class Beast2 < Formula # cite Bouckaert_2014: "" desc "Bayesian evolutionary analysis by sampling trees" homepage "" url "" sha256 "7528d3f4732bd2066079eb9001161deda20afc59424ec58fca844e56785dc6a9" license "LGPL-2.1" bottle do root_url "" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "91b1bb0fcd2ddc4fb60777946c9ce057e0a01125096a0557c20ce4b6ecd4ab3c" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "0f9fea00d1f42297827baa50bf394be9c425da3343affe67ee46cc58d675edef" end depends_on "ant" => :build depends_on "openjdk" def install # Homebrew renames the unpacked source folder, but build.xml # assumes that it won't be renamed. inreplace "build.xml", "../beast2/", "" # Targeting Java 6 is no longer supported. inreplace "build.xml", 'source="1.6"', 'source="1.7"' inreplace "build.xml", 'target="1.6"', 'target="1.7"' system "ant", "linux" cd "release/Linux/beast" do # Set `beast.user.package.dir` to `opt_pkgshare`. This will: # 1) Prevent BEAST from installing packages outside the Homebrew Cellar # 2) Preserve addon packages between BEAST version updates inreplace Dir["bin/*"], "-cp", "-Dbeast.user.package.dir=#{opt_pkgshare} -cp" pkgshare.install "examples" libexec.install Dir["*"] # Suffix binaries to prevent conflicts with BEAST 1.x (libexec/"bin").each_child { |f| bin.install_symlink f => bin/"#{f.basename}-2" } end doc.install Dir["doc/*"] end def caveats <<~EOS This install coexists with BEAST 1.x as all scripts are suffixed with '-2': beast-2 -help To use the unprefixed versions, add #{libexec}/bin to your PATH. EOS end test do cp pkgshare/"examples/testCalibration.xml", testpath # Run fewer generations to speed up tests inreplace "testCalibration.xml", "10000000", "1000000" system "#{bin}/beast-2", "-java", "-seed", "1000", "testCalibration.xml" system "#{bin}/treeannotator-2", "test.1000.trees", "out.tre" system "#{bin}/loganalyser-2", "test.1000.log" end end