version 1.0 ## Copyright Broad Institute, 2022 ## ## LICENSING : ## This script is released under the WDL source code license (BSD-3) ## (see LICENSE in task run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu { input { # File-related inputs String sample_name File input_file_unfiltered # all barcodes, raw data File? barcodes_file # for MTX and NPZ formats, the bacode information is in a separate file File? genes_file # for MTX and NPZ formats, the gene information is in a separate file File? checkpoint_file # start from a saved checkpoint File? truth_file # only for developers using simulated data # Outputs String? output_bucket_base_directory # Google bucket path # Docker image with CellBender String? docker_image = "" # Used by developers for testing non-dockerized versions of CellBender String? dev_git_hash__ # leave blank to run CellBender normally # Method configuration inputs Int? expected_cells Int? total_droplets_included Float? force_cell_umi_prior Float? force_empty_umi_prior String? model Int? low_count_threshold String? fpr # in quotes: floats separated by whitespace: the output false positive rate(s) Int? epochs Int? z_dim String? z_layers # in quotes: integers separated by whitespace Float? empty_drop_training_fraction Float? learning_rate String? exclude_feature_types # in quotes: strings separated by whitespace String? ignore_features # in quotes: integers separated by whitespace Float? projected_ambient_count_threshold Float? checkpoint_mins Float? final_elbo_fail_fraction Float? epoch_elbo_fail_fraction Int? num_training_tries Float? learning_rate_retry_mult Int? posterior_batch_size Boolean? estimator_multiple_cpu Boolean? constant_learning_rate Boolean? debug # Hardware-related inputs String? hardware_zones = "us-east1-d us-east1-c us-central1-a us-central1-c us-west1-b" Int? hardware_disk_size_GB = 50 Int? hardware_boot_disk_size_GB = 20 Int? hardware_preemptible_tries = 2 Int? hardware_cpu_count = 4 Int? hardware_memory_GB = 32 String? hardware_gpu_type = "nvidia-tesla-t4" String? nvidia_driver_version = "470.82.01" # need >=465.19.01 for CUDA 11.3 } # For development only: install a non dockerized version of CellBender Boolean install_from_git = (if defined(dev_git_hash__) then true else false) # Compute the output bucket directory for this sample: output_bucket_base_directory/sample_name/ String output_bucket_directory = (if defined(output_bucket_base_directory) then sub(select_first([output_bucket_base_directory]), "/+$", "") + "/${sample_name}/" else "") command { set -e # fail the workflow if there is an error # install a specific commit of cellbender from github if called for (-- developers only) if [[ ~{install_from_git} == true ]]; then echo "Uninstalling pre-installed cellbender" yes | pip uninstall cellbender echo "Installing cellbender from github" # this more succinct version is broken in some older versions of cellbender echo "pip install --no-cache-dir -U git+{dev_git_hash__}" # yes | pip install --no-cache-dir -U git+{dev_git_hash__} # this should always work git clone -q /cromwell_root/CellBender cd /cromwell_root/CellBender git checkout -q ~{dev_git_hash__} yes | pip install --no-cache-dir -U -e /cromwell_root/CellBender pip list cd /cromwell_root fi # put the barcodes_file in the right place, if it is provided if [[ ! -z "~{barcodes_file}" ]]; then dir=$(dirname ~{input_file_unfiltered}) if [[ "~{input_file_unfiltered}" == *.npz ]]; then name="row_index.npy" elif [[ "~{barcodes_file}" == *.gz ]]; then name="barcodes.tsv.gz" else name="barcodes.tsv" fi echo "Moving barcodes file to "$dir"/"$name echo "mv ~{barcodes_file} "$dir"/"$name [ -f $dir/$name ] || mv ~{barcodes_file} $dir/$name fi # put the genes_file in the right place, if it is provided if [[ ! -z "~{genes_file}" ]]; then dir=$(dirname ~{input_file_unfiltered}) if [[ "~{input_file_unfiltered}" == *.npz ]]; then name="col_index.npy" elif [[ "~{genes_file}" == *.gz ]]; then name="features.tsv.gz" else name="genes.tsv" fi echo "Moving genes file to "$dir"/"$name echo "mv ~{genes_file} "$dir"/"$name [ -f $dir/$name ] || mv ~{genes_file} $dir/$name fi cellbender remove-background \ --input "~{input_file_unfiltered}" \ --output "~{sample_name}_out.h5" \ --cuda \ ~{"--checkpoint " + checkpoint_file} \ ~{"--expected-cells " + expected_cells} \ ~{"--total-droplets-included " + total_droplets_included} \ ~{"--fpr " + fpr} \ ~{"--model " + model} \ ~{"--low-count-threshold " + low_count_threshold} \ ~{"--epochs " + epochs} \ ~{"--force-cell-umi-prior " + force_cell_umi_prior} \ ~{"--force-empty-umi-prior " + force_empty_umi_prior} \ ~{"--z-dim " + z_dim} \ ~{"--z-layers " + z_layers} \ ~{"--empty-drop-training-fraction " + empty_drop_training_fraction} \ ~{"--exclude-feature-types " + exclude_feature_types} \ ~{"--ignore-features " + ignore_features} \ ~{"--projected-ambient-count-threshold " + projected_ambient_count_threshold} \ ~{"--learning-rate " + learning_rate} \ ~{"--checkpoint-mins " + checkpoint_mins} \ ~{"--final-elbo-fail-fraction " + final_elbo_fail_fraction} \ ~{"--epoch-elbo-fail-fraction " + epoch_elbo_fail_fraction} \ ~{"--num-training-tries " + num_training_tries} \ ~{"--learning-rate-retry-mult " + learning_rate_retry_mult} \ ~{"--posterior-batch-size " + posterior_batch_size} \ ~{true="--estimator-multiple-cpu " false=" " estimator_multiple_cpu} \ ~{true="--constant-learning-rate " false=" " constant_learning_rate} \ ~{true="--debug " false=" " debug} \ ~{"--truth " + truth_file} # copy outputs to google bucket if output_bucket_base_directory is supplied if [[ ! -z "~{output_bucket_directory}" ]]; then echo "Copying output data to ~{output_bucket_directory} using gsutil cp" gsutil -m cp ~{sample_name}_out* ~{output_bucket_directory} fi } output { File log = "${sample_name}_out.log" File pdf = "${sample_name}_out.pdf" File cell_csv = "${sample_name}_out_cell_barcodes.csv" Array[File] metrics_array = glob("${sample_name}_out*_metrics.csv") # a number of outputs depending on "fpr" Array[File] report_array = glob("${sample_name}_out*_report.html") # a number of outputs depending on "fpr" Array[File] h5_array = glob("${sample_name}_out*.h5") # a number of outputs depending on "fpr" String output_dir = "${output_bucket_directory}" File ckpt_file = "ckpt.tar.gz" } runtime { docker: "${docker_image}" bootDiskSizeGb: hardware_boot_disk_size_GB disks: "local-disk ${hardware_disk_size_GB} HDD" memory: "${hardware_memory_GB}G" cpu: hardware_cpu_count zones: "${hardware_zones}" gpuCount: 1 gpuType: "${hardware_gpu_type}" nvidiaDriverVersion: "${nvidia_driver_version}" preemptible: hardware_preemptible_tries checkpointFile: "ckpt.tar.gz" maxRetries: 0 # can be used in case of a PAPI error code 2 failure to install GPU drivers } meta { author: "Stephen Fleming" email: "" description: "WDL that runs CellBender remove-background on a GPU on Google Cloud hardware. See the [CellBender GitHub repo]( and [read the documentation]( for more information." } parameter_meta { sample_name : {help: "Name which will be prepended to output files and which will be used to construct the output google bucket file path, if output_bucket_base_directory is supplied, as output_bucket_base_directory/sample_name/"} input_file_unfiltered : {help: "Input file. This must be raw data that includes all barcodes. See for more information on file formats, but importantly, this must be one file, and cannot be a pointer to a directory that contains MTX and TSV files."} barcodes_file : {help: "Supply this only if your input_file_unfiltered is a sparse NPZ matrix from Optimus lacking metadata."} genes_file : {help: "Supply this only if your input_file_unfiltered is a sparse NPZ matrix from Optimus lacking metadata."} output_bucket_base_directory : {help: "Optional google bucket gsURL. If provided, the workflow will create a subfolder called sample_name in this directory and copy outputs there. (Note that the output data would then exist in two places.) Helpful for organization."} docker_image : {help: "CellBender docker image. Not all CellBender docker image tags will be compatible with this WDL.", suggestions: [""]} checkpoint_file : {help: "Optional gsURL for a checkpoint file created using a previous run ('ckpt.tar.gz') on the same dataset (using the same CellBender docker image). This can be used to create a new output with a different --fpr without re-doing the training run."} truth_file : {help: "Optional file only used by CellBender developers or those trying to benchmark CellBender remove-background on simulated data. Normally, this input would not be supplied."} hardware_preemptible_tries : {help: "If nonzero, CellBender will be run on a preemptible instance, at a lower cost. If preempted, your run will not start from scratch, but will start from a checkpoint that is saved by CellBender and recovered by Cromwell. For example, if hardware_preemptible_tries is 2, your run will attempt twice using preemptible instances, and if the job is preempted both times before completing, it will finish on a non-preemptible machine. The cost savings is significant. The potential drawback is that preemption wastes time."} checkpoint_mins : {help: "Time in minutes between creation of checkpoint files. Bear in mind that Cromwell copies checkpoints to a bucket every ten minutes."} hardware_gpu_type : {help: "Specify the type of GPU that should be used. Ensure that the selected hardware_zones have the GPU available.", suggestions: ["nvidia-tesla-t4", "nvidia-tesla-k80"]} } } workflow cellbender_remove_background { call run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu output { File log = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.log File summary_pdf = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.pdf File cell_barcodes_csv = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.cell_csv Array[File] metrics_csv_array = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.metrics_array Array[File] html_report_array = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.report_array Array[File] h5_array = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.h5_array String output_directory = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.output_dir File checkpoint_file = run_cellbender_remove_background_gpu.ckpt_file } }