--- title: Home author: ["Justin"] date: 06-01-24 draft: false ---
袖そでまくり たすきがけ
鉢巻はちまきしめて がんばって
疲つかれたら お茶ちゃにして
少すこしずつ良よくなるよ お勉強べんきょう
        Int L[A],m,b,*D=A,
      ?e?e-3?s(D=a),C=a  [3],++1[a=a[2]],d(
     D):c?D=c,c=*D,*D=    a,a=D:exit(L[C+1])
    :C--<23?C=u+m&1?O      =O+O|C&1,9:write(m
   ||(O=C+28),&O,1)+        1:(S(),x(0<b++?k(0,
  6),U[-5]=96:0)):(          D=B?B:calloc(4,X))
 ?B=*D,*D=c,c=D,D[            2]=a,a[++D[1]]++,D
[3]=++C+u:exit(6)              )e=L[C++],u=L[C];}
credit: IOCCC - 2012 - tromp[^fn:1]
This is the home to my notes that I export using [org-roam](https://www.orgroam.com). It's primarily meant for just jotting down notes with a secondary purpose allowing me to tinker around with typescript. Check the [about](/about) page for more details on the site itself. I plan to keep most design notes there. Or you can go back to my main site [here](https://justin.vc). Most of the design is based on person aesthetics vs. readability, @ me if you think I should change things. Some of this is intrinsic to quartz and I've been kind of tinkering off-and-on. I also primarily operate it in dark mode on my desktop so things are generally tested more stringently against that.
## Other Sections
- [Log](/log/) - exports built from org-roam yearly file - a monolithic file for the year that exports subheading based on the week, latest month ordered by [week of year.](/log/2024/) - [References](/references/) - specific references built from zotero, so anything here has a citar reference attached to it, generally used for academic papers and book notes. - [Main](/main/) - everything else falls into this bucket - [Categories](/categories/) - Similar idea to tags, but higher level, broader topic assignment e.g. "@music" - [Tags](/tags/) - Standard blog fare, topic based, e.g. "#database"
[^fn:1]: A e s t h e t i c. Go check out the IOCCC [winners](https://www.ioccc.org/years.html).