{ "homepage": "https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/collectors-reap", "1.19": { "1.0": "Added Portobello and Lemon foods.", "1.1": "Added Pomegranate foods. Renamed Lemon to Lime. Bug fixes.", "1.1.1": "Wandering Trader sells Lime Seeds. JEI descriptions. Fixes.", "1.1.2": "Veggie Wrap craftable from CD Tortilla. Fixes.", "1.1.3": "Critical fixes.", "1.2": "Added Corrosion and Volatility effects from Lime and Pomegranate foods respectively. Added Neapolitan compat.", "1.2.1": "Added Gummies. New foods for Neapolitan and Farmer's Respite. Fixes.", "1.2.2": "Fixes and translations.", "1.2.3": "Configuration options and fixes.", "1.2.4": "Fixed crash with Seasonals." }, "1.19.2": { "1.2.4": "Fixed crash with Seasonals." }, "1.20.1": { "1.3": "Added Chieftain Crab, Platinum Bass, Tide Clam, Tiger Prawn, Urchin and related foods. Added support for My Nether's Delight.", "1.3.1": "Fixed Lime, Pomegranate, and Portobello spawns. Added Gummies for Seasonals. Decreased mob spawns to prevent bloating spawn cap.", "1.3.2": "Update bush textures and growth mechanics. Removed colonies from Portobello patch spawns. Add Jade support to bushes." }, "promos": { "1.19-latest": "1.2.4", "1.19-recommended": "1.2.4", "1.19.2-latest": "1.2.4", "1.19.2-recommended": "1.2.4", "1.20.1-latest": "1.3.2", "1.20.1-recommended": "1.3.2" } }