# Changelog ## [0.4.2] - 2023-07-31 - Small type annotation clean ups. - Publish wheels. ## [0.4.1] - 2022-10-05 - Unbreak process suspension with blessed - Remove xforms. ## [0.4.0] - 2022-08-28 - Clean up both `wakeup_fds` - Drop support for Python 3.6 - Switch to blessed - Typing: add more annotations ## [0.3.10] - 2021-10-08 - Typing: more specify return types for event triggers - Typing: don't allow Event instances in PasteEvent contents ## [0.3.9] - 2021-10-07 - Change typing of `event_trigger(event_type)` to allow a function that returns None ## [0.3.7] - 2021-09-27 - Fixed ctrl-c not being reported until another key was pressed in Python 3.5+ ## [0.3.5] - 2021-01-24 - Drop supported for Python 2, 3.4 and 3.5. - Migrate to pytest. Thanks to Paolo Stivanin - Add new examples. Thanks to rybarczykj - Improve error messages. Thanks to Etienne Richart - Replace wcwidth with cwcwidth ## [0.3.4] - 2020-07-15 - Prevent crash when embedding in situations including the lldb debugger. Thanks Nathan Lanza! ## [0.3.3] - 2020-07-06 - Revert backslash removal, since this broke bpython in 0.3.2 ## [0.3.2] - 2020-07-04 - Migrate doc generation to Python 3 - Add MyPy typing - Remove logging level message. Thanks Jack Rybarczyk! - Assorted fixes: Thanks Armira Nance, Etienne Richart, Evan Allgood, Nathan Lanza, and Vilhelm Prytz! ## [0.3.1] - 2020-01-03 - Add "dark" format function - Add Input option to disable terminal start/stop. Thanks George Kettleborough! - Fix Py3.6 compatibility. Thanks Po-Chuan Hsieh! - Assorted fixes, thanks Jakub Wilk and Manuel Mendez! ## [0.3.0] - 2018-02-13 - Change name of "dark" color to "black" - Drop support for Python 2.6 and 3.3 - New FmtStr method width_aware_splitlines which cuts up a FmtStr in linear time ## [0.2.12] - 2018-02-12 - Fix accidentally quadratic `width_aware_slice` behavior (fixes bpython #729) This bug causes bpython to hang on large output. Thanks Ben Wiederhake! - Allow curtsies to be run on non-main threads (useful for bpython #555) This should allow bpython to be run in a variety of situations like Django's runserver - Add function keys for some keyboard/terminal setups ## [0.2.11] - 2016-10-22 - Handle unsupported SGR codes (fixes bpython #657) - Add Ctrl-Delete for some keyboard/terminal setups - Many doc fixes. Thanks Dan Puttick! ## [0.2.10] - 2016-10-10 - Add sequences for home and end (fixes Curtsies #78) ## [0.2.9] - 2016-09-07 - Fix #90 again - Strip ansi escape sequences if parsing fmtstr input fails - Prevent invalid negative cursor positions in CursorAwareWindow (fixes bpython #607) - '\x1bOA' changed from ctrl-arrow key to arrow key (fixes bpython #621) - Alternate codes for F1-F4 (fixes bpython #626)