#!/bin/bash # functions encode() { # put your encoding settings here when=$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S) FFREPORT=file="$log/$baseext.$when.log":level=32 \ ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel quiet -i "$file" -af volume="$r128"dB -vn -y -c:a flac -ar 41000 -sample_fmt s16 "$tmpdir/$base.flac" } # help if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then echo "anything to flac for CD at 44100 Hz"; exit 1; fi # source config file and timer config="$HOME/bin/singularity.cfg" if [ -e "$config" ]; then source "$config" else echo "$config does not exist"; exit 1 fi source "$HOME/bin/timer_func" # main while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do file=$(readlink -f "$1") # echo ".............................." echo "$file" baseext=$(basename "${1}") # file.ext base="${baseext%.*}" # file echo "$out/$base.flac" hasAudio "$file" || { >&2 echo "No Audio in $file" ; shift; continue; } # "continue" should skip to next file in this while loop. #if $(isMXF "$file"); then #echo "MXF detected" #MXFdownmix "$file" "$tmpdir" #file="$tmpdir/$base.Stereo.wav" # this is the new target for encode function now #fi # IS r128 = true, then encode with that in mind ... if [ "$EBUR128" == "true" ]; then # this is set in config r128=$(r128corectionPlus6 "$file") echo "$r128" else r128="0" fi # action encode # function mv "$tmpdir/$base.flac" "$out/$base.flac" # will replace files with same name shift done printf 'done in %s\n' $(timer $tmr)