what's not in the right state.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Monitoring;Notifications;Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/DeviceCheckPlus.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-device-check-plus-check-selected-devices-then-warn-you-whats-not-in-the-right-state/24454" }, { "name": "Device Transformer", "version": "1.0.1", "updated": "2022-05-06", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Transform a device into a virtual multi-sensor device.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/DeviceTransformer.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-device-transformer-transform-a-device-into-a-virtual-multi-sensor-device/73846" }, { "name": "Device Watchdog", "version": "2.4.8", "updated": "2022-05-06", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Keep an eye on your devices and see how long it's been since they checked in.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Monitoring;Notifications;Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/DeviceWatchdog.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-device-watchdog/7692" }, { "name": "Error Monitor", "version": "1.1.0", "updated": "2022-06-26", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Keep an eye out for errors that may pop up in the log.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Monitoring;Notifications;Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/ErrorMonitor.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-error-monitor-keep-an-eye-out-for-errors-that-may-pop-up-in-the-log/91317" }, { "name": "Event Engine", "version": "3.9.3", "updated": "2022-12-12", "changes": "fix to time conditions", "description": "Automate your world with easy to use Cogs. Rev up complex automations with just a few clicks!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Automation;Lighting;Monitoring;Notifications;Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/EventEngine.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-event-engine-automate-your-world-with-easy-to-use-cogs-rev-up-complex-automations-with-just-a-few-clicks/49727" }, { "name": "Follow Me", "version": "2.4.8", "updated": "2022-06-25", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Never miss a message again. Send messages to your occupied room speakers when home or by pushover when away. Automatically!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Notifications", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/FollowMe.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-follow-me/12139" }, { "name": "Home Tracker", "version": "2.4.9", "updated": "2022-06-08", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Track the coming and going of house members with announcements and push messages. Including a 'Welcome Home' message after entering the home!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Notifications;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/HomeTracker.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-home-tracker-track-the-coming-and-going-of-house-members-with-announcements-and-push-messages/22709" }, { "name": "Hub Watchdog", "version": "1.1.8", "updated": "2022-06-18", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Simple way to monitor if your hub is slowing down or not.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Notifications;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/HubWatchdog.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-hub-watchdog-simple-way-to-monitor-if-your-hub-is-slowing-down-or-not/23371" }, { "name": "Life Event Calendar", "version": "1.0.7", "updated": "2022-06-17", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Never miss an important Life Event again! Schedule reminders easily and locally.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Notifications;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/LifeEventCalendar.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-life-event-calendar-never-miss-an-important-life-event-again-schedule-reminders-easily-and-locally/91413" }, { "name": "MyRadar", "version": "0.0.2", "updated": "2022-07-03", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Get the current conditions and weather forecast for the next week from MyRadar", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Weather;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/MyRadar.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/myradar-api/96595" }, { "name": "Normal Stuff Library", "version": "1.2.5", "updated": "2023-07-28", "changes": "New Announcement", "description": "For use with all BPTWorld apps.", "specialInfo": "na", "requiredLib": "na", "tags": "Library", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/NormalStuffLibrary.zip", "forumURL": "na" }, { "name": "One at a Time", "version": "1.0.1", "updated": "2022-08-08", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Designed to allow only one switch - in a group of switches - to be on at a time.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Lighting;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/OneataTime.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-one-at-a-time/7063" }, { "name": "OwnTracker", "version": "0.0.1", "updated": "2022-09-11", "changes": "Initial beta", "description": "Map your location with OwnTracks! Requires OwnTracks Presence and a free Google Maps API account.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/OwnTracker.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/beta-owntracker-map-your-location-with-owntracks/100750" }, { "name": "Package Explorer", "version": "1.1.2", "updated": "2022-08-13", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Conveniently explore the apps and drivers available within the Hubitat Package Manager.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/PackageExplorer.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-package-explorer-for-use-with-hubitat-package-manager/39214" }, { "name": "Patterns Plus", "version": "1.1.5", "updated": "2022-10-11", "changes": "Test button now hidden until form is filled in - parent app", "description": "Create any pattern you want using the zones associated with the Lifx Light Strip (or any color bulb).", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Lighting;Notifications;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/PatternsPlus.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-patterns-plus-create-custom-patterns-with-the-lifx-light-strip-and-more/89265" }, { "name": "Periodic Expressions", "version": "1.0.2", "updated": "2022-06-18", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Create Periodic Cron Expression to be used with Event Engine.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/PeriodicExpressions.zip", "forumURL": "na" }, { "name": "Presence Plus", "version": "1.2.0", "updated": "2023-11-18", "changes": "Trying to fix it from getting stuck on already running", "description": "Creates a combined presence device that can be used with Life360 Tracker - Google Assistant - Rule Machine and More!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/PresencePlus.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-presence-plus-creates-a-combined-presence-device/26071" }, { "name": "Remote Wellness Check", "version": "1.0.6", "updated": "2022-08-15", "changes": "Bundle Manager changesL", "description": "Stay connected to your loved ones. Get notified if they haven't triggered a device in a specified time.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Monitoring;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/RemoteWellnessCheck.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-remote-wellness-check/32038" }, { "name": "Scene Control", "version": "1.0.1", "updated": "2022-07-03", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Scenes that work the way YOU want them to!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Automation;Lighting;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/SceneControl.zip", "forumURL": "na" }, { "name": "Send IP2IR", "version": "2.0.6", "updated": "01/24/21", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "This app is designed to send commands to an iTach IP2IR device.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Automation;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/SendIP2IR.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-send-ip2ir-control-all-of-your-ir-devices-from-your-dashboard/4667" }, { "name": "Simple Device Timer", "version": "2.0.2", "updated": "2023-01-09", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Simple Device Timer with safety checks, multiple timers, notifications and restrictions.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/SimpleDeviceTimer.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-simple-device-timer/16917" }, { "name": "Simple Irrigation", "version": "2.1.1", "updated": "2022-02-03", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "For use with any valve device connected to your hose - like the Orbit Hose Water Timer. Features multiple timers and restrictions.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Automation;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/SimpleIrrigation.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-simple-irrigation/14420" }, { "name": "Simple Kitchen Timer", "version": "1.1.0", "updated": "2022-07-21", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Create a simple kitchen timer with controls for use with Dashboards", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/SimpleKitchenTimer.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-simple-kitchen-timer-with-controls-for-use-with-dashboards/37021" }, { "name": "Simple Multi Tile", "version": "1.0.6", "updated": "2022-06-18", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Create a simple multi device tile with just a few clicks", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/SimpleMultiTile.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-simple-multi-tile-create-a-simple-multi-device-tile-with-just-a-few-clicks/73877" }, { "name": "Snapshot", "version": "2.0.7", "updated": "2022-07-30", "changes": "Bundle Manager changes", "description": "Monitor devices and sensors. Easily see their status right on your dashboard and/or get a notification - speech and phone.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Monitoring;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/Snapshot.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-snapshot-monitor-devices-and-sensors-see-status-on-dashboard-by-notifications-and-speech/12042" }, { "name": "The Flasher", "version": "1.3.1", "updated": "2023-07-28", "changes": "Multiple changes", "description": "Flash your lights based on several triggers!", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Lighting;Security;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/TheFlasher.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-the-flasher-flash-your-lights-based-on-several-triggers/30843" }, { "name": "Tile Master", "version": "2.6.4", "updated": "2022-11-20", "changes": "Added a refresh rate", "description": "Create a tile with multiple devices with control.", "specialInfo": "All BPTWorld apps use the library Normal Stuff Library - be sure to download this bundle before ANY BPTWorld app.", "requiredLib": "Normal Stuff Library", "tags": "Dashboards;Utilities", "bundleURL": "https://github.com/bptworld/Hubitat/raw/master/Bundles/TileMaster.zip", "forumURL": "https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tile-master-create-a-tile-with-multiple-devices-and-customization-options/23140" } ] }