const simpleDirectives = {}; (function(simpleDirectives) { // a new instance of this is created when the dev calls simpleDirectives.register() class SimpleRegistrar { constructor(element, root) { this.elements = []; this.pointers = []; this.trackers = []; // default root to window if not provided this.root = root ? root : window; // register the provided element, or the body if one was not provided this.register(element ? element : document.body); // start the runner this.runner(); } register(target, scope, tracker) { const directiveNames = Object.keys(directiveClasses).map(k => k.replace("d", "d-").toLowerCase()); let element; let skipChildren = false; let trackerId = tracker ? tracker : "t" + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000); if (!document.body.contains(target)) { throw new Error("Attempted to register an element that is not within the DOM."); } if (target.hasAttributes()) { // get any directives that might exist on this element let directives = Array.from(target.attributes).map(({ name, value }) => { // make sure we don't register a radio group more than once const isNotDupeRdo = name !== "sd-rdo" || SdRdo.isFirstRdoOfGroup(this, target); if (is(name).in(directiveNames) && isNotDupeRdo) { // don't register children; the directives will handle that on their first run if (is(name).in(["sd-if", "sd-for"])) { skipChildren = true; } return { type: name, value: value.replace(/\s+/g, "") }; } else { return null; } }); removeNulls(directives); // only register the element if it has at least one of our directives if (directives.length) { element = new SimpleElement(this, target, directives, Object.assign({}, scope || {})); this.elements.push(element); } } if (!this.trackers.hasOwnProperty(trackerId)) { // start a tracker for this registration cascade this.trackers[trackerId] = 0; } else { // if we have one already, subtract a tick this.trackers[trackerId] = this.trackers[trackerId] - 1; } if (target.children.length && (!element || !skipChildren)) { // add to the counter so we don't fire the sorter too early this.trackers[trackerId] = this.trackers[trackerId] + target.children.length; // register each child element Array.from(target.children).forEach(child => this.register(child, scope, trackerId)); } else if (this.trackers[trackerId] === 0) { // when this counter reaches 0, we know we are done with registration delete this.trackers[trackerId]; // sd-if (highest in dom) > sd-for (highest in dom) > sd-if (next highest) > ... > (others) this.pointers.sort((pointerA, pointerB) => { const a = { dir: SimpleReference.bubbleUp(pointerA) .constructor.toString() .split(" ")[1], el: pointerA.scope.element }; const b = { dir: SimpleReference.bubbleUp(pointerB) .constructor.toString() .split(" ")[1], el: pointerB.scope.element }; if (a.el === b.el) { a.dir = SimpleReference.bubbleUp(pointerA) .constructor.toString() .split(" ")[1]; b.dir = SimpleReference.bubbleUp(pointerB) .constructor.toString() .split(" ")[1]; if (a.dir === "SdIf" && b.dir !== "SdIf") { return -1; } else if (a.dir === "SdFor" && !is(b.dir).in(["SdIf", "SdFor"])) { return -1; } } else if (a.el.contains(b.el)) { return -1; } else if (b.el.contains(a.el)) { return 1; } return 0; }); } } runner() { // run each pointer; if the value has changed, it will run the relevant expression this.pointers.forEach(pointer => { if (pointer.valid) {; } }); setTimeout(() => this.runner(), 100); } unregister(target) { // unregister each element that is the target or a child of it this.elements = => { return element.scope.element === target || target.contains(element.scope.element) ? element.unregister() : element; }); removeNulls(this.elements); } // gives the dev a way to see an element the way the lib sees it getSimpleElement(target) { let simpleElements = []; this.elements.forEach(element => { if (element.scope.element === target) { simpleElements.push(element); } }); return simpleElements; } } class SimpleElement { constructor(instance, element, directives, scope) { this.directives = []; Object.assign(this, { instance, scope }); this.scope.element = element; // not used for anything; just makes it clear at a glance whether an element is registered element.setAttribute("sd-registered", "true"); // order is important: sd-if > sd-for > (others) > sd-on directives.sort((a, b) => { if (a.type === "sd-if" && b.type !== "sd-if") { return 1; } if (a.type === "sd-for" && !is(b.type).in(["sd-if", "sd-for"])) { return 1; } if (a.type === "on" && b.type !== "on") { return -1; } }); // register each directive on the element directives.forEach(({ type, value }) => { if (is(type).in(["sd-attr", "sd-class", "sd-on"]) && is(";").in(value)) { const split = value.split(";"); split.forEach(exp => this.directives.push(SimpleDirective.getDirective(this, type, exp))); } else { this.directives.push(SimpleDirective.getDirective(this, type, value)); } }); } unregister() { this.scope.element.removeAttribute("sd-registered"); // remove directives from the element this.directives.forEach(directive => { if (directive instanceof SdOn) { directive.destroy(); } if (directive instanceof SdFor) { setTimeout(() => { this.scope.element.innerHTML = directive.originalHTML; }); } }); // remove pointers from the registry this.instance.pointers = => { const parent = SimpleReference.bubbleUp(pointer); if (parent.element === this) { pointer.valid = false; return null; } else { return pointer; } }); removeNulls(this.instance.pointers); return null; } } // not used directly; extensions below class SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { Object.assign(this, { element, expression, scope: element.scope }); } static getDirective(element, name, expression) { const className = "Sd" + name.substring(3, 4).toUpperCase() + name.substring(4); return new directiveClasses[className](element, expression); } } class SdAttr extends SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { super(element, expression); const [attribute, reference] = splitFirstPart(expression); this.attribute = attribute; this.scope.attributeName = attribute; this.reference = SimpleReference.getReference(this, reference); } run(value) { const attribute = this.attribute; const element = this.scope.element; if (attribute === "value" && element.tagName === "SELECT") { // make sure the appropriate option is selected Array.from(element.getElementsByTagName("option")).forEach(optionElement => { if ((Array.isArray(value) && is(optionElement.value).in(value)) || value == optionElement.value) { optionElement.selected = true; } else { optionElement.selected = false; } }); } else if (!value) { if (element.hasAttribute(attribute)) { element.removeAttribute(attribute); } if (attribute === "value") { // browsers don't officially bind the attribute and property element.value = ""; } } else { element.setAttribute(attribute, value); if (attribute === "value") { // browsers don't officially bind the attribute and property element.value = value; } } } } class SdClass extends SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { super(element, expression); this.cachedState = 2; const [classes, reference] = splitFirstPart(expression); this.classes = classes.split(","); this.scope.classNames = this.classes; this.reference = SimpleReference.getReference(this, reference); } run(value) { // prevent unnecessary refires for boolean directives (sd-if and sd-class) if (this.cachedState === 2) { this.cachedState = value ? 1 : 0; } else if (value && this.cachedState === 0) { this.cachedState = 1; } else if (!value && this.cachedState === 1) { this.cachedState = 0; } else { return; } const classList = this.scope.element.classList; // appropriately toggle class this.classes.forEach(className => { if (!value) { if (classList.contains(className)) { classList.remove(className); } } else if (!classList.contains(className)) { classList.add(className); } }); } } class SdFor extends SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { super(element, expression); const [alias, reference] = splitFirstPart(expression); Object.assign(this, { alias, originalChildren: this.scope.element.children.length, originalHTML: this.scope.element.innerHTML }); this.scope.itemName = this.alias; this.reference = SimpleReference.getReference(this, reference); } run($collection) { if (!$collection) { return; } const { instance, directives } = this.element; const element = this.scope.element; const children = this.scope.element.children; // create an orphan element so we can use it to apply only the necessary differences const orphan = document.createElement("div"); orphan.innerHTML = this.originalHTML.repeat($collection.length); // unregister all the current children Array.from(children).forEach(child => { instance.unregister(child); }); // make the dom changes if (children.length > orphan.children.length) { Array.from(Array(children.length - orphan.children.length)).forEach(() => { element.removeChild(element.lastChild); }); } else if (children.length < orphan.children.length) { const childrenToAdd = Array.from(orphan.children).slice(children.length); childrenToAdd.forEach(child => { element.appendChild(child); }); } // register all the new children (reference element.children to grab the new ones) Array.from(element.children).forEach((child, index) => { const $index = Math.floor(index / this.originalChildren); const scope = Object.assign({}, this.scope); scope[this.alias] = Object.assign({ $collection, $index }, $collection[$index]); this.handleSdForUniques(child, "sd" + $index); instance.register(child, scope); }); // if this is a select, we may need to refresh it to show an accurate value if (element.tagName === "SELECT") { directives.some(directive => { if (directive instanceof SdAttr && directive.attribute === "value") { setTimeout(() => directive.reference.get(value =>; return true; } }); } } handleSdForUniques(target, suffix) { const attributes = target.getAttribute("sd-for-unique"); if (attributes) { // add a unique suffix per loop for each given attribute attributes.split(",").forEach(attribute => { const current = target.getAttribute(attribute); if (current) { target.setAttribute(attribute, current + suffix); } else { target.setAttribute(attribute, "sdForUnique" + suffix); } }); } // crawl through all children Array.from(target.children).forEach(child => this.handleSdForUniques(child, suffix)); } } class SdHtml extends SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { super(element, expression); this.reference = SimpleReference.getReference(this, expression); } run(value) { const instance = this.element.instance; const element = this.scope.element; // unregister any current children Array.from(element.children).forEach(child => instance.unregister(child)); // switch out the markup element.innerHTML = value; // register any new children Array.from(element.children).forEach(child => instance.register(child, this.scope)); } } class SdIf extends SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { super(element, expression); this.cachedState = 2; this.reference = SimpleReference.getReference(this, expression); } run(value) { // prevent unnecessary refires for boolean directives (sd-if and sd-class) if (this.cachedState === 2) { this.cachedState = value ? 1 : 0; } else if (value && this.cachedState === 0) { this.cachedState = 1; } else if (!value && this.cachedState === 1) { this.cachedState = 0; } else { return; } const instance = this.element.instance; const { style, children } = this.scope.element; if (value) { // go back to the original display rule if there was one style.display = null; // register children (they weren't registered when the if was falsy) Array.from(children).forEach(child => instance.register(child, Object.assign({}, this.scope))); } else { style.display = "none"; // unregister any chidren Array.from(children).forEach(child => instance.unregister(child)); } } } class SdRdo extends SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { super(element, expression); this.reference = SimpleReference.getReference(this, expression); } run(value) { const groupName = this.scope.element.getAttribute("name"); const radioInputs = Array.from(document.getElementsByName(groupName)); // find the radio with the matching value and select it // while we're at it, deselect everything else radioInputs.forEach(radioInput => { if (radioInput.value === value) { radioInput.checked = true; } else { radioInput.checked = false; } }); } static isFirstRdoOfGroup(instance, target) { return !instance.elements.some( ({ scope }) => scope.element.tagName === "INPUT" && scope.element.getAttribute("type") === "radio" && scope.element.getAttribute("name") === target.getAttribute("name") ); } } class SdOn extends SimpleDirective { constructor(element, expression) { super(element, expression); const [events, actions] = splitFirstPart(expression); = events.split(","); this.scope.eventNames =; // make sure we're assigning the right action types this.actions = actions.split(",").map(action => { if (action === "$update") { // if we can't get one, this will return null and we'll remove it return this.getUpdater(); } else if (is("=").in(action)) { return new SimpleAssigner(this, action); } else { return new SimpleCaller(this, action); } }); removeNulls(this.actions); this.listener = event => this.actions.forEach(action =>; => this.scope.element.addEventListener(event, this.listener)); } destroy() { => this.scope.element.removeEventListener(event, this.listener)); } getUpdater() { const element = this.scope.element; // run-of-the-mill logic to get the appropriate updater if (element.hasAttribute("sd-attr")) { if (element.tagName === "INPUT" && is(element.getAttribute("type")).in(["checkbox", "radio"])) { return new CheckedUpdater(this); } else { return new ValueUpdater(this); } } else if (element.hasAttribute("sd-html") && element.isContentEditable) { return new ContentEditableUpdater(this); } else if ( element.tagName === "INPUT" && element.getAttribute("type") === "radio" && element.hasAttribute("name") && (element.hasAttribute("sd-rdo") || Array.from( document.querySelectorAll('input[name="' + element.getAttribute("name") + '"]') ).some(radio => radio.hasAttribute("sd-rdo"))) ) { return new RadioUpdater(this); } else { return null; } } } // not used directly; extensions below class SimpleAction { constructor(directive) { this.directive = directive; this.scope = directive.scope; } } class SimpleCaller extends SimpleAction { constructor(directive, action) { super(directive); this.action = action; this.callee = SimpleReference.getReference(this, action); } doApply(event) { const callee = this.callee.obj[this.callee.key]; const args = => { return arg.bang ? !arg.obj[arg.key] : arg.obj[arg.key]; }); callee.apply(Object.assign({ event: event }, this.scope), args); } run(event) { // try to fire immediately first if (this.callee.obj && this.callee.obj.hasOwnProperty(this.callee.key)) { this.doApply(event); } else { // if we lost the callee, it may be because the dev is doing something with it on their end // wait until the current stack is done and try once more setTimeout(() => { this.callee.tryRelink(); if (this.callee.obj && this.callee.obj.hasOwnProperty(this.callee.key)) { this.doApply(event); } }); } } } class SimpleAssigner extends SimpleAction { constructor(directive, action) { super(directive); this.action = action; const parts = action.split("="); this.left = SimpleReference.getReference(this, parts[0]); this.right = SimpleReference.getReference(this, parts[1]); } run() { this.right.get(right => { this.left.obj[this.left.key] = right; }); } } class SimpleUpdater extends SimpleAction {} class ValueUpdater extends SimpleUpdater { constructor(directive) { super(directive); // find the reference to the value we'd like to update this.directive.element.directives.some(directive => { if ( directive instanceof SdAttr && directive.attribute === "value" && directive.reference instanceof SimplePointer ) { this.updatee = directive.reference; return true; } }); } run() { const value = this.scope.element.value; // try to pass the developer a real number if that seems to be what they want if (typeof this.updatee.obj[this.updatee.key] === "number" && !isNaN(Number(value))) { this.updatee.obj[this.updatee.key] = Number(value); } else { this.updatee.obj[this.updatee.key] = value; } } } class CheckedUpdater extends SimpleUpdater { constructor(directive) { super(directive); // find the reference to the value we'd like to update this.directive.element.directives.some(directive => { if ( directive instanceof SdAttr && directive.attribute === "checked" && directive.reference instanceof SimplePointer ) { this.updatee = directive.reference; return true; } }); } run() { const element = this.scope.element; this.updatee.obj[this.updatee.key] = element.checked; } } class ContentEditableUpdater extends SimpleUpdater { constructor(directive) { super(directive); // find the reference to the value we'd like to update this.directive.element.directives.some(directive => { if (directive instanceof SdHtml && directive.reference instanceof SimplePointer) { this.updatee = directive.reference; return true; } }); } run() { const { innerHTML } = this.scope.element; this.updatee.obj[this.updatee.key] = innerHTML; } } class RadioUpdater extends SimpleUpdater { constructor(directive) { super(directive); const instance = this.directive.element.instance; // kick this out of the current thread so the SimpleElements will be available setTimeout(() => { const radios = document.querySelectorAll(`input[name=\"${this.scope.element.getAttribute("name")}\"]`); // find the reference to the value we'd like to update Array.from(radios).some(radio => { const simpleElements = instance.getSimpleElement(radio); if (simpleElements.length) { simpleElements[0].directives.some(directive => { if (directive instanceof SdRdo && directive.reference instanceof SimplePointer) { this.updatee = directive.reference; return true; } }); } }); }); } run() { const groupName = this.scope.element.getAttribute("name"); const radioInputs = Array.from(document.getElementsByName(groupName)); let value; // get dat value radioInputs.some(radioInput => { if (radioInput.checked) { value = radioInput.value; return true; } }); this.updatee.obj[this.updatee.key] = value; } } class SimpleReference { constructor(parent) { this.parent = parent; this.scope = parent.scope; } // not the best name.."bubbles up" to return the earliest ancestor static bubbleUp(reference) { let parent = reference; while (parent instanceof SimpleReference) { parent = parent.parent; } return parent; } static getReference(parent, reference, isArg) { if (/[=]/.test(reference.substring(1))) { return new SimpleComparison(parent, reference, isArg); } else { return new SimplePointer(parent, reference, isArg); } } } class SimpleComparison extends SimpleReference { constructor(parent, comparison, isArg) { super(parent); const comparator = comparison.match(/([=]{1,3})/)[0]; const index = comparison.indexOf(comparator); this.comparison = comparison; this.comparator = comparator; this.left = SimpleReference.getReference(this, comparison.substring(0, index), isArg); this.right = SimpleReference.getReference(this, comparison.substring(index + comparator.length), isArg); } get(resolve) { this.left.get(left => { this.right.get(right => { switch (this.comparator) { case "==": resolve(left == right); break; case "===": resolve(left === right); break; case "!=": resolve(left != right); break; case "!==": resolve(left != right); break; case "<": resolve(left < right); break; case ">": resolve(left > right); break; case "<=": resolve(left <= right); break; case ">=": resolve(left >= right); break; } }); }); } } class SimplePointer extends SimpleReference { constructor(parent, pointer, isArg) { super(parent); this.args = []; this.bang = false; this.valid = true; if (pointer.startsWith("!")) { this.bang = true; pointer = pointer.substring(1); } const [base, args] = splitFirstPart(pointer); this.base = base; if (args) { this.args = args.split(":").map(a => SimpleReference.getReference(this, a, true)); } const { obj, key } = this.getObjAndKey(this.base, this.scope); this.obj = obj; this.key = key; if (!isArg) { const bubbledUpParent = SimpleReference.bubbleUp(this); if (bubbledUpParent instanceof SimpleDirective && !(bubbledUpParent instanceof SdOn)) { bubbledUpParent.element.instance.pointers.push(this);; } } } get(resolve) { let args; let value = this.obj[this.key]; if (typeof value === "function") { if (this.args.some(arg => !arg.obj || !arg.obj.hasOwnProperty(arg.key))) { // one of the args is undefined; let's try again after the current stack finishes setTimeout(() => { args = => { if (!arg.obj || !arg.obj.hasOwnProperty(arg.key)) { arg.tryRelink(); } return arg.bang ? !arg.obj[arg.key] : arg.obj[arg.key]; }); value = value.apply(this.scope, args); resolve(this.bang ? !value : value); }); } else { args = => { return arg.bang ? !arg.obj[arg.key] : arg.obj[arg.key]; }); value = value.apply(this.scope, args); } } resolve(this.bang ? !value : value); } getObjAndKey(base, scope) { let obj = { value: base }; let key = "value"; let objAndKey = this.maybeGetObjAndKey(base, scope, false); if (objAndKey.nah) { objAndKey = this.maybeGetObjAndKey(base, scope, true); } if (!objAndKey.nah) { obj = objAndKey.obj; key = objAndKey.key; } return { obj, key }; } maybeGetObjAndKey(base, scope, tryWithoutScope) { const fallback = { nah: true }; const hasBrackets = is("[").in(base); let hasDots = is(".").in(base); let obj; let workingBase = base; if (scope && !tryWithoutScope) { obj = scope; } else { let root = SimpleReference.bubbleUp(this); if (root instanceof SimpleDirective) { root = root.element.instance.root; } else { root = root.directive.element.instance.root; } obj = root; } if (/[^a-z0-9.[\]$_]/i.test(base)) { return fallback; } if (!hasBrackets && !hasDots) { return obj.hasOwnProperty(base) ? { obj, key: base } : fallback; } else { if (hasBrackets) { // go through and convert all the bracket references to a single dots-only reference while (/\[[^\[\]]*\]/.test(workingBase)) { workingBase = workingBase.replace(/\[([^\[\]]*)\]/g, (_, capture) => { const { obj, key } = this.getObjAndKey(capture, scope); return "." + obj[key]; }); } // if there were brackets but no dots..there are now dots if (!hasDots) { hasDots = true; } } if (hasDots) { const parts = workingBase.split("."); let key; if (obj[parts[0]] && obj[parts[0]].$collection && parts[1] !== "$collection" && parts[1] !== "$index") { const itemRef = obj[parts[0]].$collection[obj[parts[0]].$index]; obj = {}; obj[parts[0]] = itemRef; } // build up the final obj state one leaf at a time parts.some((part, index) => { if (index === parts.length - 1) { key = part; } else if (typeof obj === "object" && obj.hasOwnProperty(part)) { obj = obj[part]; } else { key = false; return true; } }); return typeof key === "string" ? { obj, key } : fallback; } } } run(skipDiffCheck) { this.get(value => { let currentValue = value; let valueChanged = false; // if we're dealing in arrays, let's compare them differently if (Array.isArray(currentValue) && Array.isArray(this.value)) { if (currentValue.length !== this.value.length) { valueChanged = true; } else { currentValue.some((obj, index) => { if (obj !== this.value[index]) { valueChanged = true; return true; } }); } } else if ( typeof currentValue !== "undefined" && currentValue.toString && currentValue.toString() === "NaN" ) { if (this.value && this.value.toString && this.value.toString() === "NaN") { valueChanged = true; } } else if (currentValue !== this.value) { valueChanged = true; } if (Array.isArray(currentValue)) { currentValue = currentValue.slice(0); } if (valueChanged || skipDiffCheck) { const directive = SimpleReference.bubbleUp(this); this.value = currentValue; // in some cases, the reference isn't yet defined at this point try { directive.reference.get(value =>; } catch (e) { setTimeout(() => directive.reference.get(value =>; } } }); } tryRelink() { const { obj, key } = this.getObjAndKey(this.base, this.scope); this.obj = obj; this.key = key; } } function memoize(fn, refreshRate) { const cache = {}; // traditional function style to ensure we get the right `this` const memoized = function() { const now =; let key = Array.from(arguments); key.unshift(this); key = key .map(part => { switch (typeof part) { case "object": if (part === null) { return "null"; } else { return JSON.stringify(part); } case "boolean": case "number": case "function": return part.toString(); case "string": return part; default: return typeof part; } }) .join(""); if (!cache.hasOwnProperty(key) || now > cache[key].expires) { cache[key] = { value: fn.apply(this, arguments), expires: now + (refreshRate || 1000) }; } return cache[key].value; }; return memoized; } function removeNulls(arr) { let index; while ((index = arr.indexOf(null)) !== -1) { arr.splice(index, 1); } } function splitFirstPart(expression) { const parts = expression.split(":"); const firstPart = parts.shift(); const theRest = parts.join(":"); return [firstPart, theRest]; } const is = thing => ({ in: collection => collection.indexOf(thing) !== -1 }); const directiveClasses = { SdAttr, SdClass, SdFor, SdHtml, SdIf, SdRdo, SdOn }; simpleDirectives.register = (element, root) => new SimpleRegistrar(element, root); simpleDirectives.memoize = memoize; })(simpleDirectives);