import QtQuick 2.0 import MuseScore 1.0 import QtQuick.Controls 1.3 MuseScore { property variant fullXOffset : -1.8; property variant fullYOffset : 2.9; property variant fullFontSize : 36; property variant fullNoteSignSize : 5.5; property variant smallXOffset : -0.9; property variant smallYOffset : 0; property variant smallFontSize : 18; property variant smallNoteSignSize : 2.75; // offset when I want to put a sharp note to an other property variant halfWidthOffset : 0.47; property variant quarterWidthOffset : 0.2; // offset when I overlap one note on the other property variant overlapOffset : 0.67; property variant defaultXOffset; property variant defaultYOffset; property variant noteTemplate; property variant noteSignSize; property variant fontSize; property variant lastProcessedMeasure: 0; menuPath: "Plugins.UlwilaFK" version: "1.0" description: qsTr("Create ulwila color sheet") pluginType: "dialog" width: 400 height: 200 onRun: { if (typeof curScore === 'undefined') Qt.quit(); var score = curScore console.log( } function setVisibility(visible) { var startStaff; var endStaff; var endTick; var fullScore; var cursor = curScore.newCursor(); cursor.rewind(1); if (!cursor.segment) { fullScore = true; for (var track = 0; track < curScore.ntracks; ++track) { var segment = curScore.firstSegment(); while (segment) { var element = segment.elementAt(track); setElementVisibility(element, visible); segment =; } } } else { console.log("Processing selection"); startStaff = cursor.staffIdx; cursor.rewind(2); if (cursor.tick == 0) { endTick = curScore.lastSegment.tick + 1; } else { endTick = cursor.tick; } endStaff = cursor.staffIdx; for (var staff = startStaff; staff <= endStaff; staff++) { cursor.rewind(1); cursor.voice = 0; cursor.staffIdx = staff; if (fullScore) cursor.rewind(0); // beginning of score while (cursor.segment && (fullScore || cursor.tick < endTick)) { var element = cursor.element; setElementVisibility(element, visible);; } } } } function setElementVisibility(element, visible) { if (element) { element.visible = visible; if (element.stem) { element.stem.visible = visible; } if (element.beam) { element.beam.visible = visible; } if (element.hook) { element.hook.visible = visible; } if (element.accidental) { element.accidental.visible = visible; } if (element.dots) { var note = element; for (var i = 0; i < note.dots.length; i++) { if (note.dots[i]) { note.dots[i].visible = visible; } } } if (element.type == Element.CHORD) { for (var noteIndex = 0; noteIndex < element.notes.length; noteIndex++) { var note = element.notes[noteIndex]; note.visible = visible; if (note.accidental) { note.accidental.visible = visible; } } } } } function toUlwila() { if (!chkAboveStaff.checked) { defaultXOffset = fullXOffset; defaultYOffset = fullYOffset; noteSignSize = fullNoteSignSize; fontSize = fullFontSize; } else { defaultXOffset = smallXOffset; defaultYOffset = smallYOffset; noteSignSize = smallNoteSignSize; fontSize = smallFontSize; } noteTemplate = ""; console.log("Convert to Ulwila"); if (typeof curScore === 'undefined') return; var startStaff; var endStaff; var endTick; var fullScore; var cursor = curScore.newCursor(); cursor.rewind(1); if (!cursor.segment) { // no selection fullScore = true; startStaff = 0; // start with 1st staff endStaff = curScore.nstaves - 1; // and end with last } else { console.log("Processing selection"); startStaff = cursor.staffIdx; cursor.rewind(2); if (cursor.tick == 0) { endTick = curScore.lastSegment.tick + 1; } else { endTick = cursor.tick; } endStaff = cursor.staffIdx; } curScore.startCmd(); for (var staff = startStaff; staff <= endStaff; staff++) { cursor.rewind(1); cursor.voice = 0; cursor.staffIdx = staff; if (fullScore) cursor.rewind(0); // beginning of score while (cursor.segment && (fullScore || cursor.tick < endTick)) { if (cursor.element && (cursor.element.type == Element.CHORD || cursor.element.type == Element.REST)) { addColorNote(cursor); }; } } setVisibility(false); curScore.endCmd(); Qt.quit(); } function getColor(pitch) { var color = "#000000"; if (pitch % 12 == 2) color = "brown"; else if (pitch % 12 == 4) color = "blue"; else if (pitch % 12 == 5) color = "green"; else if (pitch % 12 == 7) color = "red"; else if (pitch % 12 == 9) color = "orange"; else if (pitch % 12 == 11) color = "yellow"; return color; } function getDurationSign(pitch, duration, isRest, isMirrored) { var durationSign; if (!isRest) { if (pitch == 60-12) { if (duration == 480/2) { durationSign = isMirrored ? "N" : "M"; } else if (duration == 480/4) { durationSign = "C"; } else { durationSign = "H"; } } else if (pitch == 60+12) { if (duration == 480/2) { durationSign = isMirrored ? "L" : "B"; } else if (duration == 480/4) { durationSign = "C"; } else { durationSign = "G"; } } else if (pitch == 60+12+12) { if (duration == 480/2) { durationSign = isMirrored ? "P" : "O"; } else if (duration == 480/4) { durationSign = "C"; } else { durationSign = "I"; } } else { if (duration == 480/2) durationSign = isMirrored ? "J" : "B"; else if (duration == 480/4) durationSign = "C"; else durationSign = "A"; } } else { var temp = duration; var durationSign = ""; while (temp > 0) { if (temp >= 480) { durationSign += "D"; temp -= 480; } else if (temp >= 240) { durationSign += "E"; temp -= 240; } else if (temp >= 120) { durationSign += "F"; temp -= 120; } else { temp = 0; } } } return durationSign; } function createSharpNote(lowerPitch, duration, cursor, chordNoteOffset) { var currentOffset = 0; if (duration % 480 == 0) { for (var i = 0; i" + sign; cursor.add(text); return text; } function createSingleNote(pitch, duration, cursor, chordNoteOffset) { var noteSign; var currentOffset = 0; var noOf16th = Math.floor(((duration % 480) % 240) / 120); var noOf8th = Math.floor((duration % 480) / 240); var noOf4th = Math.floor(duration / 480); var currentOffset = noOf4th > 0 ? noOf4th * noteSignSize*overlapOffset : 0; currentOffset += noOf8th > 0 ? (noOf8th) * noteSignSize * halfWidthOffset : 0; currentOffset += noOf16th > 0 ? (noOf16th) * noteSignSize * quarterWidthOffset * 1.1 : 0; if (duration > 120 && duration < 480) { currentOffset += noteSignSize / 8; } else if (duration == 120) { currentOffset += noteSignSize / 4; } for (var i = 0; i < noOf16th; i++) { currentOffset -= noteSignSize * quarterWidthOffset; noteSign = drawNotePart(pitch, 120, cursor, currentOffset, false, chordNoteOffset); currentOffset -= noteSignSize * quarterWidthOffset / 2; } for (var i = 0; i < noOf8th; i++) { currentOffset -= noteSignSize * halfWidthOffset; noteSign = drawNotePart(pitch, 240, cursor, currentOffset, false, chordNoteOffset); } for (var i = 0; i < noOf4th; i++) { currentOffset -= noteSignSize * overlapOffset; noteSign = drawNotePart(pitch, 480, cursor, currentOffset, false, chordNoteOffset); } return noteSign; } function createSingleNoteSign(pitch, duration, cursor, mirror, overrideSign, currentOffset, chordNoteOffset) { var text = newElement(Element.STAFF_TEXT); var durationSign = overrideSign ? overrideSign : getDurationSign(pitch, duration, false, mirror); text.color = getColor(pitch); text.text = noteTemplate + durationSign; cursor.add(text); text.pos.x = defaultXOffset + currentOffset; text.pos.y = defaultYOffset + chordNoteOffset * noteSignSize / 2.0; return text; } function addOctaveSign(pitch, duration, cursor, mirror) { if (pitch == 48 || pitch == 84) return; // no octave sign for Cs var text; var middleC = 60; var octave = (pitch - middleC + 48) / 12 | 0; if (octave != 4) { var durationSign; if (duration >= 480 || duration == 120) durationSign = "."; else if (duration == 240) durationSign = mirror ? "/" : "-"; text = newElement(Element.STAFF_TEXT); text.text = "" + durationSign; if (octave == 3) { text.color = "black"; } else if (octave == 5) { text.color = "white"; } cursor.add(text); } return text; } function createRest(cursor) { var element = cursor.element; var text = newElement(Element.STAFF_TEXT); var noteTemplate = ""; var durationSign = getDurationSign(null, element.durationType, true); text.text = noteTemplate + durationSign; text.pos.x = defaultXOffset; text.pos.y = defaultYOffset; cursor.add(text); } function addTriangle(cursor, triangleOffset) { var text = newElement(Element.STAFF_TEXT); text.text = noteTemplate + "<"; text.pos.x = -0.35*noteSignSize; text.pos.y = defaultYOffset - noteSignSize / 2.0 + triangleOffset * noteSignSize / 2.0; cursor.add(text); } function isSharp(pitch) { return pitch % 12 == 1 || pitch % 12 == 3 || pitch % 12 == 6 || pitch % 12 == 8 || pitch % 12 == 10; } function addColorNote(cursor) { var staffSizeFactor = 1; if (cursor.staffIdx == 1 && chkSmallerSecond) { staffSizeFactor = 0.8; } var element = cursor.element; var triangleOffset = 0; if (element.type == Element.CHORD) { for (var noteIndex = 0; noteIndex 1) { noteSignSize = noteSignSize * 0.8 ; fontSize = fontSize * 0.8; } noteTemplate = ""; if (isSharp(note.pitch)) { createSharpNote(note.pitch-1, element.durationType, cursor, getChordNoteOffset(noteIndex, element.notes.length)); } else { createSingleNote(note.pitch, element.durationType, cursor, getChordNoteOffset(noteIndex, element.notes.length)); } noteSignSize = oldNoteSignSize; fontSize = oldFontSize; noteTemplate = ""; note.visible = false; } triangleOffset = getChordNoteOffset(0, element.notes.length); } else if (element.type == Element.REST) { createRest(cursor); } if (cursor.measure && lastProcessedMeasure != cursor.measure) { lastProcessedMeasure = cursor.measure; addTriangle(cursor, triangleOffset); } } function getChordNoteOffset(noteIndex, noteCount) { switch (noteCount) { case 2: return noteIndex == 0 ? 1 : -1; case 3: if (noteIndex == 0) { return 2; } if (noteIndex == 1) { return 0; } if (noteIndex == 2) { return -2; } case 4: if (noteIndex == 0) { return 3; } if (noteIndex == 1) { return 1; } if (noteIndex == 2) { return -1; } if (noteIndex == 3) { return -3; } default: return 0; } } Item { id: buttons Button { id: btnUlwila text: "Ulwila" onClicked: { toUlwila(); } } CheckBox { id: chkAboveStaff anchors.left: btnUlwila.right checked: false text: "Above staff" } CheckBox { id: chkSmallerSecond anchors.left: chkAboveStaff.right checked: false text: "Smaller second staff" } Button { id: btnOriginal anchors.left: chkSmallerSecond.right text: "Everything visible" onClicked: { curScore.startCmd(); setVisibility(true); curScore.endCmd(); Qt.quit(); } } Button { id: btnClose anchors.left: btnOriginal.right text: "Close" onClicked: { Qt.quit(); } } } } // :noTabs=true:maxLineLen=150:mode=javascript:folding=indent: