title: "Notebook (Software)"
author: ["Justin"]
date: 2024-09-19T10:57:00-04:00
lastmod: 2024-09-19T11:17:24-04:00
tags: ["software"]
draft: false
creator: "Emacs 29.4 (Org mode 9.8 + ox-hugo)"
## About {#about}
Notebooks are interactive computing environments that combine code execution,
rich text, mathematics, and plots / media.
### {#https-www-cs-faculty-dot-stanford-dot-edu-knuth-lp-dot-html}
I always thought of it as literate programming but apparently that's more about
the documentation - "Literate programming is more about documentation; to refer
to Jupyter Notebooks and similars, Fernando Perez introduced the term literate
computing". It probably doesn't matter, though.
## Options {#options}
Just notes as I ponder them. Generally am loathe to list for-profit/closed
source stuff but there's the potential for use in workplace / if I'm stuck using them.
### Jupyter / Lab {#jupyter-lab}
### Mathematica {#mathematica}
### Deepnote {#deepnote}
- Seems to be an 'AI first' variant. Another no-code
possibility. I'm.. not a fan of this level of simplicity since a lot of the
problems in the analyst space are domain knowledge 'gotchas', will write more on
it if I ever have to use it for work.
### Hex {#hex}
Another for-profit / closed source one. I learned of this before deepnote, I
like the aesthetics, can't comment on usefulness.