var p = Object.defineProperty; var m = (e, s, t) => s in e ? p(e, s, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: t }) : e[s] = t; var o = (e, s, t) => m(e, typeof s != "symbol" ? s + "" : s, t); const getLovelaceCast = () => { let e = document.querySelector("hc-main"); if (e && (e = e.shadowRoot), e && (e = e.querySelector("hc-lovelace")), e && (e = e.shadowRoot), e && (e = e.querySelector("hui-view")), e) { const s = e.lovelace; return s.current_view = e.___curView, s; } return null; }, getLovelace = () => { let e = document.querySelector("home-assistant"); if (e && (e = e.shadowRoot), e && (e = e.querySelector("home-assistant-main")), e && (e = e.shadowRoot), e && (e = e.querySelector( "app-drawer-layout partial-panel-resolver, ha-drawer partial-panel-resolver" )), e = e && e.shadowRoot || e, e && (e = e.querySelector("ha-panel-lovelace")), e && (e = e.shadowRoot), e && (e = e.querySelector("hui-root")), e) { const s = e.lovelace; return s.current_view = e.___curView, s; } return null; }, isPrimitive = (e) => e !== Object(e), deepEqual = (e, s) => { if (e === s) return !0; if (isPrimitive(e) && isPrimitive(s)) return e === s; if (Object.keys(e).length !== Object.keys(s).length) return !1; for (const t in e) if (Object.hasOwn(e, t) && (!(t in s) || deepEqual(e[t], s[t]) === !1)) return !1; return !0; }, fireEvent = (e, s, t = {}) => { const a = new Event(s, { bubbles: !0, cancelable: !1, composed: !0 }); return a.detail = t, e.dispatchEvent(a), a; }; function formatVariables(e) { const s = {}; if (e instanceof Array) e.forEach((t) => { Object.entries(t).forEach(([a, r]) => { s[a] = r; }); }); else return e; return s; } class StreamlineCardEditor extends HTMLElement { constructor(t) { super(); o(this, "_card"); o(this, "_hass"); o(this, "_shadow"); o(this, "_templates", {}); this._card = t, this._shadow = this.shadowRoot || this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); const a = getLovelace() || getLovelaceCast(); if (this._templates = a.config.streamline_templates, this._templates === null) throw new Error( "The object streamline_templates doesn't exist in your main lovelace config." ); this._config = { template: Object.keys(this._templates)[0], type: "streamline-card", variables: {} }, this.initialize(); } get hass() { return this._hass; } set hass(t) { this._hass = t, this.render(); } setConfig(t) { const a = StreamlineCardEditor.formatConfig(t), [r] = Object.keys(this._templates), i = {}; i.type = a.type, i.template = a.template ?? r ?? "", i.variables = a.variables ?? {}; const n = this.setVariablesDefault(i); deepEqual(n, this._config) === !1 && (this._config = n, fireEvent(this, "config-changed", { config: i })), this.render(); } setVariablesDefault(t) { return this.getVariablesForTemplate(t.template).forEach((r) => { if (r.toLowerCase().includes("entity") && t.variables[r] === "") { const i = Object.keys(this._hass.states), n = i[Math.floor(Math.random() * i.length)]; t.variables[r] = n; } else t.variables[r] || (t.variables[r] = ""); }), t; } initialize() { this.elements = {}, this.elements.error = document.createElement("ha-alert"), this.elements.error.setAttribute("alert-type", "error"), this.elements.error.classList.add("streamline-card-form__error"), = document.createElement("style"), = ` .streamline-card-form__error { margin-bottom: 8px; } `, this.elements.form = document.createElement("ha-form"), this.elements.form.classList.add("streamline-card-form"), this.elements.form.computeLabel = StreamlineCardEditor.computeLabel, this.elements.form.addEventListener("value-changed", (t) => { let a = StreamlineCardEditor.formatConfig(t.detail.value); this._config.template !== a.template && (a.variables = {}, a = this.setVariablesDefault(a)), fireEvent(this, "config-changed", { config: a }), this._config = a, this.render(); }), this._shadow.appendChild(this.elements.error), this._shadow.appendChild(this.elements.form), this._shadow.appendChild(; } getVariablesForTemplate(t) { const a = {}, r = this._templates[t]; if (typeof r > "u") throw new Error( `The template "${t}" doesn't exist in streamline_templates` ); const i = JSON.stringify(r), n = /\[\[(?.*?)\]\]/gu; return [...i.matchAll(n)].forEach(([, l]) => { a[l] = l; }), Object.keys(a).sort((l, c) => { const h = Object.keys(this._config.variables).find( (d) => Object.hasOwn(this._config.variables[d], l) ), f = Object.keys(this._config.variables).find( (d) => Object.hasOwn(this._config.variables[d], c) ); return h - f; }); } static formatConfig(t) { const a = { ...t }; return a.variables = { ...formatVariables(a.variables ?? {}) }, a; } static getTemplateSchema(t) { return { name: "template", selector: { select: { mode: "dropdown", options: => ({ label: a, value: a })), sort: !0 } }, title: "Template" }; } static getEntitySchema(t) { return { name: t, selector: { entity: {} } }; } static getIconSchema(t) { return { name: t, selector: { icon: {} } }; } static getDefaultSchema(t) { return { name: t, selector: { text: {} } }; } static getVariableSchema(t) { let a = StreamlineCardEditor.getDefaultSchema(t); return t.toLowerCase().includes("entity") ? a = StreamlineCardEditor.getEntitySchema(t) : t.toLowerCase().includes("icon") && (a = StreamlineCardEditor.getIconSchema(t)), a; } getSchema() { const t = this.getVariablesForTemplate(this._config.template); return [ StreamlineCardEditor.getTemplateSchema(Object.keys(this._templates)), { expanded: !0, name: "variables", schema: (a) => StreamlineCardEditor.getVariableSchema(a) ), title: "Variables", type: "expandable" } ]; } static computeLabel(t) { const a =[-_]+/gu, " "), r = a.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + a.slice(1); return this.hass.localize( `ui.panel.lovelace.editor.card.generic.${}` ) || r; } render() { const t = this.getSchema(); Object.values(this._config.variables).every( (i) => typeof i != "object" ) === !1 ? ( = "block", this.elements.error.innerText = "Object and array variables are not supported in the visual editor.", this.elements.form.schema = [t[0]]) : ( = "none", this.elements.form.schema = t), this.elements.form.hass = this._hass; const r = { ...this._config, variables: formatVariables(this._config.variables) }; = r; } } typeof customElements.get("streamline-card-editor") > "u" && customElements.define("streamline-card-editor", StreamlineCardEditor); const getPrefixFromHass = (e) => { const s = (e == null ? void 0 : e.states) ?? void 0, t = (e == null ? void 0 : e.user) ?? void 0; return ` var states = ${JSON.stringify(s)}; var user = ${JSON.stringify(t)}; `; }, doEval = (string) => eval(string), evaluateJavascript = (e, s) => { let t; const a = Object.keys(e); for (const r of a) if (e[r] instanceof Array) { let i; for (let n = 0; n < e[r].length; n += 1) if (typeof e[r][n] == "object") evaluateJavascript(e[r][n], s); else if (r.endsWith("_javascript")) { t === void 0 && (t = getPrefixFromHass(s)); const l = r.replace("_javascript", ""); try { e[l] || (e[l] = []), e[l][n] = doEval( `${t} ${e[r][n]}` ); } catch (c) { i = c; } } if (r.endsWith("_javascript")) if (typeof i > "u") delete e[r]; else throw delete e[r.replace("_javascript", "")], i; } else if (typeof e[r] == "object") evaluateJavascript(e[r], s); else if (r.endsWith("_javascript")) { t === void 0 && (t = getPrefixFromHass(s)); const i = r.replace("_javascript", ""); e[i] = doEval(`${t} ${e[r]}`), delete e[r]; } return e; }, primitiveRegexMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), objectQuotesRegexMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), objectRegexMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), basicRegexMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), escapeQuoteRegex = /"/gmu, replaceWithKeyValue = (e, s, t) => { if (typeof t == "number" || typeof t == "boolean") { let r = primitiveRegexMap.get(s); return r === void 0 && (r = new RegExp(`["'\`]\\[\\[${s}\\]\\]["'\`]`, "gmu"), primitiveRegexMap.set(s, r)), e.replace(r, t); } else if (typeof t == "object") { const r = JSON.stringify(t); let i = objectQuotesRegexMap.get(s); i === void 0 && (i = new RegExp(`"\\[\\[${s}\\]\\]"`, "gmu"), objectQuotesRegexMap.set(s, i)); let n = objectRegexMap.get(s); return n === void 0 && (n = new RegExp(`['\`]\\[\\[${s}\\]\\]['\`]`, "gmu"), objectRegexMap.set(s, n)), e.replace(i, r).replace(n, r.replace(escapeQuoteRegex, '\\"')); } let a = basicRegexMap.get(s); return a === void 0 && (a = new RegExp(`\\[\\[${s}\\]\\]`, "gmu"), basicRegexMap.set(s, a)), e.replace(a, t); }; function evaluateVariables(e, s) { if (!s && !e.default) return e.card; let t = e.card ? JSON.stringify(e.card) : JSON.stringify(e.element); const a = { ...formatVariables(e.default ?? {}), ...formatVariables(s) }; return Object.entries(a).forEach(([r, i]) => { t = replaceWithKeyValue(t, r, i); }), JSON.parse(t); } function evaluateConfig(e, s, t) { let a = evaluateVariables(e, s ?? {}); const { hasJavascript: r, hass: i } = t; return r && typeof i < "u" && (a = evaluateJavascript(a, i)), a; } const version = "0.0.13"; (async function e() { const s = window.loadCardHelpers ? await window.loadCardHelpers() : void 0; class t extends HTMLElement { constructor() { super(); o(this, "_editMode", !1); o(this, "_isConnected", !1); o(this, "_config"); o(this, "_originalConfig"); o(this, "_hass"); o(this, "_card"); o(this, "_shadow"); o(this, "_accessedProperties", /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()); o(this, "_hasJavascriptTemplate", !1); this._shadow = this.shadowRoot || this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); } updateCardHass() { this._isConnected && this._card && this._hass && (this._card.hass = this._hass); } updateCardEditMode() { this._isConnected && this._card && (this._card.editMode = this._editMode); } updateCardConfig() { var i, n; if (this._isConnected && this._card && this._config) { if (this._card.nodeName === "HUI-ERROR-CARD" ? (this._shadow.removeChild(this._card), this.createCard(), this._shadow.appendChild(this._card)) : (n = (i = this._card).setConfig) == null ||, this._config), this.parentNode.config === void 0 || this._config.visibility === void 0) return; deepEqual( this._config.visibility, this.parentNode.config.visibility ) === !1 && (this.parentNode.config = { ...this.parentNode.config, visibility: this._config.visibility }); } } connectedCallback() { this._isConnected = !0, setTimeout(() => { this.updateCardConfig(), this.updateCardEditMode(), this.updateCardHass(); }, 0); } disconnectedCallback() { this._isConnected = !1; } get editMode() { return this._editMode; } set editMode(i) { i !== this._editMode && (this._editMode = i, this.updateCardEditMode()); } get hass() { return this._hass; } set hass(i) { this._hass = i, setTimeout(() => { this.parseConfig() && this.updateCardConfig(), this.updateCardHass(); }, 0); } prepareConfig() { const i = getLovelace() || getLovelaceCast(); if (!i.config && !i.config.streamline_templates) throw new Error( "The object streamline_templates doesn't exist in your main lovelace config." ); if (this._templateConfig = i.config.streamline_templates[this._originalConfig.template], this._templateConfig) if (this._templateConfig.card || this._templateConfig.element) { if (this._templateConfig.card && this._templateConfig.element) throw new Error("You can define a card and an element in the template"); } else throw new Error( "You should define either a card or an element in the template" ); else throw new Error( `The template "${this._originalConfig.template}" doesn't exist in streamline_templates` ); this._hasJavascriptTemplate = JSON.stringify( this._templateConfig ).includes("_javascript"); } parseConfig() { const i = this._config ?? {}; return this._config = evaluateConfig( this._templateConfig, this._originalConfig.variables, { hasJavascript: this._hasJavascriptTemplate, hass: this._hass } ), deepEqual(i, this._config) === !1; } setConfig(i) { if (this._originalConfig = i, this.prepareConfig(), this.parseConfig() !== !1) { if (typeof this._card > "u") { if (typeof this._config.type > "u") throw new Error("[Streamline Card] You need to define a type"); this.createCard(), this._shadow.appendChild(this._card); } this.updateCardConfig(); } } getCardSize() { var i, n; return ((n = (i = this._card) == null ? void 0 : i.getCardSize) == null ? void 0 : ?? 1; } getLayoutOptions() { var i, n; return (n = (i = this._card) == null ? void 0 : i.getLayoutOptions) == null ? void 0 :; } createCard() { this._templateConfig.card ? this._card = s.createCardElement(this._config) : this._templateConfig.element && (this._card = s.createHuiElement(this._config), && Object.keys( => {,[i]); })); } static getConfigElement() { return document.createElement("streamline-card-editor"); } } customElements.define("streamline-card", t), window.customCards || (window.customCards = []), window.customCards.push({ description: "A config simplifier.", name: "Streamline Card", preview: !1, type: "streamline-card" }), `%c Streamline Card %c ${version}`, "background-color:#c2b280;color:#242424;padding:4px 4px 4px 8px;border-radius:20px 0 0 20px;font-family:sans-serif;", "background-color:#5297ff;color:#242424;padding:4px 8px 4px 4px;border-radius:0 20px 20px 0;font-family:sans-serif;" ); })();