Bang Search ============= **Version : 1.2.0** Change in behaviour for the input search method. If you enter a multiline search, using CTRL + ENTER between lines, a distinct browser's window is opened, one for each of your line in the input box panel. **Version : 1.1.2** Bug Correction **Version : 1.1.1** This plugin for Sublime Text 3 allow to perform a web search from the currently selected text/word or from an input panel from **your predifined requests** in **one or several browser tabs**. Various custom or predefined search engine are declared in the `bang-search.sublime-settings`. You can add yours quite easily in this file , you can prefix your bang by whatever you want except for duckduckgo, this one must be valid : !... There are several ways to perform your search : * on a selected text/word : - show a quick panel to select your search request - directly launch a predefined search request * from an input panel - show a quick panel to select your search request - directly launch a predefined search request This package adds: * A `Bang Search` command to the context menu for the selected * A `Bang Input Search` command to the context menu for the selected * A `Bang Search` to the command pannel * A `Bang Input Search`to the context panel ## Install If your using the [Sublime Package Manger][2] hold down Ctrl+Shift+P and type `Package Control: Install Package`. Then search for `bang-search` and hit return. If your not using the package manager then go to your Sublime packages directory(Sublime Text/Packages) Then run this command `git clone`. Or you can download the package as a zip file [][3] then copy it into your Sublime packages directory. ## SETTINGS The two first parameters control the display options : - Display the bang before the caption of your predefine search engine in the quick panel - The second one : * If true, display alert message in the bottom status panel * If false, a dialog box show you the warning message - The third parameter contain the list of browser (see below) ```json [ { "display_bang_in_panel": true, "silent_error": true, "browsers_list": ["default","firefox","google-chrome"], } ] ``` The *definitions* contain your search requests : ```json [ { "!gt": { "type": "duckduckgo", "caption": "Google Translate" }, "!python27": { "type": "duckduckgo", "caption": "Python 2.7" }, "&gh": { "type": "qwant", "caption": "Github" }, "@ipynbViewer": { "type": "custom", "caption": "iPyNotebookViewer", "url": "{{q}}" }, "@speakerdeck": { "type": "hidden", "caption" : "speakerdeck", "url" : "✓&q= {{q}}" }, "#PY2": { "type": "group", "caption": "python2 general search", "banglist": [ "!python27", "@ipynbViewer"]} } ] ``` There are 4 types of request : * **duckduckgo** : a bang style [duckduckgo][5] search request, you have to give a valid !bang * **qwant** : a qwick style [qwant][6] search request, you have to give a valid &qwick * **custom** : any kind of site or search engine, google [i.e.][4], {{q}} will be replace by your search * **hidden** : a custom request which doesn't appear in the quick panel (can be use in command arg, or group call) * **group** : a list of bang [duckduckgo|custom|hidden] defined in your bang-search.sublime-settings You can edit the settings by going to Preferences -> Package Settings -> Bang Search -> Settings - User ##Browser configuration The lib used to open a new tab is Only the first element of browsers_list will be used, the others are here to allow quick change in your configuration file. The "default" value refer to the None settings in corresponding to the default browser. **THE FOLLOWING CONFIGURATION IS AT YOUR OWN RISK, let "default" if you have any doubt.** ###Identify already defined browsers by Open a console : View > Show console And enter the following code to identify which browser you can use : ``` import webbrowser; print(webbrowser._browsers) ``` ###Register a browser in Open a console : View > Show console And enter the following code to [register]( a browser. Here is a sample for windows, you have to define an alias and the correct path to the choosed browser. ``` import webbrowser; webbrowser.register('google-chrome', None, webbrowser.BackgroundBrowser("C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe")) ``` ###Choose the browser for Bang-Search In the bang_search.sublime-settings, place your _default_ browser in first place in the list. ``` "browsers_list": ["firefox","default","google-chrome"], ``` ##Usage Get the quick panel to choose your search query : - Place the cursor inside a word or select some text and press `Alt+Super+B` ![quick_panel][quick_panel] - Press `Ctrl+Super+B` to get the input panel ![input_panel][input_panel] Use a personal key binding with args search-method: - Launch directly the @def query from your selected text. ``` { "keys": ["shift+alt+super+b","shift+alt+super+d"], "command": "bang_search", "args": {"search_method": "@def"} }, ``` - Launch directly the @def query after opening the input text. ``` { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+super+b", "ctrl+shift+super+d"], "command": "bang_search_input", "args": {"search_method": "@def"} } ``` ![input_definition][input_definition] [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [quick_panel]: [input_panel]: [input_definition]: