title: "Michael Sugrue"
author: ["Justin"]
date: 2024-08-04T13:10:00-04:00
lastmod: 2024-08-15T22:59:28-04:00
tags: ["person", "professor", "educator", "academic", "youtuber"]
draft: false
creator: "Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.8 + ox-hugo)"
## Summary {#summary}
Dr. Sugrue was a classics professor who gained popularity during the pandemic
due to foresight to upload all of his old lectures.[^fn:1] He also seemed a bit
unique in that he refused to publish a book, and focused his career on
I didn't discover him until recently (2024). Apparently the general
consensus is his old lectures are worth listening to but he went down what I'll
refer to as the "political brainworm" path before his death, and to generally
avoid his latter videos (or at least watch with that framework of mind).[^fn:2]
### Media {#media}
His full list of vidoes: [Michael Sugrue](https://www.youtube.com/@dr.michaelsugrue/videos)
#### [#C]TODO Watch his video(s) {#watch-his-video--s}
[^fn:1]: [Michael
Sugrue, 66, Dies; His Talks on Philosophy Were a YouTube Hit](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/25/education/michael-sugrue-dead.html)
[^fn:2]: [Is Michael Sugrue reliable? : askphilosophy](https://old.reddit.com/r/askphilosophy/comments/soeabx/is_michael_sugrue_reliable/) - A commentator in this thread
instead uses the term "Catholic angst over the downfall of western civilization"
which is probably apt.