# Copy to .config/matplotlib/stylelib/ lines.linewidth: 6 lines.solid_capstyle: butt legend.fancybox: true # Plot area figure.figsize: 13.6, 8.4 figure.facecolor: white figure.edgecolor: white axes.facecolor : white axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['312433', '66CCB1', '66A623', 'ffcc00', 'FF6A0F', '837C85']) #axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['0.122, 0.467, 0.706', '0.839, 0.153, 0.157', '0.173, 0.627, 0.173', '1., 0.498, 0.055', '0.58, 0.404, 0.741', '0.09, 0.745, 0.812', '0.498, 0.498, 0.498', '0.89, 0.467, 0.761']) axes.axisbelow: true axes.grid: true # Axes and ticks axes.linewidth: 3 axes.edgecolor: black xtick.direction: in ytick.direction: in xtick.major.size: 10 xtick.major.width: 2 xtick.minor.size: 10 xtick.minor.width: 2 ytick.major.size: 10 ytick.major.width: 2 ytick.minor.size: 10 ytick.minor.width: 2 # Space xlabels lower than default. xtick.major.pad: 10 xtick.minor.pad: 10 # Font sizes for various elements. font.size: 28 axes.titlesize: 32 axes.labelsize: 28 axes.titlepad : 15.0 # pad between axes and title in points axes.titleweight : medium # font weight for axes title xtick.labelsize: 26 ytick.labelsize: 26 legend.fontsize: 26 # Use sans-serif LaTeX for all text. font.family: serif font.sans-serif: Georgia image.cmap: inferno # Plot elements lines.markersize: 10 # savefig options (avoid clipping at margins) savefig.bbox : tight savefig.pad_inches : 0.2 figure.subplot.left: 0.08 figure.subplot.right: 0.95 figure.subplot.bottom: 0.07