class Genewise < Formula # cite Birney_2004: "" desc "Aligns proteins or protein HMMs to DNA" homepage "" url "" sha256 "240e2b12d6cd899040e2efbcb85b0d3c10245c255f3d07c1db45d0af5a4d5fa1" revision 1 bottle do root_url "" sha256 cellar: :any, sierra: "6fdc8a97b8c15df77d6c6a7cb545ce9f2fa21c14e010e041b5d8eff64b5c20c1" sha256 cellar: :any, x86_64_linux: "67e56af99ac88549d06a08338a0e953a355d61ab31abd5ce0708a16baab98d75" end depends_on "pkg-config" => :build depends_on "glib" def install # Use pkg-config glib-2.0 rather than glib-config inreplace %w[src/makefile src/corba/makefile src/dnaindex/assembly/makefile src/dnaindex/makefile src/dynlibsrc/makefile src/models/makefile src/network/makefile src/other_programs/makefile src/snp/makefile], "glib-config", "pkg-config glib-2.0" # getline conflicts with stdio inreplace "src/HMMer2/sqio.c", "getline", "getline_ReadSeqVars" # Fails to build with GCC 4.4 on Linux # undefined reference to `isnumber' # patch suggested in inreplace "src/models/phasemodel.c", "isnumber", "isdigit" inreplace "src/makefile", "csh welcome.csh", "sh welcome.csh" # Fix error: undefined reference to `g_hash_table_foreach_remove' inreplace "src/models/makefile", "-ldyna_glib", "-ldyna_glib `pkg-config --libs glib-2.0`" system "make", "-C", "src", "all" bin.install Dir["src/bin/*"] doc.install Dir["docs/*"] pkgshare.install Dir["wisecfg/*"] bin.env_script_all_files libexec, "WISECONFIGDIR" => pkgshare end test do assert_match "Version", shell_output("#{bin}/genewise -version", 63) end end