{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# MELTS zircon saturation example\n", "\n", "This notebook runs the StatGeochem.jl package, which implements an interface for interacting with MELTS from the Julia programming language, including from Jupyter notebooks such as this.\n", "\n", "StatGeochem.jl also includes some of the codes and utilities used in Keller & Schoene 2012, Keller et al. 2015 and Keller & Schoene 2018.\n", "\n", "\"Launch \n", "

If running this notebook as an online Binder notebook and the webpage times out, click the badge at left to relaunch (refreshing will not work). Note that any changes will be lost!

\n", "\n", "Hint: `shift`-`enter` to run a single cell, or from the `Cell` menu select `Run All` to run the whole file. Any code from this notebook can be copied and pasted into the Julia REPL or a `.jl` script.\n", "***\n", "### Load required Julia packages" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 1, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "## --- Load (and install if neccesary) the StatGeochem package\n", "try\n", " using StatGeochem\n", "catch\n", " using Pkg\n", " Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url=\"https://github.com/brenhinkeller/StatGeochem.jl\"))\n", " using StatGeochem\n", "end\n", "\n", "using Statistics, StatsBase, DelimitedFiles\n", "using Plots; gr();" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### AlphaMELTS calculations\n", "#### Try to download and install alphamelts" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 2, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Download precompiled executable from caltech\n", "alphameltsversion = \"linux_alphamelts_1-9\"\n", "download(\"https://magmasource.caltech.edu/alphamelts/zipfiles/$alphameltsversion.zip\",\"./$alphameltsversion.zip\")\n", "run(`unzip -o $alphameltsversion.zip`);\n", "run(`mv $alphameltsversion/alphamelts_linux64 $alphameltsversion/alphamelts`);\n", "\n", "# The absolute path to the alphamelts perl script must be input here:\n", "# meltspath = \"/usr/local/bin/run_alphamelts.command\"\n", "meltspath = pwd()*\"/$alphameltsversion/run_alphamelts.command\";\n", "\n", "# The absolute or relative path to a direcory where you want to run MELTS -\n", "# A number of configuration and output files will be written here.\n", "# scratchdir = \"scratch/\"\n", "scratchdir = pwd()*\"/$alphameltsversion/\";" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "#### Run alphamelts" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 3, "metadata": { "scrolled": true }, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "ALPHAMELTS_DELTAT -7.0\n", "ALPHAMELTS_VERSION pMELTS\n", "ALPHAMELTS_MAXT 3000.0\n", "ALPHAMELTS_DELTAP 0.0\n", "ALPHAMELTS_MINT 450.0\n", "ALPHAMELTS_MINP 2.0\n", "ALPHAMELTS_MAXP 90000.0\n", "ALPHAMELTS_CELSIUS_OUTPUT true\n", "ALPHAMELTS_MODE isobaric\n", "Checking for updates...\n", "\n", "\n", "*** alphaMELTS 1.2 -- pMELTS isobar w/ or w/o liquid ***\n", "\n", "This front end is the work of Paul Asimow and Paula Antoshechkina\n", "(nee Smith) and it uses the MELTS and pMELTS algorithms developed by\n", "Mark Ghiorso & co-workers. You are welcome to use and distribute this\n", "program, under the condition that you acknowledge all the contributors\n", "by citing the appropriate references with any results:\n", "\n", "Smith & Asimow (2005) -- front end\n", "Ghiorso et al (2002) -- pMELTS thermodynamic model\n", "Asimow & Ghiorso (1998) -- subsolidus calculations (if used)\n", "\n", "There may be others, depending on the exact calculation performed\n", "and the source and / or partition coefficients (e.g. D(P,T,X)) used.\n", "See Smith & Asimow (2005), documentation and the forum for details.\n", "\n", "Unable to automatically check for updates; check for updates at\n", "http://magmasource.caltech.edu/alphamelts/ and\n", "http://magmasource.caltech.edu/forum/\n", "\n", "Choose:\n", " 1. Read MELTS file to set composition of system\n", " 2. Twiddle starting or continuation parameters\n", " 3. Single (batch) calculation\n", " 4. Execute (follow path, mineral isograd or melt contour)\n", " 5. Set fO2 buffer\n", " 6. Set H2O (ppm) or aH2O\n", " 7. Impose initial entropy, enthalpy or volume\n", " 8. Adjust solid phase setting(s)\n", " 9. Turn liquid on / off\n", "10. Turn phase diagram mode on / off\n", "11. Update state using restart file\n", "12. Update composition using MELTS file\n", "13. Write out restart file\n", "14. Write out MELTS file\n", "15. Write thermodynamic output for all phases\n", "16. Calculate integrated melt and output file(s)\n", "17. Fit parental melt composition (amoeba)\n", "18. Cumulate Invertor (not yet implemented)\n", "-1. Turn off menu display for options 1-18\n", " 0. QUIT\n", "Your choice: MELTS filename: input file open\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: sio2 61.3266'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: tio2 0.3793'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: al2o3 14.8372'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: fe2o3 3.3769'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: cr2o3 0.0'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: feo 0.0'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: mno 0.0668'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: mgo 1.6031'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: nio 0.0'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: coo 0.0'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: cao 3.28'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: na2o 3.4288'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: k2o 3.4877'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: p2o5 0.2275'\n", "Successfully read 'initial composition: h2o 7.9856'\n", "Successfully read 'initial temperature: 1700.0'\n", "Successfully read 'initial pressure: 5800.0'\n", "Successfully read 'log fo2 path: fmq'\n", "\n", "Choose:\n", " 1. Read MELTS file to set composition of system\n", " 2. Twiddle starting or continuation parameters\n", " 3. Single (batch) calculation\n", " 4. Execute (follow path, mineral isograd or melt contour)\n", " 5. Set fO2 buffer\n", " 6. Set H2O (ppm) or aH2O\n", " 7. Impose initial entropy, enthalpy or volume\n", " 8. Adjust solid phase setting(s)\n", " 9. Turn liquid on / off\n", "10. Turn phase diagram mode on / off\n", "11. Update state using restart file\n", "12. Update composition using MELTS file\n", "13. Write out restart file\n", "14. Write out MELTS file\n", "15. Write thermodynamic output for all phases\n", "16. Calculate integrated melt and output file(s)\n", "17. Fit parental melt composition (amoeba)\n", "18. Cumulate Invertor (not yet implemented)\n", "-1. Turn off menu display for options 1-18\n", " 0. QUIT\n", "Your choice: Turn phase diagram mode on (1) or off (0)? \n", "Choose:\n", " 1. Read MELTS file to set composition of system\n", " 2. Twiddle starting or continuation parameters\n", " 3. Single (batch) calculation\n", " 4. Execute (follow path, mineral isograd or melt contour)\n", " 5. Set fO2 buffer\n", " 6. Set H2O (ppm) or aH2O\n", " 7. Impose initial entropy, enthalpy or volume\n", " 8. Adjust solid phase setting(s)\n", " 9. Turn liquid on / off\n", "10. Turn phase diagram mode on / off\n", "11. Update state using restart file\n", "12. Update composition using MELTS file\n", "13. Write out restart file\n", "14. Write out MELTS file\n", "15. Write thermodynamic output for all phases\n", "16. Calculate integrated melt and output file(s)\n", "17. Fit parental melt composition (amoeba)\n", "18. Cumulate Invertor (not yet implemented)\n", "-1. Turn off menu display for options 1-18\n", " 0. QUIT\n", "Your choice: Superliquidus (1) or subsolidus (0) initial guess ? Phase to track boundary of (by name, lower case): Type of melt contour to track:\n", "0. Phi (melt fraction by volume)\n", "1. F (melt fraction by mass)\n", "2. aH2O (activity of water in the melt)\n", "Choose: Type the F value to set (or < 0.0 for default): Use special monotonic search for troublesome phases (1) or quick search (0)? Initial Guess (not an isograd solution): P 5800.000000, T 1700.000000\n", "liquid: 99.702 g 61.51 0.38 14.88 0.41 2.68 0.07 1.61 3.29 3.44 3.50 0.23 8.01 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.561749 Melt fraction = 1\n", "...Adding the solid phase biotite to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase biotite from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase biotite to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase biotite from the assemblage.\n", "Isograd solution at: P 5800.000000, T 1016.507813\n", "liquid: 99.707 g 61.51 0.38 14.88 0.46 2.64 0.07 1.61 3.29 3.44 3.50 0.23 8.01 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.776445 Melt fraction = 1\n", "\n", "Choose:\n", " 1. Read MELTS file to set composition of system\n", " 2. Twiddle starting or continuation parameters\n", " 3. Single (batch) calculation\n", " 4. Execute (follow path, mineral isograd or melt contour)\n", " 5. Set fO2 buffer\n", " 6. Set H2O (ppm) or aH2O\n", " 7. Impose initial entropy, enthalpy or volume\n", " 8. Adjust solid phase setting(s)\n", " 9. Turn liquid on / off\n", "10. Turn phase diagram mode on / off\n", "11. Update state using restart file\n", "12. Update composition using MELTS file\n", "13. Write out restart file\n", "14. Write out MELTS file\n", "15. Write thermodynamic output for all phases\n", "16. Calculate integrated melt and output file(s)\n", "17. Fit parental melt composition (amoeba)\n", "18. Cumulate Invertor (not yet implemented)\n", "-1. Turn off menu display for options 1-18\n", " 0. QUIT\n", "Your choice: Turn phase diagram mode on (1) or off (0)? \n", "Choose:\n", " 1. Read MELTS file to set composition of system\n", " 2. Twiddle starting or continuation parameters\n", " 3. Single (batch) calculation\n", " 4. Execute (follow path, mineral isograd or melt contour)\n", " 5. Set fO2 buffer\n", " 6. Set H2O (ppm) or aH2O\n", " 7. Impose initial entropy, enthalpy or volume\n", " 8. Adjust solid phase setting(s)\n", " 9. Turn liquid on / off\n", "10. Turn phase diagram mode on / off\n", "11. Update state using restart file\n", "12. Update composition using MELTS file\n", "13. Write out restart file\n", "14. Write out MELTS file\n", "15. Write thermodynamic output for all phases\n", "16. Calculate integrated melt and output file(s)\n", "17. Fit parental melt composition (amoeba)\n", "18. Cumulate Invertor (not yet implemented)\n", "-1. Turn off menu display for options 1-18\n", " 0. QUIT\n", "Your choice: Initial alphaMELTS calculation at: P 5800.000000, T 1016.507813\n", "liquid: 99.707 g 61.51 0.38 14.88 0.46 2.64 0.07 1.61 3.29 3.44 3.50 0.23 8.01 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.776445 Melt fraction = 1\n", "...Adding the solid phase biotite to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 1009.507813\n", "liquid: 99.276 g 61.59 0.38 14.89 0.46 2.64 0.07 1.49 3.30 3.45 3.46 0.23 8.03 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.780322 Melt fraction = 0.995674\n", "biotite: 0.431308 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 1002.507813\n", "liquid: 98.876 g 61.66 0.38 14.90 0.47 2.65 0.07 1.38 3.32 3.47 3.43 0.23 8.04 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.784258 Melt fraction = 0.991663\n", "biotite: 0.831234 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 995.507813\n", "liquid: 98.503 g 61.73 0.39 14.91 0.47 2.66 0.07 1.28 3.33 3.48 3.40 0.23 8.05 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.788257 Melt fraction = 0.987921\n", "biotite: 1.204323 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 988.507813\n", "liquid: 98.156 g 61.80 0.39 14.92 0.48 2.66 0.07 1.18 3.34 3.49 3.38 0.23 8.07 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.792322 Melt fraction = 0.984431\n", "biotite: 1.552335 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 981.507813\n", "liquid: 97.831 g 61.86 0.39 14.93 0.48 2.67 0.07 1.09 3.35 3.50 3.35 0.23 8.08 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.796458 Melt fraction = 0.981175\n", "biotite: 1.876965 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 974.507813\n", "liquid: 97.529 g 61.92 0.39 14.94 0.48 2.67 0.07 1.00 3.36 3.52 3.32 0.23 8.09 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.800668 Melt fraction = 0.978138\n", "biotite: 2.179847 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 967.507813\n", "liquid: 97.246 g 61.97 0.39 14.95 0.49 2.67 0.07 0.92 3.37 3.53 3.30 0.23 8.10 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.804958 Melt fraction = 0.975302\n", "biotite: 2.462567 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 960.507813\n", "liquid: 96.982 g 62.02 0.39 14.96 0.49 2.67 0.07 0.85 3.38 3.54 3.28 0.23 8.11 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.809331 Melt fraction = 0.972654\n", "biotite: 2.726670 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 953.507813\n", "liquid: 96.735 g 62.07 0.39 14.96 0.49 2.67 0.07 0.78 3.39 3.54 3.26 0.24 8.12 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.813791 Melt fraction = 0.970177\n", "biotite: 2.973673 g, composition K(Fe''0.01Mg0.99)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 946.507813\n", "liquid: 96.504 g 62.12 0.39 14.97 0.50 2.67 0.07 0.72 3.40 3.55 3.24 0.24 8.13 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.818342 Melt fraction = 0.967856\n", "biotite: 3.205078 g, composition K(Fe''0.02Mg0.98)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 939.507813\n", "liquid: 96.287 g 62.16 0.39 14.98 0.50 2.67 0.07 0.66 3.41 3.56 3.22 0.24 8.14 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.822987 Melt fraction = 0.965676\n", "biotite: 3.422385 g, composition K(Fe''0.02Mg0.98)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 932.507813\n", "liquid: 96.083 g 62.20 0.39 14.98 0.51 2.67 0.07 0.60 3.41 3.57 3.21 0.24 8.15 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.827731 Melt fraction = 0.963623\n", "biotite: 3.627111 g, composition K(Fe''0.02Mg0.98)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 925.507813\n", "liquid: 95.889 g 62.24 0.40 14.99 0.51 2.66 0.07 0.55 3.42 3.58 3.19 0.24 8.16 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.832576 Melt fraction = 0.961681\n", "biotite: 3.820812 g, composition K(Fe''0.03Mg0.97)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 918.507813\n", "liquid: 95.705 g 62.28 0.40 15.00 0.51 2.65 0.07 0.51 3.43 3.58 3.17 0.24 8.16 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.837527 Melt fraction = 0.959833\n", "biotite: 4.005108 g, composition K(Fe''0.03Mg0.97)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 911.507813\n", "liquid: 95.529 g 62.32 0.40 15.00 0.52 2.64 0.07 0.46 3.43 3.59 3.16 0.24 8.17 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.842588 Melt fraction = 0.958061\n", "biotite: 4.181724 g, composition K(Fe''0.03Mg0.97)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 904.507813\n", "liquid: 95.358 g 62.36 0.40 15.01 0.52 2.63 0.07 0.42 3.44 3.60 3.15 0.24 8.18 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.847761 Melt fraction = 0.956348\n", "biotite: 4.352531 g, composition K(Fe''0.04Mg0.96)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 897.507813\n", "liquid: 95.191 g 62.39 0.40 15.01 0.52 2.62 0.07 0.38 3.45 3.60 3.13 0.24 8.19 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.853052 Melt fraction = 0.954673\n", "biotite: 4.519606 g, composition K(Fe''0.04Mg0.96)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase feldspar to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase feldspar from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase feldspar to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase feldspar from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase clinopyroxene to the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase apatite to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 890.507813\n", "liquid: 94.983 g 62.45 0.39 15.02 0.52 2.60 0.07 0.35 3.44 3.61 3.12 0.23 8.20 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.858716 Melt fraction = 0.952588\n", "clinopyroxene: 0.036804 g, composition cpx Na0.06Ca0.92Fe''0.25Mg0.33Fe'''0.07Ti0.40Al0.74Si1.23O6\n", "biotite: 4.679182 g, composition K(Fe''0.05Mg0.95)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "apatite: 0.012 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase feldspar to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 883.507813\n", "liquid: 93.581 g 62.54 0.36 14.98 0.52 2.59 0.07 0.32 3.41 3.64 3.01 0.24 8.32 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.869644 Melt fraction = 0.938524\n", "clinopyroxene: 0.343151 g, composition cpx Na0.06Ca0.92Fe''0.26Mg0.32Fe'''0.07Ti0.40Al0.73Si1.24O6\n", "biotite: 4.756278 g, composition K(Fe''0.06Mg0.94)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 1.015215 g, composition K0.83Na0.16Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "apatite: 0.015 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 876.507813\n", "liquid: 91.556 g 62.61 0.32 14.92 0.53 2.60 0.07 0.31 3.41 3.68 2.81 0.24 8.50 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.883285 Melt fraction = 0.918208\n", "clinopyroxene: 0.648666 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.92Fe''0.27Mg0.32Fe'''0.07Ti0.39Al0.72Si1.25O6\n", "biotite: 4.807883 g, composition K(Fe''0.06Mg0.94)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 2.684726 g, composition K0.82Na0.17Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "apatite: 0.014 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 869.507813\n", "liquid: 89.683 g 62.67 0.29 14.85 0.53 2.60 0.07 0.29 3.41 3.72 2.63 0.25 8.67 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.896833 Melt fraction = 0.89943\n", "clinopyroxene: 0.929735 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.92Fe''0.27Mg0.31Fe'''0.07Ti0.39Al0.71Si1.26O6\n", "biotite: 4.866644 g, composition K(Fe''0.07Mg0.93)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 4.217472 g, composition K0.81Na0.18Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "apatite: 0.014 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 862.507813\n", "liquid: 87.940 g 62.73 0.26 14.80 0.54 2.60 0.08 0.28 3.41 3.75 2.46 0.25 8.84 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.910372 Melt fraction = 0.881942\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.190842 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.91Fe''0.28Mg0.31Fe'''0.07Ti0.38Al0.70Si1.27O6\n", "biotite: 4.932307 g, composition K(Fe''0.08Mg0.92)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 5.633933 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "apatite: 0.015 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 855.507813\n", "liquid: 86.302 g 62.79 0.23 14.74 0.54 2.60 0.08 0.26 3.42 3.78 2.30 0.26 9.01 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.924002 Melt fraction = 0.865522\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.437056 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.29Mg0.31Fe'''0.07Ti0.37Al0.69Si1.28O6\n", "biotite: 5.004499 g, composition K(Fe''0.09Mg0.91)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 6.951835 g, composition K0.79Na0.20Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "apatite: 0.016 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase leucite ss to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 848.507813\n", "liquid: 82.903 g 63.07 0.20 14.53 0.54 2.62 0.08 0.25 3.45 3.61 2.17 0.25 9.22 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.942133 Melt fraction = 0.831431\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.727847 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.30Mg0.30Fe'''0.08Ti0.36Al0.66Si1.31O6\n", "biotite: 5.123926 g, composition K(Fe''0.10Mg0.90)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 8.216228 g, composition K0.80Na0.20Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 1.689022 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.12(OH)1.76\n", "apatite: 0.051 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 841.507813\n", "liquid: 79.665 g 63.37 0.18 14.32 0.55 2.63 0.08 0.23 3.49 3.43 2.04 0.24 9.43 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.960138 Melt fraction = 0.798963\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.031540 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.32Mg0.30Fe'''0.08Ti0.34Al0.63Si1.34O6\n", "biotite: 5.248428 g, composition K(Fe''0.11Mg0.89)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 9.300912 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 3.378858 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.11(OH)1.78\n", "apatite: 0.086 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...One of the solid phases has undergone phase separation.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 834.507813\n", "liquid: 76.474 g 63.68 0.16 14.17 0.54 2.60 0.09 0.22 3.43 3.26 1.94 0.23 9.68 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.981413 Melt fraction = 0.766963\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.002338 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.32Mg0.30Fe'''0.08Ti0.34Al0.63Si1.34O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 0.674243 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.87Fe''0.37Mg0.46Fe'''0.08Ti0.09Al0.26Si1.78O6\n", "biotite: 5.229945 g, composition K(Fe''0.13Mg0.87)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 10.279334 g, composition K0.81Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 4.935999 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.11(OH)1.79\n", "apatite: 0.114 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase water to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 827.507813\n", "liquid: 73.367 g 64.03 0.15 14.05 0.53 2.54 0.09 0.20 3.35 3.09 1.84 0.23 9.90 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00016 Melt fraction = 0.735811\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.883447 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.33Mg0.29Fe'''0.08Ti0.34Al0.63Si1.34O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.538316 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.87Fe''0.38Mg0.45Fe'''0.08Ti0.09Al0.25Si1.79O6\n", "biotite: 5.164668 g, composition K(Fe''0.14Mg0.86)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 11.212812 g, composition K0.81Na0.18Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 6.368844 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.10(OH)1.80\n", "apatite: 0.140 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 0.034 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 820.507813\n", "liquid: 69.333 g 64.64 0.14 14.02 0.51 2.45 0.10 0.19 3.13 2.92 1.74 0.23 9.95 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00013 Melt fraction = 0.695353\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.582366 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.33Mg0.28Fe'''0.08Ti0.35Al0.64Si1.34O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 3.144754 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.87Fe''0.39Mg0.45Fe'''0.08Ti0.09Al0.25Si1.80O6\n", "biotite: 4.823611 g, composition K(Fe''0.15Mg0.85)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 12.571806 g, composition K0.81Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 7.780767 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.10(OH)1.80\n", "apatite: 0.167 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 0.306 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 813.507813\n", "liquid: 65.967 g 65.20 0.14 14.00 0.48 2.35 0.10 0.19 2.93 2.75 1.64 0.22 10.00 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00011 Melt fraction = 0.661595\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.373531 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.90Fe''0.34Mg0.28Fe'''0.08Ti0.35Al0.64Si1.33O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 4.434305 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.86Fe''0.40Mg0.45Fe'''0.08Ti0.08Al0.24Si1.80O6\n", "biotite: 4.558973 g, composition K(Fe''0.16Mg0.84)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 13.699524 g, composition K0.81Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 8.955902 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.10(OH)1.81\n", "apatite: 0.189 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 0.530 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 806.507813\n", "liquid: 63.109 g 65.72 0.13 13.98 0.46 2.26 0.11 0.18 2.75 2.60 1.55 0.22 10.04 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00008 Melt fraction = 0.632936\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.230601 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.90Fe''0.34Mg0.27Fe'''0.07Ti0.35Al0.64Si1.33O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 5.487351 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.86Fe''0.41Mg0.45Fe'''0.07Ti0.08Al0.23Si1.81O6\n", "biotite: 4.352237 g, composition K(Fe''0.17Mg0.83)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 14.648592 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 9.953361 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.09(OH)1.82\n", "apatite: 0.208 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 0.719 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase rhm oxide to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase rhm oxide from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase rhm oxide to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase rhm oxide from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 799.507813\n", "liquid: 60.648 g 66.22 0.12 13.96 0.44 2.16 0.11 0.17 2.59 2.45 1.47 0.22 10.09 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00006 Melt fraction = 0.608266\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.135641 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.90Fe''0.34Mg0.27Fe'''0.07Ti0.36Al0.65Si1.32O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 6.359241 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.86Fe''0.42Mg0.45Fe'''0.07Ti0.08Al0.23Si1.82O6\n", "biotite: 4.190382 g, composition K(Fe''0.18Mg0.82)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 15.455866 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 10.813941 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.09(OH)1.82\n", "apatite: 0.224 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 0.879 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase rhm oxide to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase rhm oxide from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase rhm oxide to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase rhm oxide from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 792.507813\n", "liquid: 58.506 g 66.69 0.11 13.94 0.42 2.06 0.11 0.16 2.44 2.32 1.39 0.22 10.13 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00005 Melt fraction = 0.58679\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.076013 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.90Fe''0.35Mg0.26Fe'''0.07Ti0.36Al0.65Si1.32O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 7.089433 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.86Fe''0.42Mg0.44Fe'''0.07Ti0.07Al0.22Si1.82O6\n", "biotite: 4.063905 g, composition K(Fe''0.19Mg0.81)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 16.148100 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 11.566786 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.09(OH)1.83\n", "apatite: 0.238 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.017 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase rhm oxide to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 785.507813\n", "liquid: 56.512 g 67.07 0.10 14.02 0.40 1.93 0.12 0.15 2.34 2.18 1.32 0.21 10.16 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00003 Melt fraction = 0.566796\n", "clinopyroxene: 0.416188 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.90Fe''0.35Mg0.26Fe'''0.07Ti0.37Al0.66Si1.31O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 8.254124 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.85Fe''0.43Mg0.45Fe'''0.07Ti0.07Al0.22Si1.83O6\n", "biotite: 3.807323 g, composition K(Fe''0.19Mg0.81)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 16.885056 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 12.286933 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.08(OH)1.83\n", "rhm oxide: 0.137389 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.88Mg0.04Fe'''0.15Ti0.93O3\n", "apatite: 0.252 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.154 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase clinopyroxene from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 778.507813\n", "liquid: 54.779 g 67.44 0.10 14.08 0.37 1.80 0.12 0.15 2.24 2.05 1.25 0.21 10.19 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00002 Melt fraction = 0.549411\n", "clinopyroxene: 9.129142 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.85Fe''0.43Mg0.45Fe'''0.07Ti0.07Al0.21Si1.84O6\n", "biotite: 3.611659 g, composition K(Fe''0.19Mg0.81)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 17.503284 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 12.914241 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.08(OH)1.84\n", "rhm oxide: 0.233720 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.88Mg0.04Fe'''0.14Ti0.93O3\n", "apatite: 0.263 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.271 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 771.507813\n", "liquid: 53.287 g 67.83 0.09 14.09 0.36 1.70 0.12 0.14 2.13 1.93 1.18 0.21 10.22 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1.00001 Melt fraction = 0.534457\n", "clinopyroxene: 9.569315 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.85Fe''0.44Mg0.45Fe'''0.06Ti0.06Al0.21Si1.85O6\n", "biotite: 3.519006 g, composition K(Fe''0.20Mg0.80)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 17.979324 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 13.455435 g, composition K0.01Na0.99AlSi2O5.08(OH)1.84\n", "rhm oxide: 0.255811 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.89Mg0.04Fe'''0.14Ti0.93O3\n", "apatite: 0.272 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.365 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 764.507813\n", "liquid: 51.950 g 68.19 0.08 14.09 0.34 1.60 0.13 0.13 2.03 1.82 1.12 0.21 10.26 \n", "Activity of H2O = 1 Melt fraction = 0.521049\n", "clinopyroxene: 9.963522 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.85Fe''0.44Mg0.45Fe'''0.06Ti0.06Al0.20Si1.85O6\n", "biotite: 3.440781 g, composition K(Fe''0.21Mg0.79)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 18.396548 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 13.947181 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.07(OH)1.85\n", "rhm oxide: 0.275492 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.89Mg0.03Fe'''0.14Ti0.93O3\n", "apatite: 0.280 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.449 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 757.507813\n", "liquid: 50.745 g 68.54 0.07 14.10 0.32 1.50 0.13 0.12 1.94 1.72 1.06 0.21 10.28 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999994 Melt fraction = 0.508975\n", "clinopyroxene: 10.317670 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.85Fe''0.45Mg0.45Fe'''0.06Ti0.06Al0.20Si1.86O6\n", "biotite: 3.374627 g, composition K(Fe''0.22Mg0.78)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 18.762584 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 14.397376 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.07(OH)1.86\n", "rhm oxide: 0.293191 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.89Mg0.03Fe'''0.14Ti0.93O3\n", "apatite: 0.286 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.524 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 750.507813\n", "liquid: 49.656 g 68.87 0.07 14.10 0.30 1.41 0.13 0.12 1.85 1.62 1.01 0.21 10.31 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999988 Melt fraction = 0.498062\n", "clinopyroxene: 10.636691 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.84Fe''0.46Mg0.45Fe'''0.06Ti0.05Al0.19Si1.87O6\n", "biotite: 3.318685 g, composition K(Fe''0.22Mg0.78)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 19.083673 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.01Al1.01Si2.99O8\n", "leucite ss: 14.812332 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.07(OH)1.86\n", "rhm oxide: 0.309198 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.89Mg0.03Fe'''0.13Ti0.93O3\n", "apatite: 0.292 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.590 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 743.507813\n", "liquid: 48.669 g 69.19 0.06 14.11 0.28 1.32 0.13 0.11 1.77 1.52 0.96 0.21 10.33 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999983 Melt fraction = 0.488166\n", "clinopyroxene: 10.924728 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.84Fe''0.46Mg0.45Fe'''0.06Ti0.05Al0.19Si1.87O6\n", "biotite: 3.271454 g, composition K(Fe''0.23Mg0.77)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 19.365018 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 15.197149 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.07(OH)1.87\n", "rhm oxide: 0.323729 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.89Mg0.03Fe'''0.13Ti0.93O3\n", "apatite: 0.297 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.650 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 736.507813\n", "liquid: 47.772 g 69.49 0.06 14.12 0.27 1.23 0.14 0.10 1.70 1.43 0.91 0.21 10.35 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999979 Melt fraction = 0.479169\n", "clinopyroxene: 11.185283 g, composition cpx Na0.09Ca0.84Fe''0.47Mg0.45Fe'''0.05Ti0.05Al0.18Si1.88O6\n", "biotite: 3.231711 g, composition K(Fe''0.24Mg0.76)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 19.611030 g, composition K0.80Na0.19Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 15.555971 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.06(OH)1.87\n", "rhm oxide: 0.336954 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.89Mg0.03Fe'''0.13Ti0.94O3\n", "apatite: 0.300 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.704 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 729.507813\n", "liquid: 46.954 g 69.77 0.05 14.13 0.25 1.14 0.14 0.10 1.63 1.35 0.86 0.21 10.37 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999976 Melt fraction = 0.470969\n", "clinopyroxene: 11.421340 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.47Mg0.45Fe'''0.05Ti0.05Al0.18Si1.88O6\n", "biotite: 3.198444 g, composition K(Fe''0.24Mg0.76)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 19.825511 g, composition K0.81Na0.19Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 15.892180 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.06(OH)1.88\n", "rhm oxide: 0.349012 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.90Mg0.03Fe'''0.13Ti0.94O3\n", "apatite: 0.303 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.752 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 722.507813\n", "liquid: 46.206 g 70.04 0.05 14.13 0.24 1.06 0.14 0.09 1.56 1.27 0.82 0.21 10.39 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999973 Melt fraction = 0.463481\n", "clinopyroxene: 11.635463 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.47Mg0.45Fe'''0.05Ti0.04Al0.17Si1.89O6\n", "biotite: 3.170812 g, composition K(Fe''0.25Mg0.75)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 20.011786 g, composition K0.81Na0.19Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 16.208538 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.06(OH)1.88\n", "rhm oxide: 0.360026 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.90Mg0.03Fe'''0.12Ti0.94O3\n", "apatite: 0.306 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.796 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 715.507813\n", "liquid: 45.523 g 70.29 0.05 14.14 0.22 0.98 0.14 0.09 1.50 1.19 0.78 0.21 10.40 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999972 Melt fraction = 0.45663\n", "clinopyroxene: 11.829868 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.48Mg0.45Fe'''0.05Ti0.04Al0.17Si1.89O6\n", "biotite: 3.148103 g, composition K(Fe''0.25Mg0.75)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 20.172809 g, composition K0.81Na0.19Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 16.507296 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.06(OH)1.89\n", "rhm oxide: 0.370101 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.90Mg0.03Fe'''0.12Ti0.94O3\n", "apatite: 0.307 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.835 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 708.507813\n", "liquid: 44.896 g 70.54 0.04 14.15 0.21 0.91 0.14 0.08 1.45 1.12 0.74 0.22 10.42 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.99997 Melt fraction = 0.450351\n", "clinopyroxene: 12.006488 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.48Mg0.45Fe'''0.05Ti0.04Al0.17Si1.89O6\n", "biotite: 3.129717 g, composition K(Fe''0.26Mg0.74)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 20.311234 g, composition K0.81Na0.19Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 16.790287 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.05(OH)1.89\n", "rhm oxide: 0.379330 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.90Mg0.03Fe'''0.12Ti0.94O3\n", "apatite: 0.308 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.871 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 701.507813\n", "liquid: 44.322 g 70.77 0.04 14.15 0.19 0.84 0.14 0.08 1.39 1.05 0.70 0.22 10.43 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999969 Melt fraction = 0.444589\n", "clinopyroxene: 12.167021 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.48Mg0.44Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "biotite: 3.115135 g, composition K(Fe''0.27Mg0.73)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 20.429463 g, composition K0.81Na0.18Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 17.058999 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.05(OH)1.90\n", "rhm oxide: 0.387795 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.90Mg0.03Fe'''0.11Ti0.94O3\n", "apatite: 0.308 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.903 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 694.507813\n", "liquid: 43.793 g 70.99 0.04 14.16 0.18 0.77 0.15 0.07 1.35 0.98 0.66 0.22 10.43 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999969 Melt fraction = 0.439294\n", "clinopyroxene: 12.312960 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.49Mg0.44Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "biotite: 3.103912 g, composition K(Fe''0.27Mg0.73)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 20.529663 g, composition K0.82Na0.18Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 17.314655 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.05(OH)1.90\n", "rhm oxide: 0.395573 g, composition Mn0.01Fe''0.90Mg0.03Fe'''0.11Ti0.94O3\n", "apatite: 0.307 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.933 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 687.507813\n", "liquid: 43.307 g 71.19 0.03 14.17 0.17 0.71 0.15 0.07 1.30 0.92 0.63 0.23 10.44 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999969 Melt fraction = 0.434424\n", "clinopyroxene: 12.445631 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.49Mg0.44Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "biotite: 3.095667 g, composition K(Fe''0.28Mg0.72)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 20.613750 g, composition K0.82Na0.18Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 17.558292 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.05(OH)1.90\n", "rhm oxide: 0.402729 g, composition Mn0.02Fe''0.91Mg0.03Fe'''0.11Ti0.95O3\n", "apatite: 0.306 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.960 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 680.507813\n", "liquid: 42.860 g 71.39 0.03 14.17 0.16 0.65 0.15 0.06 1.26 0.86 0.59 0.23 10.44 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999969 Melt fraction = 0.42994\n", "clinopyroxene: 12.566207 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.84Fe''0.49Mg0.44Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.91O6\n", "biotite: 3.090052 g, composition K(Fe''0.28Mg0.72)3AlSi3O10(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 20.683388 g, composition K0.82Na0.18Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 17.790834 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.05(OH)1.91\n", "rhm oxide: 0.409333 g, composition Mn0.02Fe''0.91Mg0.02Fe'''0.10Ti0.95O3\n", "apatite: 0.304 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 1.985 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase amphibole to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase biotite from the assemblage.\n", "...One of the solid phases has undergone phase separation.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...One of the solid phases has undergone phase separation.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 673.507813\n", "liquid: 39.754 g 71.23 0.03 14.49 0.15 0.60 0.17 0.05 1.29 0.79 0.56 0.23 10.41 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999969 Melt fraction = 0.398815\n", "clinopyroxene: 7.009595 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.85Fe''0.50Mg0.42Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.852762 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.37Mg0.21Fe'''0.03Ti0.41Al0.74Si1.24O6\n", "amphibole: 6.672762 g, composition cAph Ca1.73Fe2.20Mg3.07Si8O22(OH)2\n", "amphibole: 0.432030 g, composition cAph Ca0.26Fe3.73Mg3.01Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.154692 g, composition K0.82Na0.17Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 18.197035 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.04(OH)1.91\n", "rhm oxide: 0.024765 g, composition Mn0.02Fe''0.91Mg0.02Fe'''0.10Ti0.95O3\n", "apatite: 0.317 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.265 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase rhm oxide from the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase amphibole from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 666.507813\n", "liquid: 39.337 g 71.40 0.03 14.47 0.14 0.54 0.17 0.05 1.30 0.74 0.53 0.24 10.41 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.99997 Melt fraction = 0.394639\n", "clinopyroxene: 6.147720 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.85Fe''0.52Mg0.41Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.045028 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.38Mg0.20Fe'''0.03Ti0.41Al0.75Si1.24O6\n", "amphibole: 7.904860 g, composition cAph Ca1.75Fe2.26Mg2.99Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.191573 g, composition K0.83Na0.17Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 18.464217 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.04(OH)1.92\n", "apatite: 0.316 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.271 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase spinel to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping phase spinel from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 659.507813\n", "liquid: 38.991 g 71.56 0.02 14.47 0.12 0.48 0.17 0.04 1.32 0.69 0.50 0.24 10.40 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999973 Melt fraction = 0.391172\n", "clinopyroxene: 5.760447 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.85Fe''0.52Mg0.40Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.092827 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.38Mg0.19Fe'''0.03Ti0.41Al0.75Si1.24O6\n", "amphibole: 8.319182 g, composition cAph Ca1.77Fe2.28Mg2.95Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.217842 g, composition K0.83Na0.17Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 18.697897 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.04(OH)1.92\n", "apatite: 0.316 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.281 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase garnet to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 652.507813\n", "liquid: 38.593 g 71.89 0.02 14.27 0.10 0.40 0.17 0.04 1.34 0.65 0.47 0.24 10.40 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999977 Melt fraction = 0.387194\n", "garnet: 0.444372 g, composition (Ca0.22Fe''0.68Mg0.10)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 5.338056 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.86Fe''0.51Mg0.40Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.127299 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.91Fe''0.38Mg0.19Fe'''0.03Ti0.41Al0.75Si1.23O6\n", "amphibole: 8.406602 g, composition cAph Ca1.81Fe2.24Mg2.95Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.254037 g, composition K0.83Na0.17Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 18.893000 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.04(OH)1.92\n", "apatite: 0.318 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.300 g, composition H2O\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 645.507813\n", "liquid: 38.324 g 72.00 0.02 14.29 0.09 0.35 0.17 0.03 1.37 0.60 0.44 0.24 10.39 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999979 Melt fraction = 0.384496\n", "garnet: 0.360753 g, composition (Ca0.22Fe''0.68Mg0.09)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 5.001978 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.87Fe''0.52Mg0.40Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.170134 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.92Fe''0.39Mg0.18Fe'''0.03Ti0.42Al0.76Si1.23O6\n", "amphibole: 8.821673 g, composition cAph Ca1.82Fe2.27Mg2.90Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.258915 g, composition K0.83Na0.16Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 19.113755 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.04(OH)1.93\n", "apatite: 0.315 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.307 g, composition H2O\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 638.507813\n", "liquid: 38.083 g 72.08 0.02 14.32 0.08 0.30 0.18 0.03 1.40 0.56 0.42 0.25 10.37 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999981 Melt fraction = 0.38208\n", "garnet: 0.263117 g, composition (Ca0.23Fe''0.68Mg0.09)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 4.683191 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.87Fe''0.52Mg0.39Fe'''0.04Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.90O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.209262 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.92Fe''0.39Mg0.18Fe'''0.03Ti0.42Al0.77Si1.23O6\n", "amphibole: 9.226817 g, composition cAph Ca1.84Fe2.30Mg2.86Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.255242 g, composition K0.84Na0.16Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 19.327041 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.03(OH)1.93\n", "apatite: 0.312 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.312 g, composition H2O\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 631.507813\n", "liquid: 37.868 g 72.16 0.02 14.36 0.07 0.27 0.18 0.02 1.43 0.52 0.39 0.26 10.34 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999982 Melt fraction = 0.379928\n", "garnet: 0.152985 g, composition (Ca0.24Fe''0.67Mg0.08)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 4.382007 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.87Fe''0.53Mg0.38Fe'''0.03Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.91O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.244695 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.92Fe''0.39Mg0.17Fe'''0.03Ti0.42Al0.77Si1.22O6\n", "amphibole: 9.621004 g, composition cAph Ca1.85Fe2.33Mg2.81Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.243726 g, composition K0.84Na0.16Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 19.533123 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.03(OH)1.94\n", "apatite: 0.309 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.317 g, composition H2O\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 624.507813\n", "liquid: 37.677 g 72.21 0.01 14.39 0.07 0.23 0.18 0.02 1.46 0.48 0.37 0.26 10.31 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999984 Melt fraction = 0.378021\n", "garnet: 0.031870 g, composition (Ca0.25Fe''0.67Mg0.08)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 4.098912 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.88Fe''0.53Mg0.38Fe'''0.03Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.91O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.276470 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.92Fe''0.40Mg0.17Fe'''0.02Ti0.42Al0.78Si1.22O6\n", "amphibole: 10.002946 g, composition cAph Ca1.87Fe2.36Mg2.77Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.225049 g, composition K0.84Na0.15Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 19.732198 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.03(OH)1.94\n", "apatite: 0.304 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.321 g, composition H2O\n", "...Dropping phase garnet from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 617.507813\n", "liquid: 37.493 g 72.30 0.01 14.39 0.06 0.20 0.18 0.02 1.50 0.44 0.35 0.27 10.29 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999986 Melt fraction = 0.376177\n", "clinopyroxene: 3.822613 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.88Fe''0.53Mg0.37Fe'''0.03Ti0.04Al0.16Si1.91O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.303794 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.92Fe''0.40Mg0.17Fe'''0.02Ti0.42Al0.78Si1.21O6\n", "amphibole: 10.301009 g, composition cAph Ca1.88Fe2.38Mg2.74Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.204006 g, composition K0.85Na0.15Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 19.918660 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.03(OH)1.94\n", "apatite: 0.299 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.327 g, composition H2O\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 610.507813\n", "liquid: 37.324 g 72.39 0.01 14.37 0.05 0.17 0.18 0.01 1.54 0.41 0.33 0.28 10.26 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999988 Melt fraction = 0.37448\n", "clinopyroxene: 3.557819 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.88Fe''0.53Mg0.37Fe'''0.03Ti0.03Al0.16Si1.91O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.327917 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.93Fe''0.40Mg0.16Fe'''0.02Ti0.43Al0.79Si1.21O6\n", "amphibole: 10.557453 g, composition cAph Ca1.89Fe2.39Mg2.72Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.178629 g, composition K0.85Na0.15Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "leucite ss: 20.096667 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.03(OH)1.95\n", "apatite: 0.293 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.333 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase quartz to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 603.507813\n", "liquid: 34.752 g 71.66 0.01 15.19 0.05 0.15 0.19 0.01 1.63 0.36 0.30 0.29 10.15 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999988 Melt fraction = 0.348674\n", "clinopyroxene: 3.388288 g, composition cpx Na0.08Ca0.89Fe''0.53Mg0.37Fe'''0.03Ti0.03Al0.16Si1.91O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.363084 g, composition cpx Na0.06Ca0.93Fe''0.40Mg0.16Fe'''0.02Ti0.43Al0.80Si1.19O6\n", "amphibole: 10.737561 g, composition cAph Ca1.90Fe2.40Mg2.70Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.132481 g, composition K0.86Na0.14Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "quartz: 1.949 g, composition SiO2\n", "leucite ss: 20.447689 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.03(OH)1.95\n", "apatite: 0.296 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 2.602 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase garnet to the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 596.507813\n", "liquid: 27.176 g 70.91 0.01 15.91 0.03 0.10 0.25 0.01 1.84 0.32 0.28 0.31 10.05 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999992 Melt fraction = 0.272676\n", "garnet: 3.931813 g, composition (Ca0.33Fe''0.59Mg0.08)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.301034 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.90Fe''0.41Mg0.48Fe'''0.02Ti0.02Al0.17Si1.92O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.421843 g, composition cpx Na0.06Ca0.94Fe''0.36Mg0.19Fe'''0.02Ti0.44Al0.83Si1.17O6\n", "amphibole: 8.585016 g, composition cAph Ca1.93Fe1.92Mg3.15Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.178359 g, composition K0.86Na0.13Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "quartz: 7.394 g, composition SiO2\n", "leucite ss: 20.939565 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.02(OH)1.95\n", "apatite: 0.340 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 3.397 g, composition H2O\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 589.507813\n", "liquid: 23.360 g 70.19 0.01 16.60 0.02 0.07 0.29 0.01 1.98 0.29 0.26 0.33 9.95 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999994 Melt fraction = 0.234389\n", "garnet: 5.733687 g, composition (Ca0.36Fe''0.56Mg0.08)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 1.247985 g, composition cpx Na0.07Ca0.91Fe''0.36Mg0.53Fe'''0.02Ti0.02Al0.18Si1.92O6\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.461758 g, composition cpx Na0.05Ca0.95Fe''0.34Mg0.21Fe'''0.01Ti0.44Al0.85Si1.15O6\n", "amphibole: 8.161845 g, composition cAph Ca1.95Fe1.70Mg3.36Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.130471 g, composition K0.87Na0.13Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "quartz: 10.137 g, composition SiO2\n", "leucite ss: 21.295844 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.02(OH)1.95\n", "apatite: 0.356 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 3.779 g, composition H2O\n", "...Dropping phase clinopyroxene from the assemblage.\n", "alphaMELTS at: P 5800.000000, T 582.507813\n", "liquid: 20.301 g 69.50 0.01 17.26 0.02 0.06 0.33 0.01 2.10 0.26 0.24 0.35 9.87 \n", "Activity of H2O = 0.999995 Melt fraction = 0.203694\n", "garnet: 7.328053 g, composition (Ca0.39Fe''0.52Mg0.08)3Al2Si3O12\n", "clinopyroxene: 2.492944 g, composition cpx Na0.04Ca0.96Fe''0.31Mg0.23Fe'''0.01Ti0.45Al0.86Si1.14O6\n", "amphibole: 8.114147 g, composition cAph Ca1.95Fe1.50Mg3.54Si8O22(OH)2\n", "feldspar: 23.060899 g, composition K0.87Na0.12Ca0.00Al1.00Si3.00O8\n", "quartz: 12.308 g, composition SiO2\n", "leucite ss: 21.618344 g, composition K0.00Na1.00AlSi2O5.02(OH)1.96\n", "apatite: 0.367 g, composition Ca5(PO4)3OH\n", "water: 4.072 g, composition H2O\n", "...Adding the solid phase muscovite to the assemblage.\n", "...Adding the solid phase olivine to the assemblage.\n", "...Dropping a liquid from the assemblage.\n", "THE QUADRATIC MINIMIZATION ALGORITHM HAS FAILED TO CONVERGE.\n", "...Quadratic convergence failure. Aborting.\n", "Failure in silmin\n", "Not all calculations performed!\n", "\n", "Choose:\n", " 1. Read MELTS file to set composition of system\n", " 2. Twiddle starting or continuation parameters\n", " 3. Single (batch) calculation\n", " 4. Execute (follow path, mineral isograd or melt contour)\n", " 5. Set fO2 buffer\n", " 6. Set H2O (ppm) or aH2O\n", " 7. Impose initial entropy, enthalpy or volume\n", " 8. Adjust solid phase setting(s)\n", " 9. Turn liquid on / off\n", "10. Turn phase diagram mode on / off\n", "11. Update state using restart file\n", "12. Update composition using MELTS file\n", "13. Write out restart file\n", "14. Write out MELTS file\n", "15. Write thermodynamic output for all phases\n", "16. Calculate integrated melt and output file(s)\n", "17. Fit parental melt composition (amoeba)\n", "18. Cumulate Invertor (not yet implemented)\n", "-1. Turn off menu display for options 1-18\n", " 0. QUIT\n", "Your choice: \n", "\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Dict{Any,Any} with 22 entries:\n", " \"Temperature\" => [1016.51, 1009.51, 1002.51, 995.51, 988.51, 981.51, 974.51…\n", " \"water\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 2.30…\n", " \"elements\" => Any[\"Pressure\", \"Temperature\", \"mass\", \"solids\", \"liquid\",…\n", " \"albite\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 3.45…\n", " \"clinopyroxene\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 7.17…\n", " \"mass\" => [99.707, 99.7072, 99.7074, 99.7077, 99.7079, 99.7081, 99.7…\n", " \"rhm\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.0,…\n", " \"ilmenite\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.0,…\n", " \"anorthite\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.12…\n", " \"biotite\" => [0.0, 0.431308, 0.831234, 1.20432, 1.55234, 1.87696, 2.179…\n", " \"feldspar\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 23.2…\n", " \"leucite\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 19.1…\n", " \"quartz\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.0,…\n", " \"magnetite\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.0,…\n", " \"hematite\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.0,…\n", " \"garnet\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.36…\n", " \"apatite\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 0.31…\n", " \"Pressure\" => [5800.0, 5800.0, 5800.0, 5800.0, 5800.0, 5800.0, 5800.0, 5…\n", " \"liquid\" => [99.707, 99.2759, 98.8762, 98.5033, 98.1556, 97.8312, 97.5…\n", " \"amphibole\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 8.82…\n", " \"solids\" => [0.0, 0.431308, 0.831234, 1.20432, 1.55234, 1.87696, 2.179…\n", " \"orthoclase\" => [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 … 19.6…" ] }, "execution_count": 3, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "## --- # # # # # # # # # # # equilibrium batch crystallization # # # # # # # # # # # #\n", "\n", "# Conditions\n", "P_range = [5800,5800] # bar\n", "T_range = [1700,450] # C\n", "\n", "# Elements to include in simulation \n", "elements = [\"SiO2\",\"TiO2\",\"Al2O3\",\"Fe2O3\",\"Cr2O3\", \"FeO\", \"MnO\", \"MgO\", \"NiO\", \"CoO\", \"CaO\",\"Na2O\", \"K2O\",\"P2O5\", \"H2O\",]\n", "# Starting composition (must correspond directly with elements above)\n", "composition = [61.437, 0.380, 14.864, 3.383, 0, 0, 0.067, 1.606, 0, 0, 3.286, 3.435, 3.494, 0.228, 8.0,]\n", "# Run simulation\n", "melts_configure(meltspath, scratchdir, composition, elements, T_range, P_range,\n", " batchstring=\"1\\nsc.melts\\n10\\n1\\n3\\n1\\nliquid\\n1\\n1.0\\n0\\n10\\n0\\n4\\n0\\n\",\n", " dT=-7, dP=0, index=1, version=\"pMELTS\",mode=\"isobaric\",fo2path=\"FMQ\")\n", "\n", "# Read results\n", "melt = melts_query_liquid(scratchdir, index=1)\n", "solid = melts_query_solid(scratchdir, index=1)\n", "modes = melts_clean_modes(scratchdir, index=1)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "#### Plot results" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/svg+xml": [ "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n" ] }, "execution_count": 4, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "## --- Plot melt composition\n", "h = plot(xlabel=\"Percent melt\",ylabel=\"Abudance (wt. %) in melt\")\n", "for e in [\"SiO2\",\"Al2O3\",\"CaO\",\"MgO\",\"FeO\",\"Na2O\",\"K2O\"]\n", " plot!(h,melt[\"mass\"],melt[e],label=e)\n", "end\n", "plot!(h,xlims=(0,100),framestyle=:box,fg_color_legend=:white,legend=:right,xflip=true)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "### Zircon saturation calculations\n", "#### Trace element partitioning" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "Dict{Any,Any} with 2 entries:\n", " \"Zr\" => 170.68\n", " \"elements\" => [\"Zr\"]" ] }, "execution_count": 5, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# Enter trace element data\n", "# Can include any elements you want, the only required one is zirconium (Zr)\n", "trace = elementify([170.68,],[\"Zr\",],skipstart=0)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 6, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Since the mineral/melt partition coefficients we're using are averaged from GERM \n", "# as a function of silica (from 40-80), first figure out which coefficients we want\n", "si_index = round.(Int, melt[\"SiO2\"] .|> x -> isnan(x) ? 80 : x) .- 39\n", "si_index[si_index.<1] .= 1\n", "si_index[si_index.>40] .= 40\n", "\n", "# Melt fraction\n", "F = modes[\"liquid\"] ./ (modes[\"liquid\"] + modes[\"solids\"])\n", "\n", "# Use GERM partition coeffs to calculate bulk solid/melt d for each element\n", "germ_kd[\"Whitlockite\"] = germ_kd[\"Apatite\"]\n", "germ_kd[\"minerals\"] = unique([germ_kd[\"minerals\"]; \"Whitlockite\"])\n", "d = Dict()\n", "for e in trace[\"elements\"]\n", " # Calculate bulk partition coeff.\n", " d[e] = zeros(size(modes[\"solids\"]))\n", " for m in germ_kd[\"minerals\"]\n", " for k in filter(x -> containsi(x, m), keys(modes))\n", " # Note that minerals that we don't have data for end up being\n", " # treated like all elements are incompatible in them.\n", " # Note, geometric mean = log average\n", " d[e] = nansum([d[e] modes[k]./modes[\"solids\"] .* (10.0.^germ_kd[m][e][si_index]) ], dim=2)\n", " end\n", " end\n", "end\n", "\n", "# Calculate trace elements in melt as a function of melt fraction (equilibrium)\n", "calculated = Dict()\n", "calculated[\"elements\"] = trace[\"elements\"]\n", "for e in calculated[\"elements\"]\n", " calculated[e] = trace[e] ./ (d[e].*(1.0.-F) + F)\n", "end" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "#### Calculate mass of zircon saturated, using Boehnke et al zircon saturation equations" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 7, "metadata": { "scrolled": false }, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# Some quantities we'll need to calculate M\n", "melt[\"FeOT\"] = melt[\"FeO\"] + melt[\"Fe2O3\"]/1.11\n", "melt[\"MnO\"] = zeros(size(melt[\"FeOT\"]))\n", "\n", "# The `tzircZr` function calculates how much zirconium is required to saturate zircon \n", "# for a given temperature and bulk composition\n", "ZrSat = tzircZr(([\"SiO2\", \"TiO2\", \"Al2O3\", \"FeOT\", \"MnO\", \"MgO\", \"CaO\", \"Na2O\", \"K2O\", \"P2O5\", \"Temperature\"] .|> x -> melt[x])...)\n", "modes[\"zircon\"] = modes[\"liquid\"] .* max.(calculated[\"Zr\"] - ZrSat, 0)*2.009/1_000_000\n", "modes[\"elements\"] = unique([modes[\"elements\"]; \"zircon\"])\n", "modes[\"solids\"] .+= modes[\"zircon\"];\n", "modes[\"liquid\"] .-= modes[\"zircon\"];" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "#### Plot results" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "image/svg+xml": [ "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n", "\n" ] }, "execution_count": 8, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "h = plot(xlabel=\"Percent melt\", ylabel=\"Zircon abundance (wt. %)\")\n", "plot!(h, modes[\"liquid\"], modes[\"zircon\"], label=\"\")\n", "plot!(h,xlims=(0,100),framestyle=:box,fg_color_legend=:white,legend=:right,xflip=true)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "Julia 1.5.0", "language": "julia", "name": "julia-1.5" }, "language_info": { "file_extension": ".jl", "mimetype": "application/julia", "name": "julia", "version": "1.5.0" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 2 }