/** * Xiaomi Temperature Humidity Sensor * Version 1.0 * * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except * in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License * for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * Original device handler code by a4refillpad * Additional contributions to code by alecm, alixjg, bspranger, gn0st1c, foz333, jmagnuson, rinkek, ronvandegraaf, snalee, tmleafs, twonk, & veeceeoh * * Known issues: * Xiaomi sensors do not seem to respond to refresh requests * Inconsistent rendering of user interface text/graphics between iOS and Android devices - This is due to SmartThings, not this device handler * Pairing Xiaomi sensors can be difficult as they were not designed to use with a SmartThings hub. See * */ metadata { definition (name: "Xiaomi Temperature Humidity Sensor", namespace: "bspranger", author: "bspranger") { capability "Temperature Measurement" capability "Relative Humidity Measurement" capability "Sensor" capability "Battery" capability "Health Check" attribute "lastCheckin", "String" attribute "lastCheckinDate", "String" attribute "maxTemp", "number" attribute "minTemp", "number" attribute "maxHumidity", "number" attribute "minHumidity", "number" attribute "multiAttributesReport", "String" attribute "currentDay", "String" attribute "batteryRuntime", "String" fingerprint profileId: "0104", deviceId: "0302", inClusters: "0000,0001,0003,0009,0402,0405" command "resetBatteryRuntime" } // simulator metadata simulator { for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10) { status "${i}F": "temperature: $i F" } for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i += 10) { status "${i}%": "humidity: ${i}%" } } tiles(scale: 2) { multiAttributeTile(name:"temperature", type:"generic", width:6, height:4) { tileAttribute("device.temperature", key:"PRIMARY_CONTROL"){ attributeState("temperature", label:'${currentValue}°', backgroundColors:[ // Fahrenheit color set [value: 0, color: "#153591"], [value: 5, color: "#1e9cbb"], [value: 10, color: "#90d2a7"], [value: 15, color: "#44b621"], [value: 20, color: "#f1d801"], [value: 25, color: "#d04e00"], [value: 30, color: "#bc2323"], [value: 44, color: "#1e9cbb"], [value: 59, color: "#90d2a7"], [value: 74, color: "#44b621"], [value: 84, color: "#f1d801"], [value: 95, color: "#d04e00"], [value: 96, color: "#bc2323"] // Celsius color set (to switch, delete the 13 lines above anmd remove the two slashes at the beginning of the line below) //[value: 0, color: "#153591"], [value: 7, color: "#1e9cbb"], [value: 15, color: "#90d2a7"], [value: 23, color: "#44b621"], [value: 28, color: "#f1d801"], [value: 35, color: "#d04e00"], [value: 37, color: "#bc2323"] ] ) } tileAttribute("device.multiAttributesReport", key: "SECONDARY_CONTROL") { attributeState("multiAttributesReport", label:'${currentValue}' //icon:"st.Weather.weather12", ) } } valueTile("temperature2", "device.temperature", inactiveLabel: false) { state "temperature", label:'${currentValue}°', icon: "st.Weather.weather2", backgroundColors:[ // Fahrenheit color set [value: 0, color: "#153591"], [value: 5, color: "#1e9cbb"], [value: 10, color: "#90d2a7"], [value: 15, color: "#44b621"], [value: 20, color: "#f1d801"], [value: 25, color: "#d04e00"], [value: 30, color: "#bc2323"], [value: 44, color: "#1e9cbb"], [value: 59, color: "#90d2a7"], [value: 74, color: "#44b621"], [value: 84, color: "#f1d801"], [value: 95, color: "#d04e00"], [value: 96, color: "#bc2323"] // Celsius color set (to switch, delete the 13 lines above anmd remove the two slashes at the beginning of the line below) //[value: 0, color: "#153591"], [value: 7, color: "#1e9cbb"], [value: 15, color: "#90d2a7"], [value: 23, color: "#44b621"], [value: 28, color: "#f1d801"], [value: 35, color: "#d04e00"], [value: 37, color: "#bc2323"] ] } valueTile("humidity", "device.humidity", inactiveLabel: false, width: 2, height: 2) { state "default", label:'${currentValue}%', unit:"%", icon:"st.Weather.weather12", backgroundColors:[ [value: 0, color: "#FFFCDF"], [value: 4, color: "#FDF789"], [value: 20, color: "#A5CF63"], [value: 23, color: "#6FBD7F"], [value: 56, color: "#4CA98C"], [value: 59, color: "#0072BB"], [value: 76, color: "#085396"] ] } valueTile("battery", "device.battery", inactiveLabel: false, width: 2, height: 2) { state "battery", label:'${currentValue}%', unit:"%", backgroundColors:[ [value: 10, color: "#bc2323"], [value: 26, color: "#f1d801"], [value: 51, color: "#44b621"] ] } valueTile("spacer1", "spacer1", decoration: "flat", inactiveLabel: false, width: 1, height: 1) { state "default", label:'' } valueTile("spacer2", "spacer2", decoration: "flat", inactiveLabel: false, width: 1, height: 2) { state "default", label:'' } valueTile("lastcheckin", "device.lastCheckin", inactiveLabel: false, decoration:"flat", width: 4, height: 1) { state "lastcheckin", label:'Last Event:\n ${currentValue}' } valueTile("batteryRuntime", "device.batteryRuntime", inactiveLabel: false, decoration: "flat", width: 4, height: 1) { state "batteryRuntime", label:'Battery Changed: ${currentValue}' } main("temperature2") details(["temperature", "spacer2", "battery", "humidity", "spacer2", "spacer1", "lastcheckin", "spacer1", "spacer1", "batteryRuntime", "spacer1"]) } preferences { //Button Config input description: "The settings below customize additional infomation displayed in the main status tile.", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", title: "MAIN TILE DISPLAY" input name: "displayTempInteger", type: "bool", title: "Display temperature as integer?", description:"NOTE: Takes effect on the next temperature report. High/Low temperatures are always displayed as integers." input name: "displayTempHighLow", type: "bool", title: "Display high/low temperature?" input name: "displayHumidHighLow", type: "bool", title: "Display high/low humidity?" //Temp and Humidity Offsets input description: "The settings below allow correction of variations in temperature and humidity by setting an offset. Examples: If the sensor consistently reports temperature 5 degrees too warm, enter '-5' for the Temperature Offset. If it reports humidity 3% too low, enter ‘3' for the Humidity Offset. NOTE: Changes will take effect on the NEXT temperature / humidity / pressure report.", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", title: "OFFSETS & UNITS" input "tempOffset", "decimal", title:"Temperature Offset", description:"Adjust temperature by this many degrees", range:"*..*" input "humidOffset", "number", title:"Humidity Offset", description:"Adjust humidity by this many percent", range: "*..*" input description: "NOTE: The temperature unit (C / F) can be changed in the location settings for your hub.", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", title: "" //Date & Time Config input description: "", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", title: "DATE & CLOCK" input name: "dateformat", type: "enum", title: "Set Date Format\n US (MDY) - UK (DMY) - Other (YMD)", description: "Date Format", options:["US","UK","Other"] input name: "clockformat", type: "bool", title: "Use 24 hour clock?" //Battery Reset Config input description: "If you have installed a new battery, the toggle below will reset the Changed Battery date to help remember when it was changed.", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", title: "CHANGED BATTERY DATE RESET" input name: "battReset", type: "bool", title: "Battery Changed?", description: "" //Battery Voltage Offset input description: "Only change the settings below if you know what you're doing.", type: "paragraph", element: "paragraph", title: "ADVANCED SETTINGS" input name: "voltsmax", title: "Max Volts\nA battery is at 100% at __ volts.\nRange 2.8 to 3.4", type: "decimal", range: "2.8..3.4", defaultValue: 3 input name: "voltsmin", title: "Min Volts\nA battery is at 0% (needs replacing)\nat __ volts. Range 2.0 to 2.7", type: "decimal", range: "2..2.7", defaultValue: 2.5 } } // Parse incoming device messages to generate events def parse(String description) { log.debug "${device.displayName}: Parsing description: ${description}" // Determine current time and date in the user-selected date format and clock style def now = formatDate() def nowDate = new Date(now).getTime() // Any report - temp, humidity, pressure, & battery - results in a lastCheckin event and update to Last Checkin tile // However, only a non-parseable report results in lastCheckin being displayed in events log sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: now, displayed: false) sendEvent(name: "lastCheckinDate", value: nowDate, displayed: false) // Check if the min/max temp and min/max humidity should be reset checkNewDay(now) // getEvent automatically retrieves temp and humidity in correct unit as integer Map map = zigbee.getEvent(description) // Send message data to appropriate parsing function based on the type of report if (map.name == "temperature") { def temp = parseTemperature(description) map.value = displayTempInteger ? (int) temp : temp map.descriptionText = "${device.displayName} temperature is ${map.value}°${temperatureScale}" map.translatable = true updateMinMaxTemps(map.value) } else if (map.name == "humidity") { if (humidityOffset) { map.value = (int) map.value + (int) humidityOffset } updateMinMaxHumidity(map.value) } else if (description?.startsWith('catchall:')) { map = parseCatchAllMessage(description) } else if (description?.startsWith('read attr - raw:')) { map = parseReadAttr(description) } else { log.debug "${device.displayName}: was unable to parse ${description}" sendEvent(name: "lastCheckin", value: now) } if (map) { log.debug "${device.displayName}: Parse returned ${map}" return createEvent(map) } else return [:] } // Calculate temperature with 0.1 precision in C or F unit as set by hub location settings private parseTemperature(String description) { def temp = ((description - "temperature: ").trim()) as Float def offset = tempOffset ? tempOffset : 0 temp = (temp > 100) ? (100 - temp) : temp temp = (temperatureScale == "F") ? ((temp * 1.8) + 32) + offset : temp + offset return temp.round(1) } // Check catchall for battery voltage data to pass to getBatteryResult for conversion to percentage report private Map parseCatchAllMessage(String description) { Map resultMap = [:] def catchall = zigbee.parse(description) log.debug catchall if (catchall.clusterId == 0x0000) { def MsgLength = catchall.data.size() // Xiaomi CatchAll does not have identifiers, first UINT16 is Battery if ((catchall.data.get(0) == 0x01 || catchall.data.get(0) == 0x02) && (catchall.data.get(1) == 0xFF)) { for (int i = 4; i < (MsgLength-3); i++) { if (catchall.data.get(i) == 0x21) { // check the data ID and data type // next two bytes are the battery voltage resultMap = getBatteryResult((catchall.data.get(i+2)<<8) + catchall.data.get(i+1)) break } } } } return resultMap } // Parse device name on short press of reset button private Map parseReadAttr(String description) { Map resultMap = [:] def cluster = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "cluster"}?.split(":")[1].trim() def attrId = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "attrId"}?.split(":")[1].trim() def value = description.split(",").find {it.split(":")[0].trim() == "value"}?.split(":")[1].trim() if (cluster == "0000" && attrId == "0005") { def modelName = "" // Parsing the model name for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i+=2) { def str = value.substring(i, i+2); def NextChar = (char)Integer.parseInt(str, 16); modelName = modelName + NextChar } log.debug "${device.displayName} reported: cluster: ${cluster}, attrId: ${attrId}, value: ${value}, model:${modelName}" } } // Convert raw 4 digit integer voltage value into percentage based on minVolts/maxVolts range private Map getBatteryResult(rawValue) { // raw voltage is normally supplied as a 4 digit integer that needs to be divided by 1000 // but in the case the final zero is dropped then divide by 100 to get actual voltage value def rawVolts = rawValue / 1000 def minVolts def maxVolts if(voltsmin == null || voltsmin == "") minVolts = 2.5 else minVolts = voltsmin if(voltsmax == null || voltsmax == "") maxVolts = 3.0 else maxVolts = voltsmax def pct = (rawVolts - minVolts) / (maxVolts - minVolts) def roundedPct = Math.min(100, Math.round(pct * 100)) def result = [ name: 'battery', value: roundedPct, unit: "%", isStateChange:true, descriptionText : "${device.displayName} raw battery is ${rawVolts}v" ] return result } // If the day of month has changed from that of previous event, reset the daily min/max temp values def checkNewDay(now) { def oldDay = ((device.currentValue("currentDay")) == null) ? "32" : (device.currentValue("currentDay")) def newDay = new Date(now).format("mm") if (newDay != oldDay) { resetMinMax() sendEvent(name: "currentDay", value: newDay, displayed: false) } } // Reset daily min/max temp and humidity values to the current temp/humidity values def resetMinMax() { def currentTemp = device.currentValue('temperature') def currentHumidity = device.currentValue('humidity') currentTemp = currentTemp ? (int) currentTemp : currentTemp log.debug "${device.displayName}: Resetting daily min/max values to current temperature of ${currentTemp}° and humidity of ${currentHumidity}%" sendEvent(name: "maxTemp", value: currentTemp, displayed: false) sendEvent(name: "minTemp", value: currentTemp, displayed: false) sendEvent(name: "maxHumidity", value: currentHumidity, displayed: false) sendEvent(name: "minHumidity", value: currentHumidity, displayed: false) refreshMultiAttributes() } // Check new min or max temp for the day def updateMinMaxTemps(temp) { temp = temp ? (int) temp : temp if ((temp > device.currentValue('maxTemp')) || (device.currentValue('maxTemp') == null)) sendEvent(name: "maxTemp", value: temp, displayed: false) if ((temp < device.currentValue('minTemp')) || (device.currentValue('minTemp') == null)) sendEvent(name: "minTemp", value: temp, displayed: false) refreshMultiAttributes() } // Check new min or max humidity for the day def updateMinMaxHumidity(humidity) { if ((humidity > device.currentValue('maxHumidity')) || (device.currentValue('maxHumidity') == null)) sendEvent(name: "maxHumidity", value: humidity, displayed: false) if ((humidity < device.currentValue('minHumidity')) || (device.currentValue('minHumidity') == null)) sendEvent(name: "minHumidity", value: humidity, displayed: false) refreshMultiAttributes() } // Update display of multiattributes in main tile def refreshMultiAttributes() { def temphiloAttributes = displayTempHighLow ? (displayHumidHighLow ? "Today's High/Low: ${device.currentState('maxTemp')?.value}° / ${device.currentState('minTemp')?.value}°" : "Today's High: ${device.currentState('maxTemp')?.value}° / Low: ${device.currentState('minTemp')?.value}°") : "" def humidhiloAttributes = displayHumidHighLow ? (displayTempHighLow ? " ${device.currentState('maxHumidity')?.value}% / ${device.currentState('minHumidity')?.value}%" : "Today's High: ${device.currentState('maxHumidity')?.value}% / Low: ${device.currentState('minHumidity')?.value}%") : "" sendEvent(name: "multiAttributesReport", value: "${temphiloAttributes}${humidhiloAttributes}", displayed: false) } //Reset the date displayed in Battery Changed tile to current date def resetBatteryRuntime(paired) { def now = formatDate(true) def newlyPaired = paired ? " for newly paired sensor" : "" sendEvent(name: "batteryRuntime", value: now) log.debug "${device.displayName}: Setting Battery Changed to current date${newlyPaired}" } // installed() runs just after a sensor is paired using the "Add a Thing" method in the SmartThings mobile app def installed() { state.battery = 0 if (!batteryRuntime) resetBatteryRuntime(true) checkIntervalEvent("installed") } // configure() runs after installed() when a sensor is paired def configure() { log.debug "${device.displayName}: configuring" state.battery = 0 if (!batteryRuntime) resetBatteryRuntime(true) checkIntervalEvent("configured") return } // updated() will run twice every time user presses save in preference settings page def updated() { checkIntervalEvent("updated") if(battReset){ resetBatteryRuntime() device.updateSetting("battReset", false) } } private checkIntervalEvent(text) { // Device wakes up every 1 hours, this interval allows us to miss one wakeup notification before marking offline log.debug "${device.displayName}: Configured health checkInterval when ${text}()" sendEvent(name: "checkInterval", value: 2 * 60 * 60 + 2 * 60, displayed: false, data: [protocol: "zigbee", hubHardwareId: device.hub.hardwareID]) } def formatDate(batteryReset) { def correctedTimezone = "" def timeString = clockformat ? "HH:mm:ss" : "h:mm:ss aa" // If user's hub timezone is not set, display error messages in log and events log, and set timezone to GMT to avoid errors if (!(location.timeZone)) { correctedTimezone = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT") log.error "${device.displayName}: Time Zone not set, so GMT was used. Please set up your location in the SmartThings mobile app." sendEvent(name: "error", value: "", descriptionText: "ERROR: Time Zone not set, so GMT was used. Please set up your location in the SmartThings mobile app.") } else { correctedTimezone = location.timeZone } if (dateformat == "US" || dateformat == "" || dateformat == null) { if (batteryReset) return new Date().format("MMM dd yyyy", correctedTimezone) else return new Date().format("EEE MMM dd yyyy ${timeString}", correctedTimezone) } else if (dateformat == "UK") { if (batteryReset) return new Date().format("dd MMM yyyy", correctedTimezone) else return new Date().format("EEE dd MMM yyyy ${timeString}", correctedTimezone) } else { if (batteryReset) return new Date().format("yyyy MMM dd", correctedTimezone) else return new Date().format("EEE yyyy MMM dd ${timeString}", correctedTimezone) } }