# tinyify change log All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 4.0.0 * Remove unused dependencies. * Update `unassertify` to 2.x. * Use `@browserify/envify`. It's the same as `@goto-bus-stop/envify`, just renamed. * Use `@browserify/uglifyify`, with support for more modern ES features. ## 3.1.0 * Update common-shakeify to 1.1.1, which adds the ability to set ecmaVersion (and sets default to 10) and removes side-effect-free modules that declare `sideEffects: false` in package.json from parse tree. ## 3.0.0 * **breaking** Update terser. Tinyify now requires Node.js 6. * Use patched envify from npm as `@goto-bus-stop/envify`. ## 2.5.2 * Use a patched version of envify with support for newer syntax features. ## 2.5.1 * Update common-shakeify to 0.6.0, this should have no observable effects. ## 2.5.0 * Update common-shakeify to 0.5.2+, which fixes a syntax error issue, and which can remove exported functions that are only used inside other unused exported functions. ## 2.4.3 * Remove direct dependency on uglify-es, use terser 3.7.6+. ## 2.4.2 * Revert to using `uglify-es` pending release of https://github.com/fabiosantoscode/terser/commit/9255757bcabbd35a8f69a4966e6a4f59b1927d36 ## 2.4.1 * Update [uglifyify](https://github.com/hughsk/uglifyify) to v5. This aligns the `uglifyify` `--debug` flag handling with tinyify's. Chances of anything being broken before this patch are very small though. ## 2.4.0 * Add bundle-collapser when `--no-flat` is passed, to still save some bytes even if browser-pack-flat is not used. * Automatically disable bundle-collapser and browser-pack-flat when the `--full-paths` option is passed to Browserify ## 2.3.0 * add API to easily apply tinyify to other browserify pipelines, like generated by factor-bundle or split-require. ## 2.2.0 * add a `--no-flat` option for use with other tools that expect [browser-pack](https://github.com/browserify/browser-pack) output, such as [disc](https://github.com/hughsk/disc) ## 2.1.1 * output ascii-only by default (https://github.com/goto-bus-stop/tinyify/commit/89aaf79bd70de9772e13f1a0644616e36368269a), see also choojs/bankai#277 ## 2.1.0 * Add `env` option for custom environment variables. (@yoshuawuyts in #2) ## 2.0.0 Update browser-pack-flat to v3.0.0. This fixes tinyify-ing entry points that assign exports, like what's common in choo apps: ```js // app.js if (window) app.mount() else module.exports = app ``` The breaking change is that browser-pack-flat bundles will no longer assign `module.exports` when not using `--standalone`. This should not be a problem in 99.999% of cases, and is the same as what browser-pack does.