7.01 - 06-Mar-2015 - 1.8 update - removed main menu mobs (will be released as a separate mod) 6.16 - 16-Feb-2015 - disable main menu mob rendering when WorldStateCheckpoints is present 6.15 - 11-Nov-2014 - fixed tooltip messages - updated mappings - removed all dropbox URLs 6.14 - 05-Aug-2014 - better error handling for main menu entity rendering - better entity render support for mods 6.13 - 04-Jul-2014 - fixed main menu player skins - fixed small bug in version checker 6.12 - 30-Jun-2014 - initial 1.7.10 update 6.11 - 08-Jun-2014 - fixed potential NPEs in BlockID, ModulusBlockID, and ItemID 6.10 - 08-Jun-2014 - fixed logic flaw in update checker - changed update checker to use user prefs instead of config file - fixed Double.MAX_VALUE stuff - fixed FML version number dependency 6.9 - 23-May-2014 - added better prop state handling - added undo buttons - added example props to regular config - fixed bugs in list edit screen - added titles to list edit screen - added isHotLoadable flag on Properties and Categories and hooked it all up - build script improvements - added code to redisplay version messages every so often instead of just once - better handling of main menu render ticker registration - created a way to make dynamically sized buttons that doesn't rely on the vanilla button code - added a way to allow IConfigProperty objects to define their own IGuiConfigListEntry GUIs 6.8 - 25-Apr-2014 - catch exceptions due to really large numbers being entered in numeric config fields - added ability to add a Pattern object to STRING props to validate input 6.7 - 24-Apr-2014 - Coord changes needed for FloatingRuins optimizations - switched from class references to an enum - better int/double handling code - added detection of invalid numeric values - added better dynamic resizing code for config GUIs - prevent tooltips from showing when the mouse is over the header or footer - fixed crash when trying to enter negative numbers 6.6 - 22-Apr-2014 - changes to support multi-category config file GUIs - fixed a SERIOUS issue with Main Menu code that would remove certain mobs from the EntityList 6.5 - 21-Apr-2014 - made main menu gimmick code more crash-safe 6.4 - 18-Apr-2014 - added support for config tooltips - added code to actually limit numeric fields to their intended bounds - fixed ESC key not showing previous screen - added classes to allow for rendering entities without a real world running - added Main Menu gimmick 6.3 - 15-Apr-2014 - fixed config scrollbar not working after changing settings - changed the way item overlays work to allow more precision 6.2 - 13-Apr-2014 - fixed client commands not opening GUIs 6.1 - 13-Apr-2014 - removed a lot of the helper stuff for 1.7.2 - created a set of extensible classes for in-game config guis 6.0 - 19-Jan-2014 - updated for 1.7.2 v5.2 - 19-Dec-2013 - added new command /bs to manually show version check info v5.1 - 18-Dec-2013 - fixed crappy code in TickerBase that prevented tickers from stopping (ugh) v5.0 - 05-Nov-2013 - added lots of helper methods to Coord - added abstract convenience classes for various tick applications v4.3 - 23-Oct-2013 - fixed potential mod ordering issue v4.2 - 21-Oct-2013 - changed ModVersionChecker to keep track of new version notifications and only show the chat message once per new version v4.1 - 14-Oct-2013 - fixed server-side crash v4.0 - 14-Oct-2013 - rewrote mod for Forge/FML v3.05 - 23-Sep-2013 - added new ForgeUtils class v3.04 - 10-Sep-2013 - slight tweak in HUDUtils for countInInventory method - 1.6.4 update (20-Sep-2013) v3.03 - 18-Jul-2013 - added new method to get the log filename v3.02 - 09-Jul-2013 - update URL change - 1.6.2 update (10-Jul-2013) v3.01 - 05-Jul-2013 - 1.6.1 update and fixes v2.09 - 28-Jun-2013 - removed checksum code from BSProp to hopefully fix reversion issue. - added timeout config setting v2.08 - 10-Jun-2013 - added new method for raytracing v2.07 - 30-May-2013 - added a new obfuscation detection method v2.06 - 25-May-2013 - add back in deprecated class to support existing mods v2.05 - 24-May-2013 - holy crap a lot of stuff - fixes for many shared bits of code - fixed up Configuration and ConfigCategory - added a Const class for things like MCVersion v2.04 - 10-May-2013 - fixed server config crash with TC v2.03 - 03-May-2013 - 1.5.2 update v2.02 - 09-Apr-2013 - fixed server crash v2.01 - 09-Apr-2013 - fixed update check timeouts - new bsprops config file - super secret feature - retrofitted fix to 1.4.7 v1.03 - 15-Mar-2013 - updated for 1.5 - added proxy class for forge mods - updated for 1.5.1 (23-Mar-2013) v1.02 - 10-Mar-2013 - fix for bad logic in isGamePaused method v1.01 - 20-Feb-2013 - initial release