$__supports-first-class-calc: calc(1) == 1; @function __div($number1, $number2) { @if $__supports-first-class-calc { @return calc($number1 / $number2); } @else { @return $number1 / $number2; } } $__typed-pauses-chars: (fwd: "\200b", bwd: "\200c", both: "\feff"); @function __typed-percent-calculate($dur-char-fwd, $dur-full-gap, $dur-char-bwd, $dur-done-gap, $dur-total, $strings, $string-nth, $char-nth, $modifier) { $string: nth($strings, $string-nth); $length: str-length($string); $fwd-string: __typed-remove-bwd-pause-chars($string); $fwd-length: str-length($fwd-string); $bwd-string: __typed-remove-fwd-pause-chars($string); $bwd-length: str-length($bwd-string); $combined-length: $fwd-length + $bwd-length; $strings-past: $string-nth - 1; $time: 0; @while $strings-past > 0 { $past-string: nth($strings, $strings-past); $past-length: str-length($past-string); $past-fwd-length: str-length(__typed-remove-bwd-pause-chars($past-string)); $past-bwd-length: str-length(__typed-remove-fwd-pause-chars($past-string)); $time: $time + $dur-char-fwd * $past-fwd-length + $dur-char-bwd * $past-bwd-length + $dur-full-gap + $dur-done-gap; $strings-past: $strings-past - 1; } @if $char-nth <= $fwd-length { $time: $time + $dur-char-fwd * ($char-nth - 1); } @else { $time: $time + $dur-char-fwd * $fwd-length + $dur-full-gap + $dur-char-bwd * ($char-nth - $fwd-length); } @return (__div($time, $dur-total) * 100 + $modifier) + "%"; } @function __typed-get-all-keys($lists...) { $all-keys: (); @each $list in $lists { @each $map in $list { @each $prop in map-keys($map) { $all-keys: append($all-keys, $prop, comma); } } } @return $all-keys; } @mixin __typed-write-to-content($string, $alt-text, $prefix: "") { // @supports (content: "x" / "y") { // content: $string / "#{$alt-text}"; // } // @supports not (content: "x" / "y") { // content: $string; // alt: "#{$alt-text}"; // } content: "​#{__typed-sanitize-pause-chars($prefix)}#{__typed-sanitize-pause-chars($string)}"; content: "​#{__typed-sanitize-pause-chars($prefix)}#{__typed-sanitize-pause-chars($string)}" / "#{__typed-sanitize-pause-chars($alt-text)}"; alt: "#{__typed-sanitize-pause-chars($alt-text)}"; } @mixin __typed-spread-styles($styles: (), $nth: null, $addtl-styles...) { @if type-of($styles) == list { @if (length($styles) > 0 and $nth != null) or length($addtl-styles) > 0 { $all-props: __typed-get-all-keys($styles, $addtl-styles); @if length($styles) > 0 and $nth != null { $styles: nth($styles, $nth); } @if length($addtl-styles) > 0 { @each $style-group in $addtl-styles { // @error "#{$style-group}"; $styles: map-merge($styles, $style-group); } } @each $prop in $all-props { $value: if(map-get($styles, $prop) == null, unset, map-get($styles, $prop)); #{$prop}: if(type-of($value) == list, append($value, null, auto), $value); } } } @else if type-of($styles) == map { @if length(map-keys($styles)) > 0 { @each $prop, $value in $styles { #{$prop}: if(type-of($value) == list, append($value, null, auto), $value); } } } @else { @error "__typed-spread-styles requires the $styles argument to be either a map or a list of maps."; } } @mixin __typed-final-build-animation($dur-char-fwd, $string, $animation-name, $alt-text, $prefix, $end-styles: (), $styles: ()) { @keyframes #{$animation-name}-final { @for $i from 1 through str-length($string) { $modifier: .001; @if $i == 1 { $modifier: 0; } #{__div(($i - 1), str-length($string)) * 100 + $modifier}%, #{__div($i, str-length($string)) * 100}% { @include __typed-write-to-content(str-slice($string, 1, $i), $alt-text, $prefix); @if $i == str-length($string) { @include __typed-spread-styles(map-merge($styles, $end-styles)); } @else { @include __typed-spread-styles($styles); } } } } } @function __typed-instances-of($data, $search) { $instances: 0; @if type-of($data) == list or type-of($data) == map { @each $item in $data { @if $item == $search { $instances: $instances + 1; } } } @else if type-of($data) == string { @if type-of($search) != string { @error "When searching a string using instances-of, your search argument must also be a string."; } @if str-length($search) < 1 { @error "When searching a string using instances-of, your search string must be at least one character in length."; } @for $i from 1 through str-length($data) - str-length($search) + 1 { @if str-slice($data, $i, $i + str-length($search) - 1) == $search { $instances: $instances + 1; } } } @else { @error "instances-of requires one parameter of type map, list, or string, and a second argument of the value searching for within that data."; } @return $instances; } @function __typed-instances-of-not($data, $search) { @if type-of($data) == list or type-of($data) == map { @return length($data) - __typed-instances-of($data, $search); } @else if type-of($data) == string { @return str-length($data) - __typed-instances-of($data, $search); } @else { @error "instances-of requires one parameter of type map, list, or string, and a second argument of the value searching for within that data."; } } // ... // // CREDIT BEGIN :: aliased str-replace/to-length/to-number functions are courtesy of Kitty Giraudel (kittygiraudel.com) @function __typed-str-replace($string, $search, $replace: "") { $index: str-index($string, $search); @if $index { @return str-slice($string, 1, $index - 1) + $replace + __typed-str-replace(str-slice($string, $index + str-length($search)), $search, $replace); } @return $string; } @function __typed-to-length($value, $unit) { $units: ("px": 1px, "cm": 1cm, "mm": 1mm, "%": 1%, "ch": 1ch, "pc": 1pc, "in": 1in, "em": 1em, "rem": 1rem, "pt": 1pt, "ex": 1ex, "vw": 1vw, "vh": 1vh, "vmin": 1vmin, "vmax": 1vmax); @if not index(map-keys($units), $unit) { $_: log("Invalid unit `#{$unit}`."); } @return $value * map-get($units, $unit); } @function __typed-to-number($value) { @if type-of($value) == "number" { @return $value; } @else if type-of($value) != "string" { $_: log("Value for `__typed-to-number` should be a number or a string."); } $result: 0; $digits: 0; $minus: str-slice($value, 1, 1) == "-"; $numbers: ("0": 0, "1": 1, "2": 2, "3": 3, "4": 4, "5": 5, "6": 6, "7": 7, "8": 8, "9": 9); @for $i from if($minus, 2, 1) through str-length($value) { $character: str-slice($value, $i, $i); @if not (index(map-keys($numbers), $character) or $character == ".") { @return __typed-to-length(if($minus, -$result, $result), str-slice($value, $i)) } @if $character == "." { $digits: 1; } @else if $digits == 0 { $result: $result * 10 + map-get($numbers, $character); } @else { $digits: $digits * 10; $result: $result + __div(map-get($numbers, $character), $digits); } } @return if($minus, -$result, $result); } // CREDIT END // // ... @function __typed-str-replace-multi($string, $searches, $replace: "") { @each $search in $searches { $string: __typed-str-replace($string, $search, $replace); } @return $string; } @function __typed-remove-pause-chars($str) { @return __typed-str-replace-multi($str, map-values($__typed-pauses-chars)); } @function __typed-remove-fwd-pause-chars($str) { @return __typed-str-replace($str, map-get($__typed-pauses-chars, fwd)); } @function __typed-remove-bwd-pause-chars($str) { @return __typed-str-replace($str, map-get($__typed-pauses-chars, bwd)); } @function __typed-remove-both-pause-chars($str) { @return __typed-str-replace($str, map-get($__typed-pauses-chars, both)); } @function __typed-sanitize-pause-chars($str) { @return __typed-remove-pause-chars(__typed-inject-pauses($str)); } @function __typed-inject-pauses($str, $default-mode: "fwd") { @while str-index($str, "<[") != null and str-index($str, "]>") != null and str-index($str, "]>") > str-index($str, "<[") { $start: str-index($str, "<["); $end: str-index($str, "]>"); $is-fwd: str-slice($str, $start + 2, $start + 2) == "_"; $is-bwd: str-slice($str, $end - 1, $end - 1) == "_"; $is-both: $is-fwd and $is-bwd; $space-char: if($is-both, map-get($__typed-pauses-chars, both), if($is-bwd, map-get($__typed-pauses-chars, bwd), if($is-fwd, map-get($__typed-pauses-chars, fwd), map-get($__typed-pauses-chars, $default-mode) ) ) ); $value: __typed-to-number(str-slice($str, $start + if($is-fwd, 3, 2), $end - if($is-bwd, 2, 1))); $spaces: ""; @for $i from 0 to $value { $spaces: $spaces + $space-char; } $str: str-slice($str, 1, $start - 1) + $spaces + str-slice($str, $end + 2, -1); } @return $str; } $__typed-id: 0; @mixin typed($parameters...) { $strings: (); $strings-styles: (); $final-string-styles: (); $speeds: ( type: .1, pause-typed: 2, delete: .08, pause-deleted: 1 ); $options: ( name: "", iterations: infinite, caret: true, caret-speed: .75, caret-width: 1ch, caret-color: currentColor, caret-space: .1ch, styles: (), end-styles: (), delay: 1, type-pausing: true, type-pausing-default: "fwd", prefix: "", end-on: "", alt-text: "" ); $strings-complete: false; $speeds-complete: false; $options-complete: false; $parameter-nth: 1; @each $parameter in $parameters { @if not $strings-complete { @if $parameter-nth == 1 and type-of($parameter) == map { $strings: join($strings, map-keys($parameter)); $strings-styles: join($strings-styles, map-values($parameter)); $strings-complete: true; } @else if type-of($parameter) == string { $strings: append($strings, $parameter); } @else { @error "Strings are required in the formats of either separate sequential string arguments, or a single map with each string represented as the key of its own map of associated styles."; } @if length($parameters) > $parameter-nth and type-of(nth($parameters, $parameter-nth + 1)) != string { $strings-complete: true; } } @else if not $speeds-complete { @if type-of($parameter) == map { @each $key, $value in $parameter { @if map-get($speeds, $key) == null { @error "#{$key} is not a valid speed property. Accepted speed property keys are #{append(map-keys($speeds), null, comma)}."; } @if type-of($value) != number { @error "The value #{$value} is not a number."; } $speeds: map-merge($speeds, ($key: $value)); } } @else if type-of($parameter) == list { @if length($parameter) > 4 { @error "The speed list argument only accepts 4 numbers when used a list."; } @for $i from 1 through length($parameter) { @if nth($parameter, $i) != null and type-of(nth($parameter, $i)) != number { @error "The value #{$value} is not a number."; } @if nth($parameter, $i) != null { $speeds: map-merge($speeds, (nth(map-keys($speeds), $i): nth($parameter, $i))); } } } @else if type-of($parameter) == number { @if $parameter <= 0 { @error "When passing a numeric value into the $speeds argument, it works as a multiplier and thereby requires a positive non-zero number (integer or float). To slow down the default speed, use a decimal number between 0 and 1. To speed up the default speed, use a number greater than 1. A value of 0.5 will reduce the speed by 50%, where a value of 2 will double the speed."; } @each $key, $value in $speeds { $speeds: map-merge($speeds, ($key: $value * __div(1, $parameter))); } } @else if $parameter != null { @error "The speed argument requires either a map, list, or null value." } $speeds-complete: true; } @else if not $options-complete { @if $parameter != null { @if type-of($parameter) != map { @error "#{$key} is not a valid options configuration map."; } @each $key, $value in $parameter { @if map-get($options, $key) == null { @error "#{$key} is not a valid options property. Accepted options property keys are #{append(map-keys($options), null, comma)}."; } @if $key == iterations { @if $value != infinite and (type-of($value) == number and ($value < 0 or $value != round($value))) { @error "The iterations value #{$value} requires a positive integer or infinite."; } } @else if $key == end-on { @if type-of($value) == map { @if length($value) != 1 { @error "When using the end-on property as a map, the map must house a single value, also a map, with the map value containing the SCSS styles to apply to the end-on string."; } @each $end-on, $end-on-styles in $value { @if type-of($end-on) == string { @if $end-on == "" { @error "The end-on property requires a non-empty string."; } } @else if type-of($end-on) == number { @if $end-on < 0 or $end-on > length($strings) or $end-on != round($end-on) { @error "If using a numeric end-on property value, it must be a positive integer between 1 and the number of the strings being used."; } $end-on: nth($strings, $end-on); } $final-string-styles: $end-on-styles; $value: $end-on; } } @else if type-of($value) == string { @if $value == "" { @error "The end-on property requires a non-empty string."; } } @else if type-of($value) == number { @if $value < 0 or $value > length($strings) or $value != round($value) { @error "If using a numeric end-on property value, it must be a positive integer between 1 and the number of the strings being used."; } $value: nth($strings, $value); } } @else if $key == caret-color { @if $value != currentColor and type-of($value) != color { @error "The caret-color property requires a value of type color, or currentColor."; } } @else if ($key == styles or $key == end-styles) and not type-of($value) != map { @if type-of($value) != map { @error "The #{$key} property requires a value of type map."; } } @else if $key == type-pausing-default { @if type-of($value) != string or ($value != "fwd" and $value != "bwd" and $value != "both") { @error "The #{$key} property requires a value of either \"fwd\", \"bwd\", or \"both\"."; } } @else if type-of($value) != type-of(map-get($options, $key)) { @error "The #{$key} value #{$value} of type #{type-of($value)} does not match the required type #{type-of(map-get($options, $key))}."; } $options: map-merge($options, ($key: $value)); } @if map-get($options, end-on) != "" and map-get($options, iterations) == infinite { @warn "The end-on string will only be rendered when iterating a finite number of times. The current animation has an iterations value of infinite so the end-on value will be ignored and never rendered."; } } $options-complete: true; } @else { @error "No additional arguments are permitted after the options object."; } $parameter-nth: $parameter-nth + 1; } $dur-char-fwd: map-get($speeds, type); $dur-full-gap: map-get($speeds, pause-typed); $dur-char-bwd: map-get($speeds, delete); $dur-done-gap: map-get($speeds, pause-deleted); $animation-delay: map-get($options, delay); $final-string: __typed-inject-pauses(if(map-get($options, end-on) != "", map-get($options, end-on), nth($strings, 1))); $alt-text: if(map-get($options, alt-text) != "", map-get($options, alt-text), $final-string); $caret-width: map-get($options, caret-width); $caret-color: map-get($options, caret-color); $caret-space: map-get($options, caret-space); $caret-speed: map-get($options, caret-speed); $global-styles: map-get($options, styles); $end-styles: map-get($options, end-styles); $type-pausing: map-get($options, type-pausing); $type-pausing-default: map-get($options, type-pausing-default); $prefix: map-get($options, prefix); @if $type-pausing { @for $nth from 1 through length($strings) { $strings: set-nth($strings, $nth, __typed-inject-pauses(nth($strings, $nth), $type-pausing-default)); } } @if $caret-speed < 0s { @error "Delay requires a positive number value (integer or float) without units. #{$caret-speed} is less than 0."; } @if $animation-delay < 0s { @error "Delay requires a positive number value (integer or float) without units. #{$animation-delay} is less than 0."; } $iterations: map-get($options, iterations); // initializing some values ✊🏼 $animation-name: ""; @if map-get($options, name) != "" { $animation-name: #{map-get($options, name)}; } @else { $animation-name: typed-#{$__typed-id}; $__typed-id: $__typed-id + 1 !global; } $dur-total: 0; @each $string in $strings { $fwd-length: str-length(__typed-remove-bwd-pause-chars($string)); $bwd-length: str-length(__typed-remove-fwd-pause-chars($string)); $dur-total: $dur-total + $dur-char-fwd * $fwd-length + $dur-full-gap + $dur-char-bwd * $bwd-length + $dur-done-gap } &::before { @include __typed-write-to-content("", $alt-text, $prefix); white-space: break-spaces; will-change: content; @if $iterations == infinite { animation: #{$animation-name} #{$dur-total}s linear #{$animation-delay}s #{$iterations} forwards; } @else { animation: #{$animation-name} #{$dur-total}s linear #{$animation-delay}s #{$iterations} forwards, #{$animation-name}-final #{str-length($final-string) * $dur-char-fwd}s linear #{$dur-total * $iterations + $animation-delay}s 1 forwards; @include __typed-final-build-animation($dur-char-fwd, $final-string, $animation-name, $alt-text, $prefix, $end-styles, map-merge($global-styles, $final-string-styles)); } } @if map-get($options, caret) { &::after { content: "​"; position: relative; display: inline-block; padding-right: $caret-space; border-right: #{$caret-width} solid #{$caret-color}; white-space: nowrap; animation: #{$animation-name}-caret #{$caret-speed}s linear #{$animation-delay}s infinite forwards; } } // now THIS is where the magic happens... ✨ @keyframes #{$animation-name} { @for $i from 1 through length($strings) { $string: nth($strings, $i); $fwd-string: __typed-remove-bwd-pause-chars($string); $fwd-length: str-length($fwd-string); $bwd-string: __typed-remove-fwd-pause-chars($string); $bwd-length: str-length($bwd-string); $combined-length: $fwd-length + $bwd-length; @for $j from 1 through $combined-length { @if $j < $combined-length { #{__typed-percent-calculate($dur-char-fwd, $dur-full-gap, $dur-char-bwd, $dur-done-gap, $dur-total, $strings, $i, $j, 0)}, #{__typed-percent-calculate($dur-char-fwd, $dur-full-gap, $dur-char-bwd, $dur-done-gap, $dur-total, $strings, $i, $j+1, -.001)} { @if $j <= $fwd-length { @include __typed-write-to-content("#{str-slice($fwd-string, 1, $j)}", $alt-text, $prefix); } @else { @include __typed-write-to-content("#{str-slice($bwd-string, 1, $bwd-length - ($j - $fwd-length))}", $alt-text, $prefix); } @include __typed-spread-styles($strings-styles, $i, $global-styles); } } @else { @if $i < length($strings) { #{__typed-percent-calculate($dur-char-fwd, $dur-full-gap, $dur-char-bwd, $dur-done-gap, $dur-total, $strings, $i, $j, 0)}, #{__typed-percent-calculate($dur-char-fwd, $dur-full-gap, $dur-char-bwd, $dur-done-gap, $dur-total, $strings, $i+1, 1, -.001)} { @include __typed-write-to-content("", $alt-text, $prefix); @include __typed-spread-styles($strings-styles, $i, $global-styles); } } @else { #{__typed-percent-calculate($dur-char-fwd, $dur-full-gap, $dur-char-bwd, $dur-done-gap, $dur-total, $strings, $i, $j, 0)}, 100% { @include __typed-write-to-content("", $alt-text, $prefix); @include __typed-spread-styles($strings-styles, $i, $global-styles); } } } } } } @if map-get($options, caret) { @keyframes #{$animation-name}-caret { 75% { border-color: transparent; } } } }