MANDELBULBER 2.31 1. What is Mandelbulber ----------------------- In summary, Mandelbulber generates three-dimensional fractals. Explore trigonometric, hyper-complex, Mandelbox, IFS, Kleinian and many other 3D fractals. Render with a great palette of customizable materials to create stunning images and videos. The possibilities are literally i n f i n i t e ! 2. Project Members and Links ---------------------------- PROJECT LEADER: Krzysztof Marczak PROJECT MEMBERS: Sebastian Jennen, Graeme McLaren, Bernardo Martelli, Robert Pancoast, knighty, makemeunsee, Marius Schilder, Ryan Hitchman, Jeff Epler, Martin Reinecke, Quazgaa, Adrian Meyer github:rikardfalkeborn, github:orbitcowboy, github:brunetton, github:biberino, github:luchansky, github:jeroenrijckaert, github:KoviRobi, github:psyriccio, github:valera-rozuvan, github:probonopd, github:mia-0, github:gitter-badger, github:danuni, github:Starmute CONTACT: DOWNLOAD: DEVELOPMENT: COMMUNITY: FANSITE: LICENCE: GNU GPL v3.0 3. REQUIREMENTS --------------- - Linux OS with installed Qt 5 libraries (version >5.7) - very fast CPU (recommended 3GHz, 4 cores) - 4GB RAM 4. COMPILING stable version --------------------------- 4.1. Compilation with qmake packages needed to RUN Ubuntu: libqt5gui5 libpng16-16, libgsl2 liblzo2-2 libgomp1 libqt5multimedia5 libqt5multimedia5-plugins libsndfile1 liblzo2-2 libqt5concurrent5 Debian Bullseye: libQt5Widgets libQt5Multimedia libQt5Test libQt5Concurrent packages needed to COMPILE qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev libqt5gui5 qtmultimedia5-dev libpng-dev libgsl-dev libsndfile1-dev liblzo2-dev qtdeclarative5-dev Installing packages on Ubuntu, Debian stable (bookworm) or Mint: sudo apt-get install build-essential qtbase5-dev \ qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qttools5-dev libqt5gui5 qtmultimedia5-dev \ libpng16-16 libpng-dev libgomp1 libgsl-dev libsndfile1-dev libqt5multimedia5-plugins \ liblzo2-2 liblzo2-dev qtdeclarative5-dev libqt5concurrent5 Compiling from source: cd makefiles qmake make all cd .. 4.2. Alternative compilation with cmake note: compilation with cmake is only beta and not feature complete In order to compile OpenEXR with cmake the ECM should be present to install on Debian / Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install extra-cmake-modules 4.3. Optional packages TIFF: install libtiff5-dev to have TIFF format support EXR: install libopenexr-dev to have EXR format support QGAMEPAD: for gamepad support qt is required in version 5.7 and above 4.3.2 OpenCL Mandelbulber can utilize OpenCL to accelerate rendering. To compile Mandelbulber with OpenCL support, the headers need to be present. To use an OpenCL device you need to install a current driver for the CPU/GPU. required packages: opencl-headers ocl-icd-libopencl1 ocl-icd-opencl-dev Compiling from source: cd makefiles qmake make all cd .. 4.4 Installation Run the install script: ./install (This will also run the compilation if program was not compiled) 5. COMPILING development version -------------------------------- Get actual code from GitHub: git clone Install all needed packages to compile the program listed in section 4.1 and 4.3 5.1 Compile the program and install to /usr (/usr/bin, /usr/share...) Clone git repository git clone Compiling from source: cd mandelbulber2/mandelbulber2/qmake qmake (or qmake for OpenCL version) make -j4 installation in the system: sudo make install run: mandelbulber2 5.2 Compile and install the program to custom location (example for /usr/local) Compiling from source. PREFIX specifies where the program will be installed. qmake PREFIX=/usr/local make -j4 installation in specified directory: sudo make install run: /usr/local/bin/mandelbulber2 5.3 Compile and install the program to custom location and specify custom program data directory. SHARED_PATH specifies where the program will look for data files. Create directory for the program: mkdir mandelbulberStandalone Compiling from source (example): qmake SHARED_PATH="/tmp/customDataDirectory" PREFIX=/tmp/mandelbulber make -j8 installation in specified directory: make install 6. TESTED ON ------------ - Debian Trixie x64 - Ubuntu 22 - gcc 12.2 - clang 14.0.6 - msvc19 - Qt 5.15.8, Qt 6.3 7. USAGE -------- The main documentation is the PDF file Mandelbulber_Manual.pdf, which you can find in this very folder. Also you can open it from Mandelbulber under: [Menu > Help > User Manual] A lot of useful information you can find in the tooltips. Just hover with the mouse pointer over the edit fields. More useful material can be found in the wiki documentation for old Mandelbulber (v1) here: 8. COMMAND LINE INTERFACE ------------------------- The program can be used "headless" from the console. This way the program can be integrated in scripts or toolchains and even be run without a x-server completely. Usage: ./mandelbulber2 [options] settings_file Options: -h, --help Displays this help. -v, --version Displays version information. -n, --nogui Starts the program without a GUI. -o, --output Saves rendered image(s) to this file / folder. --logfilepath Specify custom system log filepath (default is: ~/.mandelbulber_log.txt). -K, --keyframe Renders keyframe animation. -F, --flight Renders flight animation. -X, --never-delete Never delete data, instead Exit CLI application. -s, --start Starts rendering from frame number . -e, --end Stops rendering on frame number . -L, --list Lists all possible parameters '' with corresponding default value ''. -f, --format Image output format: jpg - JPEG format (default) png - PNG format exr - EXR format tiff - TIFF format Legacy formats for still frames: png16 - 16-bit PNG format png16alpha - 16-bit PNG with alpha channel format -r, --res Overrides image resolution. Specify as width and height separated by 'x' --fpk Overrides frames per key parameter. -S, --server Sets application as a server listening for clients. -H, --host Sets application as a client connected to server of given host address (Host can be of type IPv4, IPv6 and Domain name address). -p, --port Sets network port number for netrender (default 5555). -C, --no-cli-color Starts program without ANSI colors, when execution on CLI. -q, --queue Renders all images from common queue. -t, --test Runs testcases on the mandelbulber instance -b, --benchmark Runs benchmarks on the mandelbulber instance, specify optional parameter difficulty (1 -> very easy, > 20 -> very hard, 10 -> default). When [output] option is set to a folder, the example-test images will be stored there. -T, --touch Resaves a settings file (can be used to update a settings file) -V, --voxel Renders the voxel volume. Output formats are: slice - stack of PNG images into one folder (default) ply - Polygon File Format (single 3d file) -O, --override <...> overrides item '' from settings file with new value ''. Specify multiple KEY=VALUE pairs by separating with a '#': . Quote whole expression to avoid whitespace parsing issues Override fractal parameter in the form 'fractal_KEY=VALUE' with being index of fractal --stats Shows statistics while rendering in CLI mode. -g, --gpu Runs the program in opencl mode and selects first available gpu device. -G, --gpuall Runs the program in opencl mode and selects all available gpu devices. --help-input Shows help about input. --help-examples Shows example commands. --help-opencl Shows commands regarding OpenCL. Arguments: settings_file file with fractal settings (program also tries to find file in ./mandelbulber/settings directory) When settings_file is put as a command line argument then program will start in noGUI mode can also be specified as a list, see all options with --help-input