# GitHub Tools for Sublime Text A set of handy tools for using [Sublime Text](https://www.sublimetext.com) with [GitHub](http://github.com). ## Usage Open any directory of your Git working copy in Sublime Text. From the command palette you now have access to, for instance: * `GitHub: Open File` to open currently edited file on GitHub. * `GitHub: Blame` to open blame for currently edited file on GitHub. * `GitHub: History` to open commit history for currently edited file on GitHub. * `GitHub: Copy Link To File` to save a GitHub link to a selected code fragment in the system clipboard. * `GitHub: Repository` to open repository page on GitHub. * `GitHub: Issues` to open repository issues page on GitHub. * `GitHub: Pull Requests` to open repository pull requests page on GitHub. Some commands also allow you to link to the selected lines. ## Settings - debug_mode: enable debug mode (default: false) - github_hostnames: add altenative github host names (default: github.com) To disable the context menu: - create a new file called `Context.sublime-menu` in `Packages/GitHubTools/` (go there via "Browse Packages" in the settings menu) - add `[]` as the content of this new file - this effectively replaces the context menu items for this package with "nothing" ## Credits This package originally by [@temochka](https://github.com/temochka) at [@temochka/sublime-text-2-github-tools](https://github.com/temochka/sublime-text-2-github-tools).