title: My first blog description: >- # this means to ignore newlines until "email:" "This blog has been creatged during the mini-course 'Blogging with R' by Bernardo D'Auria on Tue March 26th, 2019" email: brdauria@gmail.com github_username: brdauria github: [metadata] # important to use remote_theme remote_theme: "mmistakes/minimal-mistakes@4.15.2" paginate: 5 #theme: minima # Build settings markdown: kramdown exclude: ["*.Rmd"] plugins: # - jekyll-feed # to serve posts - jekyll-include-cache # - jekyll-paginate defaults: - scope: path: "assets/figures" values: image: true - scope: path: "" type: posts values: layout: single author_profile: true read_time: true comments: true share: true related: true