#!/bin/bash # bl-urxlx # Naive Xresources to Lxterminal color config converter # Copyright (C) 2019 brontosaurusrex # License: GPLv3 or later. # help help () { cat << EOF bl-urxlx is naive Xresources to Lxterminal color config converter Options: -h --help show this message Examples: .Xresources > tmp.txt monokai.txt | xclip # then paste the results to strategic location in # ~/.config/lxterminal/lxterminal.conf # and win. EOF } if [ "$1" == "--help" ] || [ "$1" == "-h" ] || [ $# -eq 0 ]; then help && exit fi # ffffff to rgb(255,255,255) 2rgb() { hex="$1" printf "rgb(%d,%d,%d)\n" 0x"${hex:0:2}" 0x"${hex:2:2}" 0x"${hex:4:2}" } # main for file in "$@" ; do echo # empty line grep -E --color=never 'color[0-9]|background:|foreground:' "$file" | while read -r color hex; do if [[ $color =~ [!0-9] ]]; then #echo "$color has number" color="palette_color_${color//[!0-9]}" else [[ $color == *"background"* ]] && color="bgcolor" [[ $color == *"foreground"* ]] && color="fgcolor" fi hex="${hex//#}" # remove # echo "$color=$(2rgb "$hex")" done done