#!/bin/bash # slitherRun superecho() { echo "$1" notify-send -u low -t 1000 "$1" } # user start killall compton && { superecho "compton killed..."; compose="1"; } # launch if command -v google-chrome; then { google-chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp --window-size=800,800 --app="http://slither.io" & superecho "Opening slither in Chrome"; } elif command -v chromium; then { chromium --window-size=800,800 --app="http://slither.io" & superecho "Opening slither in Chromium";} else superecho "I need Google-Chrome or Chromium installed" exit 1; fi # mice speedup xset m 3/1 # slither superecho "slither mice active" wait # for browser to exit # mice to system defaults xset m default superecho "default mice active" # user end if (( compose )); then superecho "restarting compton..." compton & fi