/** * Service Manager for attaching SmartThings/Hubitat to a nodejsPoolController * * Copyright 2020 Brad Sileo * * * version: 0.9.7 */ definition( name: "Pool Controller", namespace: "bsileo", author: "Brad Sileo", description: "This is the App to connect to a nodejs_poolController (version > 6) instance and create devices to manage it within Hubitat/SmartThings", category: "", iconUrl: "http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/Health & Wellness/health2-icn.png", iconX2Url: "http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/Health & Wellness/health2-icn@2x.png", iconX3Url: "http://cdn.device-icons.smartthings.com/Health & Wellness/health2-icn@3x.png") preferences { page(name: "home", title: "Pool Controller", content: "appHome") page(name: "deviceDiscovery", title: "Pool Controller Device Discovery", content: "deviceDiscovery") page(name: "manualPage", title: "Manually enter PoolController", content: "manualPage") page(name: "selectDevice", title: "Select the Controller", content: "selectDevice") page(name: "poolConfig", title: "Pool Configuration", content: "poolConfig") } def installed() { log.debug "Installed with settings: ${settings}" getHubPlatform() log.debug "Installed with state: ${state}" initialize() addDevice() } def updated() { log.debug "Updated with settings: ${settings}" initialize() addDevice() } def initialize() { unsubscribe() unschedule() atomicState.subscribed = false } def appHome() { def install = true getHubPlatform() return dynamicPage(name: "home", title: "NodeJS Pool Controller", refreshInterval: 0, install: false, uninstall: true) { section("Setup a new Device", hideable:false, hidden:false) { href(name: "deviceDiscovery", title: "", description: "Start Discovery for new devices", required: false, page: "deviceDiscovery") } section("Current Installation") { paragraph describeInstall() } } } def describeInstall() { def devs = getChildDevices() log.debug("DEVS ${devs}") def builder = new StringBuilder() if (state.isHE) { builder << '' } builder.toString() } // UPNP Device Discovery Code def deviceDiscovery() { atomicState.config=false ssdpSubscribe() ssdpDiscover() //log.debug("Check Manual device?-- IP:${controllerIP}:${controllerPort}=${controllerMac}") if (controllerIP && controllerPort && controllerMac) { def cleanMac = controllerMac.toLowerCase().replaceAll(':','').replaceAll('-','') if (!state.devices[cleanMac]) { log.debug("Add Manual device-- IP:${controllerIP}:${controllerPort}=${controllerMac}") state.devices[cleanMac] = [ ipaddress:controllerIP, port:controllerPort, verified:false, mac:controllerMac, hub:"", ssdpPath:"/upnp.xml", ssdpTerm:"urn:schemas-tagyoureit-org:device:PoolController:1", name:"", ssdpNTS:"", uuid:"", mode:"", ssdpUSN:"uuid:806f52f4-1f35-4e33-9299-b827eb3bb77a::urn:schemas-tagyoureit-org:device:PoolController:1" ] } } verifyDevices() return dynamicPage(name: "deviceDiscovery", title: "Locate Pool Controller...", nextPage: "selectDevice", refreshInterval: 2, install: false, uninstall: true) { section("Please wait while we discover your nodejs-poolController. Discovery can take some time...\n\r Click next to proceed once you see the device you want to connect to in the verified section below:", hideable:false, hidden:false) { paragraph "${ state.isHE ? '

' : ''}Discovered devices:${ state.isHE ? '

' : ''}" paragraph describeUnverifiedDevices() paragraph "${ state.isHE ? '

' : ''}Verifed devices:${state.isHE ? '

' : ''}" paragraph describeDevices() paragraph "(Verified devices are ready to be selected and installed on the next page)" if (state.isHE) { input "refreshDiscovery", "button", title: "Refresh" } } section("Manual poolController Configuration", hideable:true, hidden:false) { href(name: "manualPage", title: "", description: "Tap to manually enter a controller (Optional, if discovery does not work above)", required: false, page: "manualPage") } } } def appButtonHandler(btn) { if(btn == "refreshDiscovery") { // do whatever you want to do when the button is pressed log.debug("Refresh pressed") atomicState.subscribed = false unsubscribe() ssdpSubscribe() ssdpDiscover() } } private String describeDevices() { def sorted = getVerifiedDevices() // log.debug("SORTED ${sorted}") def builder = new StringBuilder() if (state.isHE) { builder << '' } builder.toString() } private String describeUnverifiedDevices() { def sorted = getDevices() // log.debug("SORTED ${sorted}") def builder = new StringBuilder() if (state.isHE) { builder << '' } builder.toString() } def manualPage() { return dynamicPage(name: "manualPage", title: "Enter Controller", nextPage: "deviceDiscovery", refreshInterval: 0, install: false, uninstall: false) { section("Controller") { input(name:"controllerIP", type: "text", title: "Controller IP Address", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue:"") input(name:"controllerPort", type: "number", title: "Controller Port", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue:"4200") input(name:"controllerMac", type: "text", title: "Controller MAC Address (B8:27:EB:AA:11:22)", required: true, displayDuringSetup: true, defaultValue: "b8:27:eb:aa:11:b0") } } } def selectDevice() { unschedule() unsubscribe() atomicState.subscribed = false def options = [:] def devices = getVerifiedDevices() devices.each { //log.debug("Processing ${it}-->${it.value}") def ip = getIP(it.value) def port = getPort(it.value) def value = "${it.value.name} ${ip}:${port} (${it.value.mac})" def key = it.value.mac options["${key}"] = value } return dynamicPage(name: "selectDevice", title: "Select the Pool Controller...", nextPage: "poolConfig", refreshInterval: 0, install: false, uninstall: true) { section("Select the poolController device you want to install:", hideable:false, hidden:false) { input(name: "selectedDevice", title:"Select A Device", type: "enum", required:true, multiple:false, description: "Tap to choose", params: params, options: options, submitOnChange: true, width: 6) } } } // nodejs-PoolController configuration functions def poolConfig() { if (state.config) { log.debug("poolConfig STATE=${state}") return dynamicPage(name: "poolConfig", title: "Verify Final Pool Controller Configuration:", install: true, uninstall: false) { section("Name") { input name:"deviceName", type:"text", title: "Enter the name for your device:", required:true, defaultValue:state.equipment.model } section("Options") { input( name: "prefixNames", title:"Prefix Child Device Names with my name?", type: "bool", defaultValue: false, displayDuringSetup: true ) } section("Please verify the options below:") { paragraph describeConfig() } } } else { return dynamicPage(name: "poolConfig", title: "Getting Pool Controller Configuration...", nextPage: "poolConfig", refreshInterval: 4, install: false, uninstall: false) { getPoolConfig() } } } private String describeConfig() { // log.debug("SORTED ${sorted}") def builder = new StringBuilder() def bodies = state.bodies.findAll{element -> element.isActive} builder << "${state.isHE ? '' : ''}" builder.toString() } def getPoolConfig() { def hubAction atomicState.config=false def devMAC = selectedDevice def devices = getVerifiedDevices() def selectedDeviceInfo = devices.find { it.value.mac == devMAC } if (selectedDeviceInfo) { def value = selectedDeviceInfo.value log.debug "Configure [${selectedDeviceInfo.value.mac}]" String port = getPort(value) String ip = getIP(value) String host = "${ip}:${port}" if (state.isST) { hubAction = physicalgraph.device.HubAction.newInstance( [ method: "GET", path: "/config", headers: [ HOST: "${ip}:${port}", "Accept":"application/json" ] ], null, [ callback : 'parseConfig', type: 'LAN_TYPE_CLIENT' ]) } else { def params = [ method: "GET", path: "/config", headers: [ HOST: "${ip}:${port}", "Accept":"application/json" ] ] def opts = [ callback : 'parseConfig', type: 'LAN_TYPE_CLIENT' ] hubAction = hubitat.device.HubAction.newInstance(params, null, opts) } try { sendHubCommand(hubAction) log.debug "SENT: ${params}" } catch (e) { log.error "something went wrong: $e" } } else { log.error("Failed to locate a verified controller for use with ${devMAC}") log.debug("Devices={$state.devices}") } } def parseConfig(resp) { def message = parseLanMessage(resp.description) def msg = message.json log.debug("parseConfig - msg=${msg.config}") log.debug("parseConfig-circuit - msg=${msg.circuit}") /* state.includeSolar = msg.config.equipment.solar.installed == 1 state.includeSpa = msg.config.equipment.spa.installed == 1 state.controller = msg.config.equipment.controller state.circuitHideAux = msg.config.equipment.circuit.hideAux state.numCircuits = msg.config.equipment.circuit.nonLightCircuit.size() + msg.config.equipment.circuit.lightCircuit.size() state.nonLightCircuits = msg.config.equipment.circuit.nonLightCircuit state.lightCircuits = msg.config.equipment.circuit.lightCircuit */ state.bodies = msg.bodies state.pumps = msg.pumps state.circuits = msg.circuits // state.includeChem = msg.intellichem.installed == 1 // state.includeChlor = msg.chlorinators[0].isActive > 0 state.equipment = msg.equipment state.pumps = msg.pumps state.features = msg.features state.valves = msg.valves state.chlorinators = msg.chlorinators state.intellichem = msg.intellichem state.heaters = msg.heaters state.config=true // Extra data not currently used state.controllerType = msg.controllerType state.pool = msg.pool state.configVersion = msg.configVersion state.schedules = msg.schedules state.lastUpdated = msg.lastUpdated log.info "STATE=${state}" } def USN() { return "urn:schemas-tagyoureit-org:device:PoolController:1" } void ssdpDiscover() { def hubAction def searchTarget = "lan discovery " + USN() if (state.isST) { log.debug("HA==${physicalgraph.device.HubAction}") hubAction = physicalgraph.device.HubAction.newInstance("${searchTarget}", physicalgraph.device.Protocol.LAN) } else { hubAction = hubitat.device.HubAction.newInstance("${searchTarget}", hubitat.device.Protocol.LAN) } try { sendHubCommand(hubAction) log.debug "SENT: ${hubAction}" } catch (e) { log.error "Something went wrong: $e" } } void ssdpSubscribe() { if (!atomicState.subscribed) { log.trace "Discover Devices: subscribe to location " + USN() subscribe(location, null, ssdpHandler, [filterEvents: false]) atomicState.subscribed = true } } def ssdpHandler(evt) { def description = evt.description def hub = evt?.hubId def parsedEvent = parseLanMessage(description) parsedEvent << ["hub":hub] //log.debug("SDP Handler - ${parsedEvent}") if (parsedEvent?.ssdpTerm?.contains("urn:schemas-tagyoureit-org:device:PoolController:1")) { def devices = getDevices() String ssdpUSN = parsedEvent.ssdpUSN.toString() //log.debug("GET SSDP - found a pool ${ssdpUSN}") if (devices."${parsedEvent.mac}") { def d = devices."${parsedEvent.mac}" if (d.networkAddress != parsedEvent.networkAddress || d.deviceAddress != parsedEvent.deviceAddress) { d.networkAddress = parsedEvent.networkAddress d.deviceAddress = parsedEvent.deviceAddress def child = getChildDevice(parsedEvent.mac) if (child) { child.sync(parsedEvent.networkAddress, parsedEvent.deviceAddress) } } } else { //log.debug("Adding to Devices to be verified") parsedEvent.verified = false atomicState.devices[parsedEvent.mac] = parsedEvent state.devices[parsedEvent.mac] = parsedEvent } } else { // log.debug("Not matching parsed event received - ${parsedEvent}") } } def getVerifiedDevices() { getDevices().findAll{ key, value -> value.verified == true } } def getDevices() { if (!atomicState.devices) { log.debug("RESET AS DEVICES") atomicState.devices = [:] } if (!state.devices) { log.debug("RESET DEVICES") state.devices = [:] } return state.devices } def verifyDevices() { def hubAction def devices = getDevices() //log.debug("VerifyDevices(pre) - ${devices}") devices = devices.findAll { key, value -> value.verified != true } //log.debug("VerifyDevices - ${devices}") devices.each { key, value -> String port = getPort(value) String ip = getIP(value) String host = "${ip}:${port}" log.info("Verify UPNP PoolController Device ${value.mac} @ http://${host}${value.ssdpPath}") //log.debug("SENDING HubAction: GET ${value.ssdpPath} HTTP/1.1 HOST: ${host}") if (state.isST) { hubAction = physicalgraph.device.HubAction.newInstance( [ method: "GET", path: "${value.ssdpPath}", headers: [ HOST: "${ip}:${port}", "Accept":"application/json" ] ], null, [ callback : 'deviceDescriptionHandler', type: 'LAN_TYPE_CLIENT' ]) } else { def params = [ method: "GET", path: "${value.ssdpPath}", headers: [ HOST: "${ip}:${port}", "Accept":"application/json" ] ] def opts = [ callback : 'deviceDescriptionHandler', type: 'LAN_TYPE_CLIENT' ] hubAction = hubitat.device.HubAction.newInstance(params, null, opts) } try { sendHubCommand(hubAction) log.debug "SENT: ${params}" } catch (e) { log.error "something went wrong: $e" } } } def deviceDescriptionHandler(hubResponse) { def body = hubResponse.xml log.debug("DevDescHandler - > ${body}") def devices = getDevices() log.debug("DevDescHandler -devs- > ${devices}") if (body) { log.debug("DDH -UDN--> ${body.device.UDN?.text()}") def device = devices.find { def cleanUDN = body.device.UDN.text().toLowerCase().replaceAll(':','').replaceAll('-','') def cleanKey = it?.key?.toLowerCase() log.debug(cleanUDN) log.debug(cleanKey) log.debug(cleanUDN.contains(cleanKey)) return cleanUDN.contains(cleanKey) } log.info("VERYFY ${device.key} - ${body}") if (device) { device.value << [name: body?.device?.friendlyName?.text(), model:body?.device?.modelName?.text(), serialNumber:body?.device?.serialNum?.text(), verified: true] device.value.verified = true log.info("Verified a device - device.value == ${device}") } else { log.error("Cannot verify Device - Device Not found") } } else { log.error("Cannot verify Device - No body in Device Response") } } def addDevice() { def devices = getDevices() def selectedDeviceInfo = devices.find { it.value.mac == selectedDevice } if (selectedDeviceInfo) { createOrUpdateDevice(selectedDeviceInfo.value.mac,getIP(selectedDeviceInfo.value),getPort(selectedDeviceInfo.value)) } } def addManualDevice() { if (controllerMac && controllerIP && controllerPort) { createOrUpdateDevice(controllerMac,controllerIP,controllerPort) } } def selectedDeviceDNI() { return selectedDevice.replaceAll("-",'').replaceAll(':','').toUpperCase() } def createOrUpdateDevice(mac,ip,port) { def hub = location.hubs[0] //log.error("WARNING Using TEST MAC") //mac = mac + "-test" def dni = mac.replaceAll("-",'').replaceAll(':','').toUpperCase() def d = getChildDevice(dni) if (d) { log.info "The Pool Controller Device with DNI: ${dni} already exists...update config to ${ip}:${port} and Names: ${prefixNames}" d.updateDataValue("controllerIP",ip) d.updateDataValue("controllerPort",port) d.updateDataValue("prefixNames",prefixNames ? 'true' : 'false') d.updated() } else { log.info "Creating Pool Controller Device with DNI: ${dni} at ${ip}:${port} and names: ${prefixNames}" d = addChildDevice("bsileo", "Pool Controller", dni, hub.id, [ "label": deviceName, "completedSetup" : true, "data": [ "controllerMac": dni, "controllerIP": ip, "controllerPort": port, "prefixNames": prefixNames ] ]) } } // ********************************************************* // Device helper methods // ********************************************************* def getPoolController() { return getChildDevice(selectedDeviceDNI()) } def componentOn(evt) { log.debug("Got ${evt} from ${evt.getDevice()}") log.debug("${evt.device} ${evt.deviceId}") def poolController = getPoolController() def dev = poolController.getChild(evt.deviceId) log.debug("Got back ${dev}") poolController.componentOn(dev) } def componentOff(evt) { log.debug("App componentOff Helper") log.debug("${evt.device} ${evt.deviceId}") def poolController = getPoolController() def dev = poolController.getChild(evt.deviceId) log.debug("Got back ${dev}") poolController.componentOff(dev) } // ********************************************************* // // ********************************************************* def getPort(value) { String port if ( value.port ) { port = value.port } else { port = convertHexToInt(value.deviceAddress) } return port } def getIP(value) { String ip if (value.ipaddress) { ip = value.ipaddress } else { ip = convertHexToIP(value.networkAddress) } return ip } private Integer convertHexToInt(hex) { Integer.parseInt(hex,16) } private String convertHexToIP(hex) { [convertHexToInt(hex[0..1]),convertHexToInt(hex[2..3]),convertHexToInt(hex[4..5]),convertHexToInt(hex[6..7])].join(".") } //******************************************************* //* logger() //* //* Wrapper function for all logging. //******************************************************* private logger(msg, level = "debug") { def lookup = [ "None" : 0, "Error" : 1, "Warning" : 2, "Info" : 3, "Debug" : 4, "Trace" : 5] def logLevel = lookup[state.loggingLevelIDE ? state.loggingLevelIDE : 'Debug'] // log.debug("Lookup is now ${logLevel} for ${state.loggingLevelIDE}") switch(level) { case "error": if (logLevel >= 1) log.error msg break case "warn": if (logLevel >= 2) log.warn msg break case "info": if (logLevel >= 3) log.info msg break case "debug": if (logLevel >= 4) log.debug msg break case "trace": if (logLevel >= 5) log.trace msg break default: log.debug msg break } } // ************************************************************************************************************************** // SmartThings/Hubitat Portability Library (SHPL) // Copyright (c) 2019, Barry A. Burke (storageanarchy@gmail.com) // // The following 3 calls are safe to use anywhere within a Device Handler or Application // - these can be called (e.g., if (getPlatform() == 'SmartThings'), or referenced (i.e., if (platform == 'Hubitat') ) // - performance of the non-native platform is horrendous, so it is best to use these only in the metadata{} section of a // Device Handler or Application // private String getPlatform() { (physicalgraph?.device?.HubAction ? 'SmartThings' : 'Hubitat') } // if (platform == 'SmartThings') ... private Boolean getIsST() { (physicalgraph?.device?.HubAction ? true : false) } // if (isST) ... private Boolean getIsHE() { (hubitat?.device?.HubAction ? true : false) } // if (isHE) ... // // The following 3 calls are ONLY for use within the Device Handler or Application runtime // - they will throw an error at compile time if used within metadata, usually complaining that "state" is not defined // - getHubPlatform() ***MUST*** be called from the installed() method, then use "state.hubPlatform" elsewhere // - "if (state.isST)" is more efficient than "if (isSTHub)" // private String getHubPlatform() { if (state?.hubPlatform == null) { state.hubPlatform = getPlatform() // if (hubPlatform == 'Hubitat') ... or if (state.hubPlatform == 'SmartThings')... state.isST = state.hubPlatform.startsWith('S') // if (state.isST) ... state.isHE = state.hubPlatform.startsWith('H') // if (state.isHE) ... } return state.hubPlatform } private Boolean getIsSTHub() { (state.isST) } // if (isSTHub) ... private Boolean getIsHEHub() { (state.isHE) }