# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/) and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [4.1.2] - 2018-11-04 ### Changed - Update boom to version 7.2.2 ## [4.1.1] - 2018-07-25 ### Security - Update boom sub-dependencies to remove vulnerable version of `hoek` ([CVE-2018-3728](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2018-3728)) ## [4.1.0] - 2018-04-07 ### Added - Decorator function for `Boom.failedDependency` ### Changed - Tested against hapi.js v17.4.0 ## [4.0.0] - 2018-12-04 ### Added - Support for hapi.js version 17 and Boom version 7 - Decorator function for `Boom.boomify` ### Removed - Support for hapi.js versions older than 17 and Node.js versions 4, 6 and 7 - `wrap` and `create` decorator functions (use `boomify` instead) ## [3.0.1] - 2017-11-11 - Updated docs with Hapi v17 information ## [3.0.0] - 2017-05-29 ### Changed - Updated boom dependency to version 5.1.0 ## [2.3.0] - 2017-04-19 ### Added - Support for Boom.teapot() ## [2.2.2] - 2016-12-04 ### Changed - Regenerated npm-shrinkwrap.json to remove development dependencies ## [2.2.1] - 2016-12-04 ### Fixed - Remove spread operator usage to fix Node 4 support [#39](https://github.com/brainsiq/hapi-boom-decorators/issues/39) - Add node 4 back to CI configuration ## [2.2.0] - 2016-12-03 ### Fixed - Support creating boom errors with a function signature that is not `Boom.[errorType]([message], [data])` e.g. `Boom.methodNotAllowed([message], [data], [allow])` ## [2.1.1] - 2016-12-03 ### Changed - Test against latest versions of node 6 and 7 - Update dependencies - Remove retire.js and test with Snyk ## [2.1.0] - 2016-10-07 ### Changed - Test against latest versions of node 4, 5 and 6 - Update boom dependency ### Added - Decorate hapi.js reply interface with new boom functions: internal, paymentRequired ## [2.0.2] - 2016-09-01 ### Changed - Test against latest hapi version 15 - Update dependencies - Test against latest versions of node 5 and 6 ## [2.0.1] - 2016-08-14 ### Changed - Test against latest hapi version 14 - Update dev dependencies (inc changing XO -> JS Standard) ## [2.0.0] - 2016-07-14 ### Changed - Update Boom dependency - Replace serverTimeout function with serverUnavailable ## [1.1.4] - 2016-07-14 ### Changed - Update out of date dependencies (exc. Boom) - Test only in latest few versions of node 4.x, 5.x and 6.x ## [1.1.3] - 2016-03-19 ### Changed - Test against hapi version 13 - Update out of date dependencies - Test against additional node 4.x and 5.x versions ## [1.1.2] - 2016-01-10 ### Changed - Test against hapi version 12 - Test against additional node version 5.4 ## [1.1.1] - 2016-01-03 ### Changed - Fix peer dependency conflicts with dev dependencies and build issues - Specify minimum node version in package.json ## [1.1.0] - 2015-12-27 ### Added - `reply.illegal()` decorated function for new 451 HTTP response code ### Changed - Test against additional node versions (5.2 and 5.3)