# 0.2.1 - manifest fix # 0.2.0 - v11 ONLY # 0.1.9 - sound path fix - move speed option # 0.1.8 - small compendium fix - nine custom positions - You can change the custom position label - readme updated # 0.1.7 - filepicker in settings # 0.1.6 - manifest fix # 0.1.5 - small clean up # 0.1.4 - call the same letter will jiggle: https://github.com/RebelMage - sound settinngs change: https://github.com/RebelMage - mapping fix for macro - docs - settings for default extra time. # 0.1.3 - dialog css - min/max time - docs # 0.1.2 - docs - dialog fix? # 0.1.1 - move 3 fix - added volume control # 0.1.0 - v10 - settings - docs # 0.0.5 v9 bump # 0.0.4 - macro update for sequencer # 0.0.3 - token rename - 2 macros - smooth movement - rotate - end movement - new sound,animation