--- title: "Links" author: ["Justin"] date: 2022-06-19 lastmod: 2024-10-30T17:59:27-04:00 draft: false creator: "Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.7.11 + ox-hugo)" ShowReadingTime: false ShowWordCount: false ShowShareButtons: false comments: false ShowToC: false --- Right now I am exporting this as my "blog roll" section of my main site. I could probably stand to clean this up, but still it shows the stuff I watch in my reader. It exports when I save, so it should be pretty much to date. I'm also (trying to) put a blurb or such on how I found the blog or add the context for why I added it. Because this is primarily for feed-reading, most of the links are to feeds that I tried to regex back into normal links. If for some reason you're interested in subsuming my feeds, I keep a copy of the [.opml file]().
## Links {#links}
### Aggregators {#aggregators}
#### Dev / Software {#dev-software} Love hate relationships with these sites, but the gems are worth it. Avoid the comments (mostly).
##### {#https-lobste-dot-rs}
##### {#https-news-dot-ycombinator-dot-com}
### News and Organizations {#news-and-organizations} Both standard-fare, government source, and generic corporate sites.
#### Government {#government} Government related news to keep up with.
##### Military {#military}
###### USA {#usa} -
###### China {#china} -
#### Organization {#organization}
##### Tech {#tech}
###### {#https-thenewstack-dot-io-blog-feed}
###### {#https-motherduck-dot-com-rss-dot-xml}
##### Geopolitics {#geopolitics}
###### {#https-globalchinapulse-dot-net-feed}
### Blogs / Non-Corpo {#blogs-non-corpo} Dissimilar to news in that its primarily individuals / or if they're not individuals, it doesn't give off the corporate vibe.
#### Topic {#topic} Self-explanatory, sites that are less person-focused and more on the topic. Generally has multiple authors or a company site.
##### Software / Programming {#software-programming}
###### Data {#data} - This topic is more of a catchall for analytics and general data topics. Be it discussion on databases or just general analytics topics such as SQL / OLAP queries, etc.
###### Emacs {#emacs} -
###### General {#general} -
###### Machine Learning {#machine-learning} - - NVIDIA's "technical blog" which is primarily hands-on and examples.
###### Python {#python} - - Lots of neat python implementation posts.
###### Rust {#rust} -
##### Statistics {#statistics}
###### {#https-statisticsbyjim-dot-com} - Moderately rudimentary stuff, but I think it's worth a refresher every now and then.
##### Religion {#religion}
###### Christianity {#christianity} - Catholicism - - - - Evangelical - - Creator of leechblock NG (not really realated to the content, but it's how I found his site.) - - Database of questions about Christianity.
##### Games {#games}
###### Video Games {#video-games} - - Visual novel blog. I forget how I found them (maybe I googled a review for one I was playing?). But visual novels are one of the few genres of games I play nowadays.
#### Person {#person} Blogs centered around a specific writer/group. Things I've wandered into and liked at least one article/story.
##### {#http-aaronsw-dot-com-weblog-index-dot-xml} - Aaron Swartz's old blog. (RIP) - even though it's not updated, I like keeping it around on my reader. I sometimes go back to read his old posts.
##### {#http-bactra-dot-org-notebooks-index-dot-rss} - Cosma. I think I found via one of Rao's links. Physics professor. Good link jumping point due to recommended / not links. - Seems to mass throw notes at the RSS feed though.
##### {#http-boston-dot-conman-dot-org-index-dot-atom} - A blog I found while reading about the gemini protocol. Seems a bit cantankerous but I dig the vibe.
##### {#https-irreal-dot-org-blog-feed-rss2} - Irreal - I feel like I encountered them before but forgot to add to list. Usually whenever I'm reading up on emacs.
##### {#http-feeds-dot-feedburner-dot-com-thelastpsychiatrist-flmy-format-xml}
##### {#https-blog-dot-dornea-dot-nu} - another emacs blogger - remember running into his blog several times while I was doing elfeed config edits
##### {#https-borretti-dot-me}
##### {#https-cliffle-dot-com-rss-dot-xml} - Has some other things, but found via rust discussion on the typestate pattern.
##### {#https-danluu-dot-com}
##### {#https-danwang-dot-co}
##### {#https-dusted-dot-dk} - no RSS(? - I think, I didn't look too hard) - broken up into different sections, still neat.
##### {#https-fantasticanachronism-dot-com}
##### {#https-feeds-dot-feedblitz-dot-com-marginalrevolution-and-x-1}
##### {#https-hotelconcierge-dot-tumblr-dot-com-rss}
##### {#https-journal-dot-stuffwithstuff-dot-com-rss-dot-xml} - Wrote an (apparently - I need to read it) on programming language design / interpreters.
##### {#https-ludic-dot-mataroa-dot-blog} - saw their rant on agile via another site I read - good!
##### {#https-milkyeggs-dot-com} - fbifemboy's blog, stopped updating, I think
##### {#https-nintil-dot-com}
##### {#https-nonint-dot-com-feed} - James Betker's blog, of Google/OpenAI(?)- mostly posts on machine learning.
##### {#https-piratewires-dot-com}
##### {#https-prog21-dot-dadgum-dot-com-atom-dot-xml} - "Programming" / thoughts-on tech blog that I like, it's no longer updated but there's some gems.
##### {#https-reorx-dot-com-feed-dot-xml}
##### {#https-ribbonfarm-dot-com}
##### {#https-sachachua-dot-com-blog-feed}
##### {#https-slatestarcodex-dot-com-feed}
###### ****Recommended**** {#recommended} -
##### {#https-protesilaos-dot-com-master-dot-xml}
##### {#https-blog-dot-aaronbieber-dot-com-posts-index-dot-xml-feed}
#### Substack {#substack}
##### {#https-astralcodexten-dot-substack-dot-com}
##### {#https-erikhoel-dot-substack-dot-com}
##### {#https-freddiedeboer-dot-substack-dot-com}
##### {#https-octal-dot-substack-dot-com}
##### {#https-samkriss-dot-substack-dot-com}
##### {#https-sashachapin-dot-substack-dot-com}
##### {#https-www-dot-blockedandreported-dot-org}
##### {#https-www-dot-fromthenew-dot-world}
##### {#https-www-dot-infinitescroll-dot-us}
##### {#https-www-dot-slowboring-dot-com}
##### {#https-www-dot-strangeloopcanon-dot-com}
### Comics {#comics}
#### {#https-www-dot-smbc-comics-dot-com-comic}
### Literary {#literary} As opposed to blog this would be collective works, literary criticism sites, etc. etc. - differentiating profit/mainstream with the magazine vs. zine distinction.
#### Magazine {#magazine}
##### {#https-www-dot-nplusonemag-dot-com}
#### Zines {#zines}
##### {#https-www-dot-surfaces-dot-cx} - An "open literary arts platform"
### Audio {#audio}
#### Podcasts {#podcasts} I've seen workflows that allow for mpd/mpc and emms to listen to podcasts inside emacs but it seemed fiddly.
##### {#https-talkpython-dot-fm-episodes-rss}
## Other {#other} These are not necessarily feeds, but listings of things I've read that might be worth keeping track of for others / things I've deemed important enough to read more than once but don't have a feed associated. 1.