function getScript(e,t){var n=document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0],r=!1,i=document.createElement("script");i.src=e,i.onload=i.onreadystatechange=function(){!r&&(!this.readyState||this.readyState==="loaded"||this.readyState==="complete")&&(r=!0,typeof t=="function"&&t())},n.appendChild(i)}; class GraphCard extends HTMLElement { set hass(hass) { this._hass = hass; if (!this.content) { const card = document.createElement('ha-card'); this.content = document.createElement('div'); this.content.className = 'card'; = this.graph_height + 'px'; = '0px 16px 16px 16px'; card.appendChild(this.content); this.appendChild(card); this.initGraph(this.content); } } initGraph(element) { var loading_options = {text: 'Bezig met laden...'}; var _this = this; getScript("/local/custom-lovelace/graph-card/echarts.min.js", function(){ _this.graph = echarts.init(element); _this.graph.showLoading('default', loading_options); window.onresize = function(event) { _this.graph.resize(); }; }); this.initial_options = { tooltip : { trigger: 'axis', axisPointer: { type: 'shadow', label: { show: true } } }, calculable : true, grid: { top: '12%', left: '1%', right: '1%', containLabel: true }, xAxis: [ { type : 'time', } ], yAxis: [ { type : 'value' } ], dataZoom: [ { show: true, start: this.zoom, end: 100 }, { type: 'inside', start: 0, end: 100 } ], }; /* These settings should not affect the updates and reset the zoom on each update. */ this.update_options = { xAxis: [ { type : 'time', } ], series : [] }; for (const entity of this.entities) { this.update_options.series.push({ smooth: entity.smooth || true, name: || '', type: entity.type || 'line', areaStyle: entity.areaStyle || null, color: entity.color || null, data: null }); } this.getHistory(); } getHistory(update) { var startTime; if (update) { startTime = this.lastEndTime; } else { startTime = new Date(); startTime.setHours(startTime.getHours() - this.hoursToShow); } var endTime = new Date(); this.lastEndTime = endTime; const filter = startTime.toISOString() + '?end_time=' + endTime.toISOString() + '&filter_entity_id=' + this.entity_ids.join(','); const prom = this._hass.callApi('GET', 'history/period/' + filter).then( stateHistory => this.formatData(stateHistory, update), () => null ); } formatData(stateHistories, update) { var allData = []; for (const stateHistory of stateHistories) { var data = []; var entity_id = ''; for (const state of stateHistory) { if (entity_id === '') { entity_id = state.entity_id; } var d = new Date(state.last_changed); data.push({ name: d.toString(), value: [ [d.getFullYear(), d.getMonth() + 1, d.getDate()].join('/') + 'T' + d.toLocaleTimeString(), state.state ] }); } allData[this.entity_ids.indexOf(entity_id)] = data; } if (!update) { this.drawGraph(allData); } else { this.updateGraph(allData); } } updateGraph(allData) { /* Delta update. */ var i = 0; for (const data of allData) { this.update_options.series[i].data = this.update_options.series[i].data.concat(data); i++; } this.graph.setOption(this.update_options); } drawGraph(allData) { this.graph.hideLoading(); this.graph.setOption(this.initial_options); //* Different set of options, to prevent the dataZoom being reset on each update. */ var i = 0; for (const data of allData) { this.update_options.series[i].data = data; i++; } this.graph.setOption(this.update_options); var _this = this; /* Update graph data from now on. */ setInterval(function () { _this.getHistory(true); }, this.update_interval * 1000); } setConfig(config) { this._config = config; this.title = config.title || ''; this.hoursToShow = config.hours_to_show || 24; this.update_interval = config.update_interval || 30; this.graph_height = config.graph_height || 300; this.zoom = config.zoom || 0; this.entities = []; this.entity_ids = []; for (const entity of config.entities) { if (typeof entity == 'string') { this.entities.push({entity: entity}); this.entity_ids.push(entity); } else { this.entities.push(entity); this.entity_ids.push(entity.entity); } } } getCardSize() { return 4; } } customElements.define('graph-card', GraphCard);