FROM debian:bullseye-slim as builder RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qq --no-install-recommends qemu-user-static #FROM arm32v7/python:3.9.7-slim-bullseye as cryptographybuilder #COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static #RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qq --no-install-recommends build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev rustc #RUN pip install cryptography==3.3.2 # We use a prebuilt image, because our builder on circleci timeout after 1H and the build take too long FROM builder as cryptographybuilder RUN apt-get install -qq --no-install-recommends wget ENV CRYPTO_TAR="cryptography-3.3.2-pip-arm32v7.tar" RUN mkdir -p /root/.cache && cd /root/.cache && \ wget -qO ${CRYPTO_TAR} "${CRYPTO_TAR}" && \ echo "c7dde603057aaa0cb35582dba59ad487262e7f562640867545b1960afaf4f2e4 ${CRYPTO_TAR}" | sha256sum -c - && \ tar -xvf "${CRYPTO_TAR}" && \ rm "${CRYPTO_TAR}" FROM arm32v7/python:3.9.7-slim-bullseye COPY --from=builder /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static /usr/bin/qemu-arm-static COPY --from=cryptographybuilder /root/.cache /root/.cache RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qq --no-install-recommends curl tini sudo procps vim git iproute2 \ build-essential automake pkg-config libtool libgmp-dev libltdl-dev python3-dev virtualenv python3-pip supervisor && \ rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* ENV REPO ENV REPO_REF v0.9.4 WORKDIR /src RUN git clone "$REPO" . --depth=10 --branch "$REPO_REF" && git checkout "$REPO_REF" RUN ./ --disable-secp-check --without-qt ENV DATADIR /root/.joinmarket ENV CONFIG ${DATADIR}/joinmarket.cfg ENV DEFAULT_CONFIG /root/default.cfg ENV DEFAULT_AUTO_START /root/autostart ENV AUTO_START ${DATADIR}/autostart ENV ENV_FILE "${DATADIR}/.env" RUN . jmvenv/bin/activate && cd /src/scripts && \ (python generate || true) \ && cp "${CONFIG}" "${DEFAULT_CONFIG}" WORKDIR /src/scripts COPY . COPY *.sh ./ COPY autostart /root/ COPY supervisor-conf/*.conf /etc/supervisor/conf.d/ ENV PATH /src/scripts:$PATH EXPOSE 62601 8080 ENTRYPOINT [ "tini", "-g", "--", "./" ]