class Gatk < Formula include Language::Python::Shebang # cite McKenna_2010: "" desc "Genome Analysis Toolkit: Variant Discovery in High-Throughput Sequencing" homepage "" url "" sha256 "e2c27229b34c3e22445964adf00639a0909887bbfcc040f6910079177bc6e2dd" license "BSD-3-Clause" bottle do root_url "" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "e55337c2d7d735c6546bd03873dfc07bac3c3540c492315b7c20d22a2244c752" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "e4b4117555b904663ca90c00945cc29f7767742bb6c3a37078c0f077db52261d" end depends_on "openjdk" depends_on "python@3.10" resource "homebrew-count_reads.bam" do url "" sha256 "656e36331a39a3641565ef7810a529ac51270b4132007d7b94e6efff99133a2c" end def install prefix.install "gatk" prefix.install "scripts/dataproc-cluster-ui" prefix.install "gatk-package-#{version}-spark.jar" prefix.install "gatk-package-#{version}-local.jar" bash_completion.install "" bins = ["#{prefix}/gatk", "#{prefix}/dataproc-cluster-ui"] bins.find { |f| rewrite_shebang detected_python_shebang, f } bin.install_symlink "#{prefix}/gatk" bin.install_symlink "#{prefix}/dataproc-cluster-ui" end def caveats <<~EOS This brew installation does not include the necessary python dependencies to run certain gatk tools. Similarly, it does not install the necessary version of R and its packages for certain plotting functions to work. See the GATK readme for detailed installation instructions. The recommended way of running the tools with complex python dependencies is to use the pre-built docker images instead of attempting to install them locally. Gatk dockers are available on docker hub: EOS end test do assert_match "Usage", shell_output("#{bin}/gatk --help 2>&1") testpath.install resource("homebrew-count_reads.bam") assert_equal "Tool returned:\n8", shell_output("#{bin}/gatk CountReads -I count_reads.bam --tmp-dir #{testpath}").strip end end