define([], function() { "use strict"; var $__1; var children = Symbol(); var internalDispatch = Symbol(); var internalOnConnected = Symbol(); var internalOnDisconnected = Symbol(); var Dispatchable = function Dispatchable() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Dispatchable, ($__1 = {}, Object.defineProperty($__1, internalDispatch, { value: function(action) { this.dispatch(action); if (this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)]) { for (var $__2 = this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)][$traceurRuntime.toProperty(Symbol.iterator)](), $__3; !($__3 = $; ) { try { throw undefined; } catch (child) { { child = $__3.value; { child[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalDispatch)](action); } } } } } }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__1, internalOnConnected, { value: function(action) { this.onConnected(action); if (this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)]) { for (var $__2 = this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)][$traceurRuntime.toProperty(Symbol.iterator)](), $__3; !($__3 = $; ) { try { throw undefined; } catch (child) { { child = $__3.value; { child[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalOnConnected)](action); } } } } } }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__1, internalOnDisconnected, { value: function(action) { this.onDisconnected(action); if (this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)]) { for (var $__2 = this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)][$traceurRuntime.toProperty(Symbol.iterator)](), $__3; !($__3 = $; ) { try { throw undefined; } catch (child) { { child = $__3.value; { child[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalOnDisconnected)](action); } } } } } }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__1, "register", { value: function(child) { if (!this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)]) { $traceurRuntime.setProperty(this, children, []); } this[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(children)].push(child); }, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__1, "dispatch", { value: function() {}, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__1, "onConnected", { value: function() {}, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), Object.defineProperty($__1, "onDisconnected", { value: function() {}, configurable: true, enumerable: true, writable: true }), $__1), {}); var StoreController = function StoreController() { $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $StoreController.prototype, arguments); }; var $StoreController = StoreController; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(StoreController, { render: function() { throw new Error('"render" must be implemented by a derived store controller'); }, register: function(child) { if (!(child instanceof Store)) { throw new Error('Invalid child'); } $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $StoreController.prototype, "register", [child]); } }, {}, Dispatchable); var Store = function Store() { $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $Store.prototype, arguments); }; var $Store = Store; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Store, { render: function() { throw new Error('"render" must be implemented by a derived store'); }, register: function(child) { if (!(child instanceof $Store)) { throw new Error('Invalid child'); } $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Store.prototype, "register", [child]); } }, {}, Dispatchable); var LinkController = function LinkController() { $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $LinkController.prototype, arguments); }; var $LinkController = LinkController; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(LinkController, {register: function(child) { if (!(child instanceof Link)) { throw new Error('Invalid child'); } $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $LinkController.prototype, "register", [child]); }}, {}, Dispatchable); var Link = function Link() { $traceurRuntime.defaultSuperCall(this, $Link.prototype, arguments); }; var $Link = Link; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(Link, {register: function(child) { if (!(child instanceof $Link)) { throw new Error('Invalid child'); } $traceurRuntime.superCall(this, $Link.prototype, "register", [child]); }}, {}, Dispatchable); var ViewController = function ViewController() {}; ($traceurRuntime.createClass)(ViewController, {render: function() { throw new Error('"render" must be implemented by a derived view controller'); }}, {}); var currentStoreController = null; var currentViewController = null; var currentLinkController = null; var globalStoreController = null; var routes = {}; function registerGlobalStoreController(storeController) { if (!(storeController instanceof StoreController)) { throw new Error('Invalid global store controller'); } globalStoreController = storeController; storeController.onConnected(); } function getGlobalData() { if (!globalStoreController) { throw new Error('No global store controller set'); } return globalStoreController.render(); } function aggregate() { if (!currentViewController) { throw new Error('"aggregate" called before first route'); } currentViewController.render(currentStoreController.render()); } function dispatch(action) { var dispatchHappened = false; if (globalStoreController) { globalStoreController[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalDispatch)](action); dispatchHappened = true; } if (currentLinkController) { currentLinkController[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalDispatch)](action); dispatchHappened = true; } if (currentStoreController) { currentStoreController[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalDispatch)](action); dispatchHappened = true; } if (!dispatchHappened) { console.warn('Dispatch called with nothing to dispatch to'); } } function registerRoute(name, options) { if (!(options.storeController instanceof StoreController)) { throw new Error('Invalid store controller'); } if (!(options.viewController instanceof ViewController)) { throw new Error('Invalid view controller'); } if (options.linkController && !(options.linkController instanceof LinkController)) { throw new Error('Invalid link controller'); } $traceurRuntime.setProperty(routes, name, options); } function route(name, state) { var nextRoute = routes[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(name)]; if (!nextRoute) { throw new Error('Unknown route "' + route + '"'); } state = state || {}; if (currentStoreController) { currentStoreController[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalOnDisconnected)](); } if (currentLinkController) { currentLinkController[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalOnDisconnected)](); } currentStoreController = nextRoute.storeController; currentLinkController = nextRoute.linkController; currentViewController = nextRoute.viewController; currentStoreController[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalOnConnected)](state); if (currentLinkController) { currentLinkController[$traceurRuntime.toProperty(internalOnConnected)](); } } return { get StoreController() { return StoreController; }, get Store() { return Store; }, get LinkController() { return LinkController; }, get Link() { return Link; }, get ViewController() { return ViewController; }, get registerGlobalStoreController() { return registerGlobalStoreController; }, get getGlobalData() { return getGlobalData; }, get aggregate() { return aggregate; }, get dispatch() { return dispatch; }, get registerRoute() { return registerRoute; }, get route() { return route; }, __esModule: true }; }); //# sourceMappingURL=maps/