class Art < Formula # cite Huang_2012: "" desc "Simulation tools to generate synthetic NGS reads" homepage "" if OS.mac? url "" version "20160605" sha256 "1c467c374ec17b1c2c815f4c24746bece878876faaf659c2541f280fe7ba85f7" else url "" version "20160605" sha256 "69aede60884eb848de043aae5294274b7ca6348b7384a8380f0ac5a4dfeff488" end revision 1 bottle do root_url "" sha256 sierra: "90251eba71f0fb1a439c25cfd7bf35ebc709fc56fa6600799ce1bf7ae2b16426" sha256 x86_64_linux: "e435a79c84db0f569ded452e2b4c1b561396c31f4360e939ac7408f80b4e1862" end depends_on "gsl" def install ENV.append "CPPFLAGS", "-I#{Formula["gsl"].opt_include}" ENV.append "LDFLAGS", "-L#{Formula["gsl"].opt_lib}" system "./configure", "--prefix=#{prefix}" # remove the bundled binaries so they get re-made against our libraries system "make", "clean" system "make", "install" doc.install %w[art_454_README art_SOLiD_README art_illumina_README] pkgshare.install %w[examples 454_profiles Illumina_profiles SOLiD_profiles] end test do system "#{bin}/art_illumina | grep 'MiSeq'" system "#{bin}/art_SOLiD | grep 'F3-F5'" system "#{bin}/art_454 | grep 'FLX'" end end