*** # SublimeHttpRequester - HTTP client plugin for Sublime Text 2 & 3 *** ==================== Contact: [braindamageinc@gmail.com](mailto:braindamageinc@gmail.com) ## Summary Makes HTTP requests using the selected text as URL + headers. Useful for testing REST APIs from Sublime Text 2 editor. ## Update: Added latency and download time output. ## Usage Select the text that represents an URL. Examples of requests: http://www.google.com/search?q=test GET http://www.google.com/search?q=test www.google.com/search?q=test If you need to add extra headers just add them below the URL line, one on each line: www.google.com/search?q=test Accept: text/plain Cookie : SOME_COOKIE Use the right-click context menu command *Http Requester* or the keyboard shortcut *CTRL + ALT + R* ( *COMMAND + ALT + R* on Mac OS X ). Update: *F5* refreshes last request. ### POST/PUT usage Just add **POST_BODY:** after any extra headers and the body on the following lines: POST http://posttestserver.com/post.php POST_BODY: this is the body that will be sent via HTTP POST a second line for body message If you want to POST form variables: POST http://posttestserver.com/post.php Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded POST_BODY: variable1=avalue&variable2=1234&variable3=anothervalue For PUT: PUT http://yoururl.com/puthere POST_BODY: this body will be sent via HTTP PUT ### DELETE usage Same as HTTP GET: DELETE http://yoururl.com/deletethis ### Requesting through a proxy If you need to send the request through a proxy server you can use: GET www.yourtest.com USE_PROXY: Where ** is the proxy server address (IP or URL) followed by the port number. **Warning** : allways append a port number, even if it's *80* ### Using client SSL certificates If you need client SSL certification you can use: GET https://yoursecureserver.com CLIENT_SSL_CERT: certif_file.pem CLIENT_SSL_KEY: key_file.key ### Using html charset If you need to make a request for a page with a specific encoding such as cyrillic you can use: GET https://yoursecureserver.com CHARSET: cp1251 ### Show results in the same results tab If you wish to have all the requests responses in the same file (tab), you can use the following param: GET http://someserver.com SAME_FILE: True ### Set custom timeout For a custom request timeout value, use the following param (timeout in **seconds**): GET http://someserver.com TIMEOUT: 5 ## Installation Using the Sublime Text 2/3 Package Control plugin (http://wbond.net/sublime_packages/package_control) press *CTRL + SHIFT + P* and find **Package Control: Install Package** and press *Enter*. Find this plugin in the list by name **Http Requester**. Or git clone to your Sublime Text 2/3 packages folder directly (usually located at /Sublime Text 2/Packages/ or /Sublime Text 3/Packages/).