class Kraken < Formula # cite Wood_2014: "" desc "Assign taxonomic labels to short DNA sequences" homepage "" url "" sha256 "73e48f40418f92b8cf036ca1da727ca3941da9b78d4c285b81ba3267326ac4ee" license "GPL-3.0" head "" bottle do root_url "" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, catalina: "fcefe1f392f6c3e9821b24cd8d096c90e8348a25fd577bfecdf507ff863462ef" sha256 cellar: :any_skip_relocation, x86_64_linux: "a4533e0f5e6dda9546b71f59ce77653f838f9aa59468ca1f6730f838a966523b" end depends_on "gcc" if OS.mac? # needs openmp fails_with :clang # needs openmp def install libexec.mkdir system "./", libexec libexec_bins = %w[kraken kraken-build kraken-filter kraken-mpa-report kraken-report kraken-translate].map do |x| libexec + x end bin.install_symlink(libexec_bins) doc.install Dir["docs/*"] end def caveats <<~EOS You must build a DB before usage. Minikraken DB can be found here: For more information on kraken DBs: EOS end test do assert_match "Usage:", shell_output("#{bin}/kraken --help 2>&1") end end