# FileIcons Colored file icons for Sublime Text. [Also available in greyscale](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/FileIcons%20Mono). Adds specific, colored icons for most file types for the sidebar in Sublime Text. Supports both the Default and Adaptive themes. Inspired by [A File Icon](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/A%20File%20Icon), but simpler: - Doesn't introduce "alias" languages like "Javascript (Gulpfile)" - No runtime code, no restarting required - Zero configuration ## Customize The following changes are made to Adaptive/Default.sublime-theme. You can override them by creating a theme file with the same name in your Packages/User directory. ```json [ { "class": "icon_file_type", "layer0.tint": [255, 255, 255], "layer0.opacity": 0.75, "content_margin": [8, 8] }, { "class": "icon_file_type", "parents": [{"class": "tree_row", "attributes": ["hover"]}], "layer0.opacity": 0.5 }, { "class": "icon_file_type", "parents": [{"class": "tree_row", "attributes": ["selected"]}], "layer0.opacity": 1.0 } ] ``` ## Contributing The "build" directory contains svg assets. Each icon is assigned a color in icons.json, available colors are listed in colors.json. PNG icons are built using a small app written in [Rust](https://www.rust-lang.org): - `cd build` - `cargo run` To add an icon: - add an svg asset with the correct name - add an entry to icons.json and assign it a color - add an entry to the preferences directory - run the build - commit the files - open a PR - 💃 ## Enable file icons for 3rd party themes To get file icons in any theme other than Default or Adaptive, take the following steps: - After installing [FileIcons](https://packagecontrol.io/packages/FileIcons) through [Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io), go to the Sublime Text "Packages" directory (e.g. via the command "Browse Packages"). - Create a "FileIcons/theme" directory structure in your "Packages" directory. - In your settings, check what theme you're using (e.g. 'itg.flat.dark.sublime-theme'). - In the "FileIcons/theme" directory, create a file with the name of the theme you are using and copy the [theme overrides](https://github.com/braver/FileIcons/blob/master/theme/Adaptive.sublime-theme) that make FileIcons work into it. - Restart Sublime Text and you should see icons in the sidebar! ## Buy me a coffee ☕️👌🏻 If you enjoy this package, feel free to make a little [donation via PayPal](https://paypal.me/koenlageveen) towards the coffee that keeps this project running. It's much appreciated!