# Sidebar Tools Some useful tools to add to your sidebar and tab context menu's: - Copy Filename - Copy Relative Path - Copy Absolute Path - Duplicate (ie. copy to a target path) - Move - Compare - New file All except Compare are also available via the command palette, in addition to: - Reveal In Sidebar To use the **Compare command**, configure a ["difftool"](https://github.com/braver/SideBarTools/blob/master/SideBarTools.sublime-settings#L8). For instance, [Xcode][4] comes with FileMerge that you can call via `opendiff`. The command will then become available when two files, or two folders are selected. An additional **Edit command** is available, for ease of use on touch screens (thanks @PetrKryslUCSD). Enable it via the [settings](https://github.com/braver/SideBarTools/blob/master/SideBarTools.sublime-settings#L11). To open a file in its default application, consider installing the [Open in Default Application][2] package. If you're looking for "Reveal in Finder/Explorer" for directories, [Open in Default Application][2] does that too. ## Goals of this package This package offers fewer commands than e.g. [SidebarEnhancements][1], striking a balance somewhere between the bare minimum and going overboard. This has benefits: - The default context menu isn't replaced, this package just adds some useful new commands. - It's tiny, light-weight and reliable. - We won't [track][3] [you][5]. Ever. ## Settings - `difftool`: configure what tool to use, and thereby enable the Compare command. - `edit_command`: enable the Edit command. - `tab_context`: optionally disable the context menu on file tabs. - `posix_copy_command`: enable the command to copy relative paths in POSIX format, e.g. for use in WSL (Windows only). ## Credits We used [SidebarEnhancements][1] as a starting point, but completely re-implemented everything we wanted to keep. Now it comes in at just over 200 lines of super clean Python with zero legacy. Special thanks go out to [@rwols][6] and [@mandx][7] to make this happen. [1]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/SideBarEnhancements [2]: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Open%20in%20Default%20Application [3]: https://github.com/SideBarEnhancements-org/SideBarEnhancements/blob/d1c7fa4bac6a1f31ba177bc41ddd0ca902e43609/Stats.py [4]: https://developer.apple.com/xcode/ [5]: https://forum.sublimetext.com/t/rfc-default-package-control-channel-and-package-telemetry/30157 [6]: https://github.com/braver/SideBarTools/pull/2 [7]: https://github.com/braver/SideBarTools/pulls?q=is%3Apr+author%3Amandx ## Buy me a coffee ☕️👌🏻 Please feel free to make a little [donation via PayPal](https://paypal.me/koenlageveen) towards the coffee that keeps this labour of love running. It's much appreciated!