openapi: 3.0.0 info: title: "Participantes Open Insurance Brasil" version: 1.0.0 description: Informações sobre os participantes do Open Insurance Brasil que estão registrados no Diretório. license: name: MIT servers: - url: description: Open Insurance Brasil paths: '/participants': get: summary: Recupera informações técnicas sobre Participantes registrados no diretório, essas informações permitem identificar e consumir as APIs dos participantes tags: - Organisations - Export responses: '200': $ref: '#/components/responses/OrganisationsExportOpenData' '401': $ref: '#/components/responses/Unauthorized' '403': $ref: '#/components/responses/Forbidden' '404': description: 'The specified key does not exist' '500': $ref: '#/components/responses/InternalServerError' '502': $ref: '#/components/responses/BadGateway' components: parameters: PageableRequest: name: PageableRequest description: The pageable object in: query schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/PageableRequest' AuthorisationServerId: name: AuthorisationServerId description: The authorisation server Id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerId' OrganisationAuthorityClaimId: name: OrganisationAuthorityClaimId description: The Authority claims ID for an organisation in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimId' OrganisationAuthorisationId: name: OrganisationAuthorisationId description: The authorisation ID for an organisation's authority claims in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorisationId' CertificateOrKeyId: name: CertificateOrKeyId description: The certificate or key Id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificateOrKeyId' ContactId: name: ContactId description: The contact id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactId' OrganisationCertificateType: name: OrganisationCertificateType description: The certificate type in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationCertificateType' OrganisationId: name: OrganisationId description: The organisation ID in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' AuthorityId: name: AuthorityId description: The reference authority Id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityId' SoftwareStatementCertificateOrKeyType: name: SoftwareStatementCertificateOrKeyType description: The certificate or key type that can be associated with a software statement in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementCertificateOrKeyType' SoftwareStatementId: name: SoftwareStatementId description: The software statement ID in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementId' SoftwareAuthorityClaimId: name: SoftwareAuthorityClaimId description: The software statement's authority claim ID in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaimId' UserEmailId: name: UserEmailId description: Email address of the super user in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserEmailId' AuthorisationDomainName: name: AuthorisationDomainName description: Authorisation Domain Name. Eg:PSD2 in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainName' AuthorisationDomainRoleName: name: AuthorisationDomainRoleName description: Authorisation Domain Role Name. Eg:TPP in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainRoleName' AuthorityAuthorisationDomainId: name: AuthorityAuthorisationDomainId description: ID of the Authority mapped with Authorisation Domain in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityAuthorisationDomainId' OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimId: name: OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimId description: Organisation Authority Domain Claim Id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimId' AuthorisationDomainUserId: name: AuthorisationDomainUserId description: Unique record Id to identify Domain User in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainUserId' TnCId: name: TnCId description: Terms and Conditions unique identifier in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TnCId' ClientId: name: ClientId description: Oauth clientId in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientId' ApiResourceId: name: ApiResourceId description: The api version Id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResourceId' ApiDiscoveryEndpointId: name: ApiDiscoveryEndpointId description: The api discovery endpoint Id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiDiscoveryEndpointId' ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeId: name: ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeId description: The envelope id in: path required: true schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeId' requestBodies: AmendCertificateRequest: description: Amend a certificate, current functionality supports Revoke Reason required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AmendCertificateRequest' AuthorisationServerRequest: description: Properties to create/update authorisation server required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerRequest' OrganisationAuthorityClaimRequest: description: Properties to create/update authority claims required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimRequest' UserUpdateRequest: description: Properties to toggle a user between activated and deactivated status required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserUpdateRequest' OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisationRequest: description: Properties to update/retrieve authorisation server required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisationRequest' ContactRequest: description: Properties to update contacts required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactRequest' CertificateOrCSROrJWS: description: | * __PEM file__ -- when the request `Content-Type` header is set to `application/x-pem-file` the contents of the PEM file will differ depending upon `OrganisationCertificateType`. If `OrganisationCertificateType` is set to `qwac`, `qseal` then the PEM file should contain a *QWAC* or a *QSEAL* certificate respectively; if `OrganisationCertificateType` is set to `rtswac` or `rtsseal` then the PEM file should contain a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for an RTS-issued *RTSWAC* or *RTSSEAL* certificate respectively. * __Signed JWT__ -- when the request `Content-Type` header is set to `application/jwt` the body of the signed JWT will contain a CSR or a certificate. ### Requesting a Certificate using a signed JWT The header `kid` claim is the ID of the QSealC certificate assigned to it by the RTS JWKS store. The body `csr` claim is the CSR in the DER format. ``` { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "ES256", "kid": "ABCD1234", } { "csr": "string" } ``` ### Uploading a Certificate using a signed JWT The header `kid` claim is the ID of the QSealC certificate assigned to it by the RTS JWKS store. The body `x5c` claim is the array of certificate, issuer certificate, and root certificate in the DER format. ``` { "typ": "JWT", "alg": "ES256", "kid": "ABCD1234", } { "x5c": ["qsealc", "issuer certificate", "root certificate"] } ``` EXAMPLE REQUEST PAYLOAD USING SIGNED JWT REQUESTS ``` POST /organisations/123456789012345678/certificates/rtswac HTTP/1.1 Content-Type: application/jwt Accept: application/json Host: eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkFCQ0QxMjM0IiwieDVjIjpbInFzZWFsYyIsImlzc3VlciBjZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSIsInJvb3QgY2VydGlmaWNhdGUiXX0.eyJyZWRpcmVjdF91cmlzIjpbInN0cmluZyJdLCJ0b2tlbl9lbmRwb2ludF9hdXRoX21ldGhvZCI6InN0cmluZyIsImdyYW50X3R5cGVzIjpbInN0cmluZyJdLCJyZXNwb25zZV90eXBlcyI6WyJzdHJpbmcibSwiY2xpZW50X25hbWUiOiJzdHJpbmciLCJjbGllbnRfdXJpIjoic3RyaW5nIiwibG9nb191cmkiOiJzdHJpbmciLCJzY29wZSI6InN0cmluZyIsImNvbnRhY3RzIjpbInVzZXJAZXhhbXBsZS5jb20iXSwidG9zX3VyaSI6InN0cmluZyIsInBvbGljeV91cmkiOiJzdHJpbmciLCJqd2tzX3VyaSI6InN0cmluZyIsImp3a3MiOnt9LCJzb2Z0d2FyZV9pZCI6InN0cmluZyIsInNvZnR3YXJlX3ZlcnNpb24iOiJzdHJpbmcifQ.lMsADSHkFGUw5PtgdEqXslYArzqf6tbg0lo0kCitOUA ``` required: true content: application/x-pem-file: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificateOrKeyOrJWT' application/jwt: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificateOrKeyOrJWT' CSROrKey: description: PEM file -- the contents of the PEM file will differ depending upon *SoftwareStatementCertificateOrKeyType*. If *SoftwareStatementCertificateOrKeyType* is set to *rtssigning* or *rtstransport* then the PEM file should contain a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) for an RTS signing or RTS transport certificate respectively; if *SoftwareStatementCertificateOrKeyType* is set to *sigkey*, *enckey* then the PEM file should contain a public signing or encryption key respectively. required: true content: application/x-pem-file: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificateOrKeyOrJWT' Organisation: description: Create a new organisation required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationRequest' OrganisationUpdate: description: Update an organisation required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationUpdateRequest' OrganisationEnrol: description: Enrol an organisation required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationEnrol' AuthorityRequest: description: Reference authority request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityRequest' SoftwareStatementRequest: description: Software Statement payload required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementRequest' SoftwareAuthorityClaimRequest: description: Software Statement authority claim's payload required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaimRequest' SoftwareAuthorityClaimUpdateRequest: description: Software Statement authority claim's update payload required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaimUpdateRequest' ClientCreationRequest: description: Client Creation Request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientCreationRequest' AccessTokenRequest: description: Client Creation Request required: true content: application/x-www-form-urlencoded: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessTokenRequest' SuperUserCreationRequest: description: Super user creation request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperUserCreationRequest' AuthorisationDomainUserCreateRequest: description: Admin user creation request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainUserCreateRequest' AuthorisationDomainRequest: description: Authorisation Domain creation request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainRequest' AuthorisationDomainRoleRequest: description: Authorisation Domain Role creation request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainRoleRequest' AuthorityAuthorisationDomainRequest: description: Authority Authorisation Domain mapping request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityAuthorisationDomainRequest' OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimRequest: description: Authority Authorisation Domain mapping request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimRequest' TermsAndConditionsCreateRequest: description: TnC create request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsCreateRequest' TermsAndConditionsUpdateRequest: description: TnC update request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsUpdateRequest' UserCreateRequest: description: User create request required: true content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserCreateRequest' OrgAdminUserCreateRequest: description: Org Admin user create request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrgAdminUserCreateRequest' ApiResourceRequest: description: Api Resource request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResourceRequest' ApiDiscoveryEndpointRequest: description: Api Resource request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiDiscoveryEndpointRequest' EssSignRequest: description: Request object to capture ESS sign attributes content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EssSignRequest' AuthorisationDomainUserUpdateRequest: description: Request object to update a domain user content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainUserUpdateRequest' responses: NoContent: description: No Content BadRequest: description: Bad Request content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/BadRequest' Unauthorized: description: Unauthorized Forbidden: description: Forbidden NotFound: description: Not found NotAcceptable: description: Not Acceptable Conflict: description: Conflict BadGateway: description: Bad Gateway InternalServerError: description: Internal Server Error OrganisationAuthorityClaims: description: All authority claims for the organisation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaims' OrganisationAuthorityClaim: description: Authority claim for the given Id content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaim' OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisations: description: Authorisations response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisations' OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisation: description: Authorisations response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisation' AuthorisationServers: description: All authorisation servers for the org content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServers' AuthorisationServer: description: Authorisation server response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServer' CertificatesOrKeys: description: All certificates for the org content: application/jwk-set+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificatesOrKeys' CertificatesOrKey: description: A certificate object content: application/jwk+json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificateOrKey' Contacts: description: All contacts for the org content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Contacts' Contact: description: A contact object content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Contact' Organisations: description: | List of the organisation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organisations' Organisation: description: | Full details of the organisation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organisation' OrganisationSnapshot: description: Snapshot data of the organisation content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationSnapshot' OrganisationsSnapshot: description: Snapshot data of all the organisations content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationsSnapshot' OrganisationSnapshotPage: description: Paged Organisations Snapshot content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationSnapshotPage' OrganisationsExportOpenData: description: Export the open-data for all the organisations content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationsExportOpenData' OrgTermsAndConditionsDetail: description: Details of the TnC and external signing service content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrgTermsAndConditionsDetail' OrganisationEnrolments: description: | Full details of the organisation enrolment response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationEnrolments' Authorities: description: | Reference data table for all authorities with their countries content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authorities' Authority: description: | Get a reference authority by Id content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authority' SoftwareStatements: description: All software statements for the org content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatements' SoftwareStatement: description: Get the software statements with the given id content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatement' SoftwareStatementAssertion: description: OK content: application/jwt: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementAssertion' application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementAssertion' SoftwareAuthorityClaims: description: Authority claim for the given Id content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaims' SoftwareAuthorityClaim: description: Authority claim for the given Id content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaim' ClientCreationResponse: description: | Creates an OAuth Client in the OpenID Server content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ClientCreationResponse' RetrieveTokenResponse: description: | Access token response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AccessTokenResponse' SuperUsers: description: All Super users content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperUsers' SuperUser: description: Super user data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperUser' AuthorisationDomainUsers: description: All users belonging to an authorisation domain content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainUsers' AuthorisationDomainUser: description: User data belonging to an authorisation domain content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainUser' AuthorisationDomains: description: All data of authorisation domains mapped to an authority content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomains' AuthorisationDomain: description: Data of an authorisation domain mapped to an authority content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomain' AuthorisationDomainRoles: description: All roles data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainRoles' AuthorisationDomainRole: description: Role data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainRole' AuthorityAuthorisationDomains: description: All authority to domain mappings data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityAuthorisationDomains' AuthorityAuthorisationDomain: description: Authority to domain mapping data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityAuthorisationDomain' OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaims: description: All authority to domain mappings data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaims' OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaim: description: All authority to domain mappings data content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaim' UserDetail: description: Details of the user content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserDetail' UserOPInfo: description: User information from the OpenId Provider content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserOPInfo' WellKnown: description: endpoint discovery for well known endpoint content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/WellKnown' TermsAndConditionsPage: description: Paged data of TnC items content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsPage' TermsAndConditionsItem: description: Details of the TnC item content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsItem' OrganisationAdminUsers: description: All admin users for this org content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAdminUsers' OrganisationAdminUser: description: Admin user details content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAdminUser' ApiResources: description: Authorisation server Api Resources response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResources' ApiResource: description: Authorisation server Api Resource response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResource' ApiDiscoveryEndpoints: description: Authorisation server response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiDiscoveryEndpoints' ApiDiscoveryEndpoint: description: Authorisation server response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiDiscoveryEndpoint' UserTermsAndConditionsPage: description: User TnCs history content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/UserTermsAndConditionsPage' OrgTermsAndConditionsPage: description: Org TnCs history content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrgTermsAndConditionsPage' EssPollResponse: description: External Signing Service Poll response content: application/json: schema: $ref: '#/components/schemas/EssPollResponse' schemas: BadRequest: type: object properties: errors: type: array description: Validation Error messages items: type: string PageableRequest: type: object properties: page: minimum: 0 type: integer description: Page index starts from 0 size: maximum: 50000 minimum: 1 type: integer description: This sets the page size sort: type: string description: Used to sort based on Model Parameters example: page: 0 size: 2 sort: status,desc UserUpdateRequest: type: object properties: Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusEnum' StatusEnum: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive OrganisationAuthorityClaims: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaim' OrganisationAuthorityClaim: type: object properties: OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' OrganisationAuthorityClaimId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimId' AuthorityId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityId' Status: type: string description: Is this software statement Active/Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active AuthorisationDomain: type: string description: Authorisation Domain for the authority maxLength: 30 Role: type: string description: Roles for the Authority i.e. ASPSP, AISP, PISP, CBPII maxLength: 30 Authorisations: type: array items: type: object properties: Status: type: string description: Is this authorsation Active/Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active MemberState: type: string description: Abbreviated states information i.e. GB, IE, NL etc maxLength: 2 RegistrationId: type: string description: Registration ID for the organisation maxLength: 40 UniqueTechnicalIdenifier: type: array items: type: string maxLength: 255 OrganisationAuthorityClaimRequest: type: object properties: AuthorityId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityId' Status: type: string description: Is this authority claim Active/Inactive, default is Active enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active x-required-message: Status must be provided AuthorisationDomain: type: string description: Authorisation domain for the authority minLength: 1 maxLength: 30 x-required-message: AuthorisationDomain must be provided Role: type: string description: Role for the authority minLength: 1 maxLength: 30 x-required-message: Role must be provided RegistrationId: type: string minLength: 1 description: Registration ID for the organisation maxLength: 40 x-required-message: RegistrationId must be provided UniqueTechnicalIdenifier: type: array items: type: string maxLength: 256 required: - RegistrationId - Status - AuthorisationDomain - AuthorityId - Role OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisations: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisation' OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisation: type: object properties: OrganisationAuthorisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorisationId' OrganisationAuthorityClaimId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaimId' Status: type: string description: Is this authority claim Active/Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active MemberState: type: string description: Abbreviated states information i.e. GB, IE, NL etc maxLength: 10 OrganisationAuthorityClaimAuthorisationRequest: type: object properties: Status: type: string description: Is this Active/Inactive - default is Active enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active x-required-message: Status must be provided MemberState: type: string description: Abbreviated states information i.e. GB, IE, NL etc minLength: 2 maxLength: 10 x-required-message: MemberState must be provided required: - Status - MemberState AuthorisationServers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServer' AuthorisationServer: type: object properties: AuthorisationServerId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerId' OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' AutoRegistrationSupported: type: boolean default: false SupportsCiba: type: boolean default: false SupportsDCR: type: boolean default: false ApiResources: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResource' AuthorisationServerCertifications: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerCertification' CustomerFriendlyDescription: type: string maxLength: 255 CustomerFriendlyLogoUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*\\.(svg)$" x-pattern-message: "CustomerFriendlyLogoUri must be in a URI format https://... .svg or http://... .svg" type: string format: uri maxLength: 255 CustomerFriendlyName: type: string maxLength: 255 DeveloperPortalUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "DeveloperPortalUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 255 TermsOfServiceUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "TermsOfServiceUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 255 NotificationWebhookAddedDate: type: string format: date description: Creation date example: "2021-01-30T08:30:00Z" OpenIDDiscoveryDocument: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "OpenIDDiscoveryDocument must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 255 PayloadSigningCertLocationUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "PayloadSigningCertLocationUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 255 ParentAuthorisationServerId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerId' NotificationWebhookStatusEnum: type: string enum: - Pending - Confirmed - Deactivated default: Pending AuthorisationServerCertification: type: object properties: CertificationStartDate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificationStartDate' CertificationExpirationDate: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificationExpirationDate' CertificationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerCertificationId' AuthorisationServerId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerId' Status: type: string description: Is this certification current or expired enum: - Awaiting Certification - Certified - Deprecated - Rejected - Self-Certified default: Awaiting Certification ProfileVariant: type: string oneOf: - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificationCibaEnum' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificationRedirectEnum' - $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificationDCREnum' description: Type of certification x-required-message: Certification needs to have a type ProfileVersion: type: number description: The version number of the certification x-required-message: Version must be provided CertificationURI: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiCertificationUri' CertificationStartDate: type: string description: JSONDatetime of certification start date pattern: "^[0-3][0-9]/[0-1][0-9]/2([0-9]{3})$" CertificationExpirationDate: type: string description: JSONDatetime of certification expiration date AuthorisationServerCertificationId: type: string description: Unique ID associated with the auth server certification minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 ApiCertificationUri: type: string description: Link to the certifation package. Example[Domain]/conformance/blob/main/submissions/functional/business/1.0.3/ pattern: '^(https://).*' format: uri x-pattern-message: "ApiCertificationUri must be in a URI format https://..." maxLength: 500 CertificationRedirectEnum: type: string description: The type of redirect certifications enum: - FAPI Adv. OP w/ MTLS - FAPI Adv. OP w/ MTLS, PAR - FAPI Adv. OP w/ Private Key - FAPI Adv. OP w/ Private Key, PAR CertificationCibaEnum: type: string description: The type of ciba certification enum: - FAPI-CIBA OP poll w/ MTLS - FAPI-CIBA OP poll w/ Private Key - FAPI-CIBA OP Ping w/ MTLS - FAPI-CIBA OP Ping w/ Private Key CertificationDCREnum: type: string description: The type of DCR certification enum: - DCR Signed payload - JWT - DCR Unsigned payload- JSON AuthorisationServerRequest: type: object properties: AutoRegistrationSupported: type: boolean description: Default is true x-required-message: AutoRegistrationSupported must be provided CustomerFriendlyDescription: description: A customer friendly description type: string maxLength: 256 CustomerFriendlyLogoUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "CustomerFriendlyLogoUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 x-required-message: CustomerFriendlyLogoUri must be provided CustomerFriendlyName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: CustomerFriendlyName must be provided DeveloperPortalUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "DeveloperPortalUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 x-required-message: DeveloperPortalUri must be provided TermsOfServiceUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "TermsOfServiceUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 x-required-message: TermsOfServiceUri must be provided NotificationWebhook: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "WebhookUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 OpenIDDiscoveryDocument: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "OpenIDDiscoveryDocument must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 x-required-message: OpenIDDiscoveryDocument must be provided PayloadSigningCertLocationUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "PayloadSigningCertLocationUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 x-required-message: PayloadSigningCertLocationUri must be provided ParentAuthorisationServerId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServerId' required: - AutoRegistrationSupported - CustomerFriendlyName - CustomerFriendlyLogoUri - DeveloperPortalUri - TermsOfServiceUri - OpenIDDiscoveryDocument - PayloadSigningCertLocationUri AuthorisationServerId: type: string maxLength: 40 CertificateOrKeyOrJWT: type: string CertificateOrKeyId: type: string maxLength: 256 CertificatesOrKeys: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificateOrKey' CertificateOrKey: type: object properties: OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' SoftwareStatementIds: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementId' ClientName: type: string maxLength: 40 Status: type: string maxLength: 40 ValidFromDateTime: type: string maxLength: 30 ExpiryDateTime: type: string maxLength: 30 e: type: string maxLength: 256 keyType: type: string maxLength: 256 kid: type: string maxLength: 256 kty: type: string maxLength: 256 n: type: string maxLength: 256 use: type: string maxLength: 256 x5c: type: array items: description: A PKIX certificate [RFC5280] type: string maxLength: 256 x5t: type: string maxLength: 256 x5thashS256: type: string maxLength: 256 x5u: type: string maxLength: 256 SignedCertPath: type: string maxLength: 256 description: Used to display location of the signed certificate in PEM format JwkPath: type: string maxLength: 256 description: Used to display path to JWKS containing this certificate OrgJwkPath: type: string maxLength: 256 description: Used to display path to Org JWKS containing org certificates AmendCertificateRequest: type: object properties: RevokeReason: type: string description: Specify a reason for revokation of the certificate. enum: - "unspecified" - "keycompromise" - "superseded" - "cessationofoperation" - "privilegewithdrawn" default: unspecified x-required-message: RevokeReason must be provided required: - RevokeReason ContactRequest: type: object properties: ContactType: type: string enum: - Business - Technical - Billing - Incident - Security default: Business description: The type of Contact, default contact type is Business. x-required-message: ContactType must be provided FirstName: type: string maxLength: 256 LastName: type: string maxLength: 256 Department: type: string maxLength: 256 EmailAddress: type: string pattern: "^(.{1,}@[^.]{1,}).*" x-pattern-message: "EmailAddress must be a valid email" maxLength: 256 PhoneNumber: type: string minLength: 8 maxLength: 18 x-required-message: PhoneNumber must be provided AddressLine1: type: string description: Address line 1 maxLength: 256 AddressLine2: type: string description: Address line 2 maxLength: 256 City: type: string description: City maxLength: 256 Postcode: type: string description: Postcode maxLength: 40 Country: type: string description: Country maxLength: 256 AdditionalInformation: type: string description: Any additional user information maxLength: 65535 PgpPublicKey: type: string description: A PGP Public Key in text form maxLength: 65535 required: - ContactType - EmailAddress - PhoneNumber Contacts: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Contact' description: The list of contacts Contact: type: object properties: ContactId: type: string description: Unique contact ID for the row. OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' ContactType: type: string enum: - Business - Technical - Billing - Incident - Security default: Business FirstName: type: string maxLength: 255 LastName: type: string maxLength: 255 Department: type: string maxLength: 255 EmailAddress: type: string pattern: '^(([^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+(\.[^<>()\[\]\\.,;:\s@"]+)*)|(".+"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$' x-pattern-message: "EmailAddress must be a valid email" maxLength: 255 PhoneNumber: type: string maxLength: 18 AddressLine1: type: string description: Address line 1 maxLength: 255 AddressLine2: type: string description: Address line 2 maxLength: 255 City: type: string description: City maxLength: 255 Postcode: type: string description: Postcode maxLength: 40 Country: type: string description: Country maxLength: 255 AdditionalInformation: type: string description: Any additional user information maxLength: 65535 PgpPublicKey: type: string description: A PGP Public Key in text form maxLength: 65535 ContactId: type: string maxLength: 256 OrganisationRequest: type: object properties: OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' Status: type: string description: Status of the directory registration of an organisation enum: - Active - Pending - Withdrawn default: Active OrganisationName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: OrganisationName must be provided LegalEntityName: type: string description: Legal Entity name for the org. Usually the same as org name minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: LegalEntityName must be provided CountryOfRegistration: type: string description: Country of registration for the org minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: CountryOfRegistration must be provided CompanyRegister: type: string description: Legal company register for the country, i.e. Companies House minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: CompanyRegister must be provided RegistrationNumber: type: string description: Company registration number from company register i.e. Companies House registration number minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: RegistrationNumber must be provided RegistrationId: type: string description: Registered ID for the organisation i.e. Legal Entity identifier number maxLength: 40 RegisteredName: type: string description: Registered legal name maxLength: 256 AddressLine1: type: string description: Address line 1 minLength: 5 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: AddressLine1 must be provided AddressLine2: type: string description: Address line 2 maxLength: 256 City: type: string description: City minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: City must be provided Postcode: type: string description: Postcode minLength: 3 maxLength: 40 x-required-message: Postcode must be provided Country: type: string description: Country minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: Country must be provided ParentOrganisationReference: type: string description: Parent Organisation Reference maxLength: 65535 required: - OrganisationId - OrganisationName - CountryOfRegistration - CompanyRegister - RegistrationNumber - LegalEntityName - AddressLine1 - City - Postcode - Country OrganisationUpdateRequest: type: object properties: Status: type: string description: Status of the directory registration of an organisation enum: - Active - Pending - Withdrawn default: Pending OrganisationName: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: OrganisationName must be provided LegalEntityName: type: string description: Legal Entity name for the org. Usually the same as org name minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: LegalEntityName must be provided CountryOfRegistration: type: string description: Country of registration for the org minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: CountryOfRegistration must be provided CompanyRegister: type: string description: Legal company register for the country, i.e. Companies House minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: CompanyRegister must be provided RegistrationNumber: type: string description: Company registration number from company register i.e. Companies House registration number minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: RegistrationNumber must be provided RegistrationId: type: string description: Registered ID for the organisation i.e. Legal Entity identifier number maxLength: 40 RegisteredName: type: string description: Registered legal name maxLength: 256 AddressLine1: type: string description: Address line 1 minLength: 5 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: AddressLine1 must be provided AddressLine2: type: string description: Address line 2 maxLength: 256 City: type: string description: City minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: City must be provided Postcode: type: string description: Postcode minLength: 3 maxLength: 40 x-required-message: Postcode must be provided Country: type: string description: Country minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: Country must be provided ParentOrganisationReference: type: string description: Parent Organisation Reference maxLength: 65535 required: - OrganisationName - CountryOfRegistration - CompanyRegister - RegistrationNumber - LegalEntityName - AddressLine1 - City - Postcode - Country OrganisationEnrol: type: object properties: RedirectUris: type: array items: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "RedirectUris must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri x-required-message: RedirectUris must be provided TokenEndpointAuthMethod: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: TokenEndpointAuthMethod must be provided GrantTypes: type: array items: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 x-required-message: GrantTypes must be provided ResponseTypes: type: array items: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 x-required-message: ResponseTypes must be provided ClientName: description: ORG name as per eIDAS certificate minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: ClientName must be provided ClientUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "ClientUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 x-required-message: ClientUri must be provided LogoUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "LogoUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 x-required-message: LogoUri must be provided Scope: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: Scope must be provided TosUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "TosUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 x-required-message: TosUri must be provided PolicyUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "PolicyUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 x-required-message: PolicyUri must be provided required: - RedirectUris - TokenEndpointAuthMethod - GrantTypes - ResponseTypes - ClientName - ClientUri - LogoUri - Scope - TosUri - PolicyUri OrganisationEnrolments: description: >- A JSON object DCR response returned when client gets created. type: array items: type: object properties: OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' ClientSecret: description: Client secret generated by Directory type: string maxLength: 256 RedirectUris: type: array items: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "RedirectUris must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 TokenEndpointAuthMethod: type: string maxLength: 256 GrantTypes: type: array items: type: string maxLength: 40 ResponseTypes: type: array items: type: string maxLength: 40 ClientName: description: ORG name as per eIDAS certificate type: string maxLength: 256 ClientUri: description: A compliant URI string of a web page providing information about the client pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "ClientUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 LogoUri: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "LogoUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 TosUri: description: A compliant URI string that points to a human-readable terms of service document for the client pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "TosUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 PolicyUri: description: A compliant URI string that points to a human-readable privacy policy document pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "PolicyUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 JwksUri: description: A compliant URI string referencing the client's JSON Web Key (JWK) Set pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "JwksUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 Jwks: description: Client's JSON Web Key Set [RFC7517] document value type: object maxLength: 256 OrganisationCertificateType: type: string enum: - qwac - qseal - rtswac - rtsseal default: rtsseal OrganisationId: type: string description: Unique ID associated with the organisation minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 OrganisationAuthorityClaimId: type: string description: Unique ID associated with the authority claims minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 OrganisationAuthorisationId: type: string description: Unique ID associated with authorisations for organisation's authority claims minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 SoftwareAuthorityClaimId: type: string description: Unique ID associated with the authority claims for a software statement minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 AuthorityId: type: string description: Unique ID associated with the Authorisation reference schema minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 Organisations: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organisation' Organisation: type: object properties: OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' Status: type: string description: Status of the directory registration of an organisation enum: - Active - Pending - Withdrawn default: Active OrganisationName: type: string description: Name of the organisation. maxLength: 256 CreatedOn: type: string description: JSONDatetime of organisation creation. maxLength: 30 LegalEntityName: type: string description: Legal Entity name for the org. Usually the same as org name maxLength: 256 CountryOfRegistration: type: string description: Country of registration for the org maxLength: 256 CompanyRegister: type: string description: Legal company register for the country, i.e. Companies House maxLength: 256 RegistrationNumber: type: string description: Company registration number from company register i.e. Companies House registration number maxLength: 256 RegistrationId: type: string description: Registered ID for the organisation i.e. Legal Entity identifier number maxLength: 40 RegisteredName: type: string maxLength: 256 AddressLine1: type: string description: Address line 1 maxLength: 256 AddressLine2: type: string description: Address line 2 maxLength: 256 City: type: string description: City maxLength: 256 Postcode: type: string description: Postcode maxLength: 40 Country: type: string description: Country maxLength: 256 ParentOrganisationReference: type: string description: Parent Organisation Reference maxLength: 65535 RequiresSigning: type: boolean description: true - one of the attached tncs has to be signed. false - no tnc present TnCUpdated: type: boolean description: true - attached tnc has been update. false - no tnc present TnCsToBeSigned: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TnCsToBeSigned' OrgTermsAndConditionsDetail: type: object description: Participant TnC details properties: InitiatedBy: type: string description: Email of the user who initiated the External signing for this participant Role: type: string description: Role of the user who initiated the External signing for this participant TermsAndConditionsDetail: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsDetail' TermsAndConditionsDetail: type: object description: TnC details Parent properties: TermsAndConditionsItem: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsItem' InititatedDate: type: string description: Terms and Conditions initiated date maxLength: 256 ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeId' ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeStatus' ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopePasscode: type: string description: Access code for the specifier to fill in the signer details. This will be populated only once, when signing is initiated ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeStatus: enum: - Completed - Created - Declined - Deleted - Delivered - Processing - Sent - Signed - Template - Voided OrganisationSnapshotPage: type: object properties: totalPages: type: integer totalSize: type: integer pageable: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pageable' numberOfElements: type: integer size: type: integer content: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationSnapshot' offset: type: integer empty: type: boolean pageNumber: type: integer Pageable: type: object properties: number: type: integer description: Page number sort: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Sort' size: type: integer description: Size of the page offset: type: integer description: Offset sorted: type: boolean description: Is the page sorted Sort: type: object properties: sorted: type: boolean orderBy: type: array items: type: object properties: property: type: string description: Name of the property used for sorting example: createdAt direction: type: string description: Direction of sort, i.e. ascending or descending enum: - ASC - DESC ignoreCase: type: boolean description: Was the case ignored ascending: type: boolean description: Whether ascending OrganisationsSnapshot: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationSnapshot' OrganisationSnapshot: type: object properties: OrganisationDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Organisation' Contacts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Contacts' AuthorisationServers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServers' OrgDomainClaims: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaims' OrgDomainRoleClaims: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaims' SoftwareStatements: additionalProperties: type: object properties: SoftwareDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatement' SoftwareAuthorityClaims: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaims' SoftwareCertificates: $ref: '#/components/schemas/CertificatesOrKeys' OrganisationsExportOpenData: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationExportOpenData' OrganisationExportOpenData: type: object properties: OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' Status: type: string description: Status of the directory registration of an organisation enum: - Active - Pending - Withdrawn default: Active OrganisationName: type: string description: Name of the organisation. maxLength: 256 CreatedOn: type: string description: JSONDatetime of organisation creation. maxLength: 30 LegalEntityName: type: string description: Legal Entity name for the org. Usually the same as org name maxLength: 256 CountryOfRegistration: type: string description: Country of registration for the org maxLength: 256 CompanyRegister: type: string description: Legal company register for the country, i.e. Companies House maxLength: 256 RegistrationNumber: type: string description: Company registration number from company register i.e. Companies House registration number maxLength: 256 RegistrationId: type: string description: Registered ID for the organisation i.e. Legal Entity identifier number maxLength: 40 RegisteredName: type: string maxLength: 256 AddressLine1: type: string description: Address line 1 maxLength: 256 AddressLine2: type: string description: Address line 2 maxLength: 256 City: type: string description: City maxLength: 256 Postcode: type: string description: Postcode maxLength: 40 Country: type: string description: Country maxLength: 256 ParentOrganisationReference: type: string description: Parent Organisation Reference maxLength: 65535 Tags: description: Tags to describe or classify an organisation items: type: string type: array Size: description: Size of the organisation maxLength: 255 type: string Contacts: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Contacts' AuthorisationServers: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationServers' OrgDomainClaims: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaims' OrgDomainRoleClaims: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityClaims' Authorities: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Authority' Authority: type: object properties: AuthorityId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityId' AuthorityName: description: Name of the Authority i.e. FCA, etc type: string maxLength: 256 AuthorityCode: description: Code of the Authority i.e. FCA, etc type: string maxLength: 40 x-required-message: "AuthorityCode must be provided" AuthorityUri: description: URI of the authority type: string AuthorityCountry: description: country of the Authority type: string maxLength: 256 Status: type: string description: Is this Authority Active/Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive AuthorityRequest: type: object properties: AuthorityName: description: The ID of the Authority i.e GBFCA, etc type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 x-required-message: AuthorityName must be provided AuthorityCode: description: Code of the Authority i.e. GBFCA, etc type: string x-required-message: AuthorityID must be provided minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 AuthorityUri: description: URI of the authority pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "AuthorityUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 x-required-message: AuthorityUri must be provided AuthorityCountry: description: Country of the authority type: string minLength: 2 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: AuthorityCountry must be provided required: - AuthorityName - AuthorityCode - AuthorityUri - AuthorityCountry SoftwareStatementCertificateOrKeyType: type: string enum: - rtstransport - rtssigning - sigkey - enckey default: rtssigning SoftwareStatements: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatement' description: The list of Software Statements SoftwareStatement: type: object properties: Status: type: string description: Is this software statement Active/Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active ClientId: type: string description: Software Statement client Id maxLength: 40 ClientName: type: string description: Software Statement client name maxLength: 256 Description: type: string description: Software Statement description maxLength: 256 Environment: type: string description: The additional check for software statement, this field can avoid maxLength: 40 OrganisationId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationId' SoftwareStatementId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementId' Mode: type: string enum: - Live - Test default: Live description: Software Statement mode maxLength: 8 RtsClientCreated: type: boolean description: Client created flag OnBehalfOf: type: string description: A reference to fourth party organisation resource on the RTS Directory if the registering Org is acting on behalf of another maxLength: 256 PolicyUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "PolicyUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." description: The Software Statement policy compliant URI maxLength: 256 ClientUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "ClientUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." description: The Software Statement client compliant URI maxLength: 256 LogoUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "LogoUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." format: uri description: The Software Statement logo compliant URI maxLength: 256 RedirectUri: type: array items: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "RedirectUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." format: uri description: The Software Statement redirect compliant URI maxLength: 256 TermsOfServiceUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "TermsOfServiceUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." format: uri description: The Software Statement terms of service compliant URI maxLength: 256 Version: type: number description: Software Statement version as provided by the organisation's PTC maxLength: 40 Locked: type: boolean description: Flag shows if assertion has been generated on the software statement - will be set to true when assertion is generated SoftwareStatementRequest: type: object properties: ClientName: type: string description: Software Statement client name minLength: 1 maxLength: 256 x-required-message: ClientName must be provided Description: type: string description: Software Statement description maxLength: 256 OnBehalfOf: type: string description: A reference to fourth party organisation resource on the RTS Directory if the registering Org is acting on behalf of another maxLength: 256 PolicyUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "PolicyUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." description: The Software Statement compliant policy URI maxLength: 256 x-required-message: PolicyUri must be provided ClientUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "ClientUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." description: The Software Statement compliant client URI maxLength: 256 x-required-message: ClientUri must be provided LogoUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "LogoUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." description: The Software Statement compliant logo URI maxLength: 256 x-required-message: LogoUri must be provided Environment: type: string description: The additional check for software statement, this field can avoid environment checks. maxLength: 40 Mode: type: string enum: - Live - Test default: Live description: The additional check to see if the environment reflected above is live or test. RedirectUri: type: array items: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "RedirectUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string maxLength: 256 description: The Software Statement redirect URIs x-required-message: RedirectUri must be provided TermsOfServiceUri: type: string pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "TermsOfServiceUri must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." description: The Software Statement terms of service compliant URI maxLength: 256 x-required-message: TermsOfServiceUri must be provided Version: type: number description: Software Statement version as provided by the organisation's PTC minimum: 1 maximum: 40 x-required-message: Version must be provided required: - ClientName - PolicyUri - ClientUri - LogoUri - RedirectUri - TermsOfServiceUri - Version SoftwareStatementId: type: string description: Unique Software Statement Id maxLength: 40 SoftwareStatementAssertion: type: string description: A signed JWT (JWS) maxLength: 4000 SoftwareAuthorityClaims: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaim' SoftwareAuthorityClaim: type: object properties: SoftwareStatementId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareStatementId' SoftwareAuthorityClaimId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SoftwareAuthorityClaimId' Status: type: string description: Is this authority claim Active/Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active AuthorisationDomain: type: string description: Authorisation domain for the authority maxLength: 30 Role: type: string description: Roles for the Authority i.e. ASPSP, AISP, PISP, CBPII maxLength: 10 SoftwareAuthorityClaimRequest: type: object properties: Status: type: string description: Is this authority claim Active/Inactive, default is active enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active x-required-message: Status must be provided AuthorisationDomain: type: string description: Authorisation domain for the authority minLength: 1 maxLength: 30 x-required-message: AuthorisationDomain must be provided Role: type: string description: Roles for the Authority i.e. ASPSP, AISP, PISP, CBPII minLength: 1 maxLength: 30 x-required-message: Role must be provided required: - Status - AuthorisationDomain - Role SoftwareAuthorityClaimUpdateRequest: type: object properties: Status: type: string description: This is used to set the status - Active/Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active x-required-message: Status must be provided required: - Status ClientCreationRequest: type: object properties: id_token_signed_response_alg: type: string description: Signing algorithim that a client expects the server to return an id_token with. Must be PS256 enum: - PS256 default: PS256 x-required-message: id_token_signed_response_alg must be provided token_endpoint_auth_method: enum: - private_key_jwt - tls_client_auth - client_secret_basic default: private_key_jwt type: string description: Token endpoint authentication method minLength: 1 maxLength: 60 x-required-message: Token endpoint auth method must be provided jwks_uri: type: string description: Link to the application active jwks pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-required-message: Link to the application active jwks tls_client_auth_subject_dn: type: string description: The DN of the certificate that will be used to authenticate to this client maxLength: 250 redirect_uris: type: array items: type: string uniqueItems: true description: redirect_uris uri must be provided. For client_credentials this should be an empty array. x-required-message: redirect_uris uri must be provided. For client_credentials this should be an empty array. response_types: type: array items: type: string uniqueItems: true description: response_types uri must be provided. For client_credentials this should be an empty array x-required-message: response_types uri must be provided. For client_credentials this should be an empty array grant_types: type: array items: type: string uniqueItems: true description: grant_types uri must be provided. For client_credentials this should be array containing ["client_credentials"] x-required-message: grant_types uri must be provided. For client_credentials this should be array containing ["client_credentials"] scope: type: string description: scopes to be tagged x-required-message: scope must be provided. required: - id_token_signed_response_alg - token_endpoint_auth_method - jwks_uri - redirect_uris - response_types - grant_types - scope ClientCreationResponse: type: object properties: application_type: type: string description: OIDC application type response enum: - web default: web tls_client_auth_subject_dn: type: string description: the subject dn used to authenticate this client grant_types: type: array items: type: string description: grant_types id_token_signed_response_alg: type: string require_auth_time: type: boolean subject_type: type: string response_types: type: array items: type: string description: response_types post_logout_redirect_uris: type: array items: type: string description: post_logout_redirect_uris token_endpoint_auth_method: type: string introspection_endpoint_auth_method: type: string revocation_endpoint_auth_method: type: string client_id_issued_at: type: number client_id: type: string jwks_uri: type: string registration_client_uri: type: string description: management uri location to manage client post creation registration_access_token: type: string description: token used to manage client post creation redirect_uris: type: array items: type: string description: redirect_uris request_uris: type: array items: type: string description: request_uris AccessTokenRequest: type: object properties: grant_type: type: string description: The Grant Type enum: - client_credentials default: client_credentials minLength: 1 x-required-message: Only client credentials supported client_assertion_type: type: string enum: - urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer description: Restrict to private_key_jwt minLength: 1 maxLength: 160 x-required-message: Client assertion type must be set to urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer assertion: type: string description: The assertion that is used to get a token minLength: 1 x-required-message: Assertion is a required field required: - grant_type - client_assertion_type - assertion AccessTokenResponse: type: object properties: access_token: type: string description: Access token expires_in: type: integer description: lifetime in seconds token_type: type: string scope: type: string UserEmailId: type: string description: User email address maxLength: 50 SuperUserCreationRequest: type: object properties: Email: type: string description: The super user email address minLength: 1 x-required-message: The super user email address is mandatory required: - Email SuperUsers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/SuperUser' SuperUser: type: object properties: Email: type: string description: The super user email address Status: type: string description: Is this super user Active or Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: Authorisation Domain Name maxLength: 30 AuthorisationDomainRoleName: type: string description: Authorisation Domain Role Name maxLength: 30 AuthorityAuthorisationDomainId: type: string description: Mapping ID between Authority and Authorisation Domain maxLength: 50 AuthorisationDomainUserCreateRequest: type: object properties: Email: type: string description: The user email address pattern: "^(.{1,}@[^.]{1,}).*" x-pattern-message: "EmailAddress must be a valid email" AuthorisationDomainRole: type: string description: The authorisation domain role for this user minLength: 1 ContactRole: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactRoleEnum' required: - Email - AuthorisationDomainRole - ContactRole AuthorisationDomainUsers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainUser' AuthorisationDomainUser: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainUserId: type: string description: Unique record ID Email: type: string description: The user email address AuthorisationDomain: type: string description: The authorisation domain for this user AuthorisationDomainRole: type: string description: The authorisation domain role for this user Status: type: string description: Is this user Active or Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active ContactRole: type: string description: Type of role for this user enum: - PTC - STC - PBC - SBC AuthorisationDomainRequest: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name minLength: 1 maxLength: 30 x-required-message: The authorisation domain name is mandatory AuthorisationDomainRegion: type: string description: The authorisation domain region minLength: 2 x-required-message: The authorisation domain region is mandatory AuthorisationDomainDescription: type: string description: The authorisation domain description required: - AuthorisationDomainName - AuthorisationDomainRegion AuthorisationDomains: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomain' AuthorisationDomain: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name AuthorisationDomainRegion: type: string description: The authorisation domain region AuthorisationDomainDescription: type: string description: The authorisation domain description Status: type: string description: Is this Domain Active or Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active AuthorisationDomainRoleRequest: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name minLength: 1 x-required-message: The authorisation domain name is mandatory AuthorisationDomainRoleName: type: string description: The authorisation domain role name minLength: 1 maxLength: 30 x-required-message: The authorisation domain role name is mandatory AuthorisationDomainRoleDescription: type: string description: The authorisation domain role description required: - AuthorisationDomainRoleName - AuthorisationDomainName AuthorisationDomainRoles: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorisationDomainRole' AuthorisationDomainRole: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name AuthorisationDomainRoleName: type: string description: The authorisation domain role AuthorisationDomainRoleDescription: type: string description: The authorisation domain role description Status: type: string description: Is this mapping Active or Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active AuthorityAuthorisationDomainRequest: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name minLength: 1 x-required-message: The authorisation domain name is mandatory required: - AuthorisationDomainName AuthorityAuthorisationDomains: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/AuthorityAuthorisationDomain' AuthorityAuthorisationDomain: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name AuthorityId: type: string description: The GUID of the Authority AuthorityAuthorisationDomainId: type: string description: The GUID of the Authority-Domain mapping Status: type: string description: Is this user Active or Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimId: type: string description: Organisation Authority Domain Claim ID maxLength: 50 OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimRequest: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name minLength: 1 x-required-message: The authorisation domain name is mandatory AuthorityId: type: string description: The Authority ID minLength: 1 x-required-message: The Authority ID is mandatory RegistrationId: type: string description: The registration ID required: - AuthorityId - AuthorisationDomainName OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaims: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaim' OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaim: type: object properties: OrganisationAuthorityDomainClaimId: type: string description: The unique org authority domain claim ID AuthorisationDomainName: type: string description: The authorisation domain name AuthorityId: type: string description: The GUID of the Authority AuthorityName: type: string description: The name of the Authority RegistrationId: type: string description: The registration ID Status: type: string description: Is this user Active or Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive default: Active AuthorisationDomainUserId: type: string description: Unique record ID to identify Domain user maxLength: 50 UserDetail: type: object properties: SuperUser: type: boolean description: Is the user a super user SystemUser: type: boolean description: Is the user a system user BasicInformation: type: object properties: UserEmail: type: string Status: type: string enum: - Active - Inactive OrgAccessDetails: type: object description: Map Key - Org ID, Map Value - Org Access Detail(contaning info about org admin and domain role details) additionalProperties: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrgAccessDetail' DirectoryTermsAndConditionsDetails: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsDetails' TermsAndConditionsDetails: type: object description: Details of TnC properties: RequiresSigning: type: boolean description: Does the Directory TnC require signing Updated: type: boolean description: Has the document updated since the user signed TermsAndConditionsItem: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsItem' UserCreateRequest: type: object properties: UserEmail: type: string description: User's email pattern: "^(.{1,}@[^.]{1,}).*" x-pattern-message: "EmailAddress must be a valid email" TermsAndConditionsId: type: integer description: Id of the TnC(type = Directory), user has agreed to x-required-message: User has to agree to Directory type TnC required: - UserEmail - FirstName - LastName - TermsAndConditionsId UserOPInfo: type: object description: The information contained within is subject to the scopes passed during token generation properties: sub: type: string description: Contains the email address family_name: type: string description: Family name given_name: type: string description: Given name name: type: string description: Full name email: type: string description: Email address email_verified: type: boolean description: Is the email verified address: type: string description: Address phone_number: type: string description: Phone number phone_number_verified: type: boolean description: Is the phone number verified WellKnown: type: object properties: acr_values_supported: type: array items: {} authorization_endpoint: type: string description: REQUIRED. URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Authorization Endpoint claims_parameter_supported: type: boolean description: OPTIONAL. Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the claims parameter, with true indicating support. If omitted, the default value is false claims_supported: type: array items: {} description: RECOMMENDED. JSON array containing a list of the Claim Names of the Claims that the OpenID Provider MAY be able to supply values for code_challenge_methods_supported: type: array items: {} end_session_endpoint: type: string check_session_endpoint: type: string grant_types_supported: type: array items: {} description: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 Grant Type values that this OP supports id_token_signing_alg_values_supported: type: array items: {} description: REQUIRED. JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for the ID Token to encode the Claims in a JWT issuer: type: string description: REQUIRED. URL using the https scheme with no query or fragment component that the OP asserts as its Issuer Identifier jwks_uri: type: string description: REQUIRED. URL of the OP's JSON Web Key Set [JWK] document. registration_endpoint: type: string description: RECOMMENDED. URL of the OP's Dynamic Client Registration Endpoint request_object_signing_alg_values_supported: type: string description: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the OP for Request Objects request_parameter_supported: type: boolean description: OPTIONAL. Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request parameter, with true indicating support. If omitted, the default value is false request_uri_parameter_supported: type: boolean description: OPTIONAL. Boolean value specifying whether the OP supports use of the request_uri parameter, with true indicating support. If omitted, the default value is true require_request_uri_registration: type: boolean description: OPTIONAL. Boolean value specifying whether the OP requires any request_uri values used to be pre-registered using the request_uris registration parameter pushed_authorization_request_endpoint: type: array items: {} response_modes_supported: type: array items: {} description: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_mode values that this OP supports response_types_supported: type: array items: {} description: REQUIRED. JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 response_type values that this OP supports scopes_supported: type: array items: {} description: RECOMMENDED. JSON array containing a list of the OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] scope values that this server supports subject_types_supported: type: array items: {} description: REQUIRED. JSON array containing a list of the Subject Identifier types that this OP supports token_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: type: array items: {} description: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing a list of Client Authentication methods supported by this Token Endpoint token_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported: type: array items: {} description: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) supported by the Token Endpoint for the signature on the JWT token_endpoint: type: string description: URL of the OP's OAuth 2.0 Token Endpoint userinfo_endpoint: type: string description: RECOMMENDED. URL of the OP's UserInfo Endpoint userinfo_signing_alg_values_supported: type: array items: {} description: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing a list of the JWS signing algorithms (alg values) [JWA] supported by the UserInfo Endpoint to encode the Claims in a JWT authorization_signing_alg_values_supported: type: array items: {} introspection_endpoint: type: string introspection_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: type: array items: {} introspection_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported: type: array items: {} revocation_endpoint: type: string revocation_endpoint_auth_methods_supported: type: array items: {} revocation_endpoint_auth_signing_alg_values_supported: type: array items: {} frontchannel_logout_supported: type: boolean frontchannel_logout_session_supported: type: boolean tls_client_certificate_bound_access_tokens: type: boolean claim_types_supported: type: array items: {} description: OPTIONAL. JSON array containing a list of the Claim Types that the OpenID Provider supports OrgAccessDetail: type: object properties: OrgAdmin: type: boolean description: Is the user the org admin of the current org DomainRoleDetails: type: array description: Array of domain, role and status of domain role mapping items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DomainRoleDetail' DomainRoleDetail: type: object properties: AuthorisationDomainName: type: string AuthorisationDomainRoleName: type: string Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusEnum' ContactRole: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactRoleEnum' TnCId: type: integer description: TnC unique identifier ClientId: type: string description: The ClientID TermsAndConditionsPage: type: object properties: totalPages: type: integer totalSize: type: integer pageable: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pageable' numberOfElements: type: integer size: type: integer content: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsItem' offset: type: integer empty: type: boolean pageNumber: type: integer TermsAndConditionsItem: type: object properties: TnCId: type: integer description: Unique identifier for the Terms and Conditions Item Version: type: integer Name: type: string Type: type: string description: Identifies Participant or Directory Content: type: string description: Contains the MarkDown of the actual TnCs Status: type: string description: Is the TnC Active or Inactive enum: - Active - Inactive ExternalSigningService: type: object properties: ExternalSigningServiceName: type: string enum: - DocuSign ExternalSigningServiceSignerTemplateConfig: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExternalSigningServiceSignerTemplateConfig' ExternalSigningServiceSubject: type: string TermsAndConditionsCreateRequest: type: object properties: Type: type: string minLength: 1 description: Role for which this TnC applies enum: - Participant - Directory x-required-message: Type must be provided Version: type: integer description: Version of the TnC document x-required-message: Version must be provided Name: type: string minLength: 1 description: The Name of the TnC x-required-message: Name must be provided Content: type: string minLength: 1 description: The MarkDown of the TnC x-required-message: MarkDown must be provided ExternalSigningServiceName: enum: - DocuSign description: The Name of the External Signing Service x-required-message: External signing service name must be provided ExternalSigningServiceSignerTemplateConfig: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExternalSigningServiceSignerTemplateConfig' ExternalSigningServiceSubject: type: string minLength: 1 description: The Subject of the External Signing Service x-required-message: Subject must be provided required: - Type - Version - Content - Name ExternalSigningServiceSignerTemplateConfig: type: object properties: TemplateIdSigner1: type: string minLength: 1 description: Template ID for 1 signer TemplateIdSigner2: type: string minLength: 1 description: Template ID for 2 signers TemplateIdSigner3: type: string minLength: 1 description: Template ID for 3 signers TemplateIdSigner4: type: string minLength: 1 description: Template ID for 4 signers TemplateIdSigner5: type: string minLength: 1 description: Template ID for 5 signers TemplateIdSigner6: type: string minLength: 1 description: Template ID for 6 signers TermsAndConditionsUpdateRequest: type: object properties: Content: type: string minLength: 1 description: The MarkDown of the TnC x-required-message: MarkDown must be provided ExternalSigningServiceName: enum: - DocuSign description: The Name of the External Signing Service x-required-message: External signing service name must be provided ExternalSigningServiceSignerTemplateConfig: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExternalSigningServiceSignerTemplateConfig' ExternalSigningServiceSubject: type: string minLength: 1 description: The Subject of the External Signing Service x-required-message: Subject must be provided required: - Content OrgAdminUserCreateRequest: type: object properties: UserEmail: type: string description: Admin user email address pattern: "^(.{1,}@[^.]{1,}).*" x-pattern-message: "EmailAddress must be a valid email" required: - UserEmail OrganisationAdminUsers: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrganisationAdminUser' OrganisationAdminUser: type: object properties: Status: type: string description: Is the admin user active enum: - Active - Inactive UserEmail: type: string description: User's email address DomainRoleDetails: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/DomainRoleDetail' ApiResources: type: object properties: totalPages: type: integer totalSize: type: integer pageable: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pageable' numberOfElements: type: integer size: type: integer content: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResource' offset: type: integer empty: type: boolean pageNumber: type: integer ApiResource: type: object properties: ApiResourceId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiResourceId' ApiFamilyType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiFamilyType' ApiVersion: type: number description: The version number of the API ApiDiscoveryEndpoints: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiDiscoveryEndpoint' ApiResourceRequest: type: object properties: ApiFamilyType: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiFamilyType' ApiVersion: type: number description: The version number of the API ApiFamilyType: type: string minLength: 1 maxLength: 40 description: The type of API this record describes ApiResourceId: type: string maxLength: 40 description: The unique ID of an Api version resource ApiDiscoveryEndpoints: type: object properties: totalPages: type: integer totalSize: type: integer pageable: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pageable' numberOfElements: type: integer size: type: integer content: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ApiDiscoveryEndpoint' offset: type: integer empty: type: boolean pageNumber: type: integer ApiDiscoveryEndpoint: type: object properties: ApiDiscoveryId: type: string maxLength: 40 description: Unique Id of this discovery endpoint record ApiEndpoint: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "ApiEndpoint must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 ApiDiscoveryEndpointRequest: type: object properties: ApiEndpoint: description: A compliant URI pattern: "^(http:\\/\\/|https:\\/\\/).*" x-pattern-message: "ApiEndpoint must be in a URI format https://... or http://..." type: string format: uri maxLength: 256 ApiDiscoveryEndpointId: type: string maxLength: 40 description: The unique ID of an Api discovery endpoint resource OrgTermsAndConditionsPage: type: object properties: totalPages: type: integer totalSize: type: integer pageable: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pageable' numberOfElements: type: integer size: type: integer content: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/OrgTermsAndConditionsDetail' offset: type: integer empty: type: boolean pageNumber: type: integer UserTermsAndConditionsPage: type: object properties: totalPages: type: integer totalSize: type: integer pageable: $ref: '#/components/schemas/Pageable' numberOfElements: type: integer size: type: integer content: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsDetail' offset: type: integer empty: type: boolean pageNumber: type: integer EssSignRequest: type: object properties: TnCId: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TnCId' NoOfSigners: type: integer EssPollResponse: type: object properties: ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeStatus: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeStatus' TnCsToBeSigned: type: array items: $ref: '#/components/schemas/TermsAndConditionsItem' ExternalSigningServiceEnvelopeId: type: string description: The envelope id of the ess signing request AuthorisationDomainUserUpdateRequest: type: object properties: Status: $ref: '#/components/schemas/StatusEnum' ContactRole: $ref: '#/components/schemas/ContactRoleEnum' ContactRoleEnum: type: string description: The role of the contact enum: - PTC - STC - PBC - SBC