# Default application configuration that all configurations inherit from. # # This is an opinionated list of which hooks are valuable to run and what their # out of the box settings should be. # Whether to ignore frontmatter at the beginning of HAML documents for # frameworks such as Jekyll/Middleman skip_frontmatter: false linters: AlignmentTabs: enabled: true AltText: enabled: false ClassAttributeWithStaticValue: enabled: true ClassesBeforeIds: enabled: true ConsecutiveComments: enabled: true max_consecutive: 1 ConsecutiveSilentScripts: enabled: true max_consecutive: 2 EmptyObjectReference: enabled: true EmptyScript: enabled: true FinalNewline: enabled: true present: true HtmlAttributes: enabled: true IdNames: enabled: true style: lisp_case ImplicitDiv: enabled: true Indentation: enabled: true character: space # or tab width: 2 # ignored if character == tab InlineStyles: enabled: true InstanceVariables: enabled: true file_types: partials matchers: all: .* partials: \A_.*\.haml\z LeadingCommentSpace: enabled: true LineLength: enabled: true max: 80 MultilinePipe: enabled: true MultilineScript: enabled: true NoPlaceholders: enabled: false ObjectReferenceAttributes: enabled: true RepeatedId: enabled: true severity: error RuboCop: enabled: true # Users can ignore cops using this configuration instead of editing their rubocop configuration. # Mostly there for backward compatibility. ignored_cops: [] RubyComments: enabled: true SpaceBeforeScript: enabled: true SpaceInsideHashAttributes: enabled: true style: space TagName: enabled: true TrailingEmptyLines: enabled: true TrailingWhitespace: enabled: true UnnecessaryInterpolation: enabled: true UnnecessaryStringOutput: enabled: true ViewLength: enabled: true max: 100