#!/bin/bash # isInterlaced (Returns error if progressive for single file check) # example: isInterlaced file.mxf && echo "yes, it is interlaced!" set -e while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do echo "$1" read -r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ tff _ bff _ progressive _ undef \ <<< "$(ffmpeg -filter:v idet -frames:v 300 -an -f rawvideo -y /dev/null 2>&1 -i "$1" | grep "idet" | grep "Multi frame detection" | tail -1)" # < suddenly the tail is needed here (2024) # if it makes no sense skip the rest if [[ -z "$tff" ]]; then echo "no sense" shift continue fi echo "tff $tff, bff $bff, progressive $progressive, undef $undef" if (( tff + bff + progressive < undef )); then echo "undefined" elif (( tff + bff > progressive )); then echo "☰ interlaced" status="1" elif (( tff + bff + progressive == 0 )); then echo "some sort of error..." else echo "█ progressive" status="0" fi shift done # this only makes sense if you check single file, like: # isInterlaced file.mxf && echo yes ((status)) || exit 1