# 0.8.3 fix https://github.com/brunocalado/savage-pathfinder-enhanced/issues/8 # 0.8.2 - v12 # 0.8.1 - manifest folders - mass battle macro and docs # 0.8.0 - zen archer patch # 0.7.9 - zen archer in extra items # 0.7.8 - store builder macro # 0.7.7 - actions fixed - actions macro minor fix - Enchantments for Savage Pathfinder fix - Masterwork Forge for Savage Pathfinder fix # 0.7.6 - frenzy fix # 0.7.5 - Rhino Hide fix # 0.7.4 - improved better rolls options # 0.7.3 - BR armor piercing duplicate fix # 0.7.2 - food and drinks generated by IA - menu macro, create a menu for a tavern # 0.7.1 - gear journal table fixed again # 0.7.0 - gear journal table fixed # 0.6.9 https://github.com/brunocalado/savage-pathfinder-enhanced/issues/6 # 0.6.8 - extra items: magic item - extra items: breath weapon # 0.6.7 - Mirror Self - Summon Ally # 0.6.6 - Mirror Self - Summon Ally - downtime items finished # 0.6.5 - rhino hide for br2 - cantrip # 0.6.4 - macro fix https://github.com/brunocalado/savage-pathfinder-enhanced/issues/5 # 0.6.3 - fixed savage-pathfinder-enchantments macro https://github.com/brunocalado/savage-pathfinder-enhanced/issues/5 - fixed savage-pathfinder-enchantments ptbr - fixed savage-pathfinder-masterwork-forge https://github.com/brunocalado/savage-pathfinder-enhanced/issues/5 - fixed savage-pathfinder-masterwork-forge ptbr - savage-pathfinder-masterwork-forge filter for ammo # 0.6.2 - removed frenzy https://github.com/brunocalado/savage-pathfinder-enhanced/issues/2 # 0.6.1 - macro for scroll improved # 0.6.0 - v11 only - trained items # 0.5.6 - frenzy fix, RoF 2 # 0.5.5 - autorec ptbr por Samuel Grave # 0.5.4 - ffs image ptbr # 0.5.3 - br2 cleric healing power additional - ffs image model for magic items, read docs # 0.5.2 - automated animations update, update the file - monk removed from better rolls, use the weapon Unarmed Strike (Monk) - craft template # 0.5.1 - macro add actions fix - special materials # 0.5.0 - brswReady # 0.4.9 - masterwork macro filter improve - coin macro add weight - more edge actions - missing items - rework legendary boss - actions edges added # 0.4.8 - fix actions # 0.4.7 - actions update - actions edges added - swpf summary https://github.com/richardgaywood/foundry-penllawen-compendium-table-maker -docs # 0.4.6 - actions update - macro can update actions and remove duplicates # 0.4.5 - actions update - docs # 0.4.4 - actions update - actions macro: add to all actors the actions in the compendium - docs # 0.4.2 - modifiers for better rolls update # 0.4.1 - fix burst, Create Pit # 0.4.0 - fix bolt # 0.3.9 - fix for summon planar all # 0.3.8 - fix for summon planar ally # 0.3.7 - all powers done for better rolls using APG - summons from APG need you to put 1 in the cost. Also a powers which replace the cost need to have 1 https://github.com/javierriveracastro/betteroll-swade/issues/571 - pp sum needs br update with a fix # 0.3.6 - power modifiers for better rolls update # 0.3.5 - power modifiers for better rolls update - token-tooltip-alt config - docs # 0.3.4 - power modifiers for better rolls update # 0.3.3 - power modifiers for better rolls update # 0.3.2 - power modifiers for better rolls update # 0.3.1 - power modifiers for better rolls update # 0.3.0 - power modifiers for better rolls # 0.2.9 - legendary boss update - removed conditions animations, the old autorec is in the repo if you want # 0.2.8 - better rolls group name change # 0.2.7 - docs - better rolls all generic power modifiers - fix incapacited - token magic changes # 0.2.6 - better rolls power modifiers: armor pierce - torch: light power, lamp of revealing # 0.2.5 - automated animations autorec update # 0.2.4 - better rolls fix # 0.2.3 - docs - automated animations autorec update + token magic # 0.2.2 - token magic flying macro - legendary boss update - docs - automated animations autorec update # 0.2.1 - better rolls pp cost - legendary boss update - docs # 0.2.0 - automated animations autorec update # 0.1.9 - scene to swade macro # 0.1.8 - automated animations autorec update # 0.1.7 - automated animations autorec sounds # 0.1.6 - automated animations autorec alpha - scroll craft create a consumable with 1 charge # 0.1.5 - automated animations autorec alpha # 0.1.4 - automated animations autorec alpha # 0.1.3 - docs for Torch # 0.1.2 - lamp for Torch config file # 0.1.1 - sundrod for Torch config file # 0.1.0 - fix auto load Torch config file # 0.0.9 - requiresReload: true - Torch module auto load config file for SWPF # 0.0.8 - macros: masterwork fix for armor - macros: scroll fix for permission - macros: enchantement fix # 0.0.7 - legendary boss eye tyrant # 0.0.6 - pounce - legendary boss # 0.0.5 - br global action setting to disable # 0.0.4 - better rolls global actions added - docs # 0.0.3 - ae builder - requires warpgate - ae templates - docs